======================== #fdio-meeting: FD.io TSC ======================== Meeting started by dwallacelf at 16:00:14 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/fdio-meeting/2025/fd_io_tsc/fdio-meeting-fd_io_tsc.2025-02-13-16.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll Call / Agenda Bashing (dwallacelf, 16:00:53) * Matt Smith (mgsmith, 16:00:59) * Vratko Polak proxying for Maciek Konstantynowicz. (vrpolak, 16:01:24) * Fan Zhang (fan_zhang, 16:01:27) * Action Items (dwallacelf, 16:02:37) * Jeff Shaw (JeffShaw, 16:02:39) * valderrv (valderrv, 16:02:51) * ACTION: Dave to discuss having Marvell present their goals and proposal at VPP Community meeting and/or TSC (dwallacelf, 16:03:24) * Infra (dwallacelf, 16:03:48) * ConnectX-7 ETA some time beyond end of Feb (dwallacelf, 16:05:43) * NVidia folks trying to supply loaners until order is filled (dwallacelf, 16:06:04) * Marvell DPUs testbed onboarding continuing (dwallacelf, 16:07:25) * AMD still awol wrt to new equipment.  Zen2 testbeds to be removed during this years upgrade cycle. (dwallacelf, 16:08:46) * Minor outage of CI/CD pipeline today due to Vexxhost. Fixed. (dwallacelf, 16:12:13) * Intermittent response delays with mediawiki.  May be best to migrate to either Confluence cloud or GIthub Wiki. (dwallacelf, 16:17:41) * Naveen will be working on migration from Jenkins to Github Actions as well as taking over some maintenance tasks in the CI (dwallacelf, 16:29:05) * Documentation (dwallacelf, 16:29:58) * discussing TAC's focus on improving documentation across LFN projects (dwallacelf, 16:30:23) * LFN testing consolidation of slack style communications onto a zuilp chat server run by LF-iT (dwallacelf, 16:34:03) * LINK: https://lfnetworking.zulipchat.com/join/4ombcail6wmz5vmctzpcunfx/ (dwallacelf, 16:34:21) * this is currenting in early testing at the above link ^^^ (dwallacelf, 16:34:52) Meeting ended at 16:35:00 UTC. People present (lines said) --------------------------- * dwallacelf (19) * collab-meetbot (12) * mgsmith (1) * valderrv (1) * vrpolak (1) * fan_zhang (1) * JeffShaw (1) * edwarnicke (0) * JoelHalpern (0) * mackonstan (0) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4