16:00:52 <dwallacelf> #startmeeting FD.io TSC 16:00:52 <collab-meetbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 27 16:00:52 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dwallacelf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:52 <collab-meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:52 <collab-meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fd_io_tsc' 16:01:02 <fan_zhang> #info Fan Zhang 16:01:27 <vrpolak> #info Vratko Polak. 16:01:32 <dwallacelf> #topic Roll Call / Agenda Bashing 16:02:27 <JoelHalpern> #info Joel Halpern 16:02:30 <dwallacelf> #chair dwallacelf edwarnicke JoelHalpern mackonstan mgsmith valderrv vrpolak fan_zhang 16:02:30 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: dwallacelf 16:02:30 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: edwarnicke 16:02:30 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: JoelHalpern 16:02:30 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: mackonstan 16:02:30 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: mgsmith 16:02:30 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: valderrv 16:02:30 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: vrpolak 16:02:30 <collab-meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: fan_zhang 16:02:30 <collab-meetbot> Current chairs: JoelHalpern dwallacelf edwarnicke fan_zhang mackonstan mgsmith valderrv vrpolak 16:03:20 <JeffShaw> #info Jeff Shaw 16:03:27 <valderrv> #info valderrv 16:03:43 <dwallacelf> #chair dwallacelf edwarnicke JoelHalpern mackonstan mgsmith valderrv vrpolak fan_zhang 16:03:43 <collab-meetbot> Current chairs: JoelHalpern dwallacelf edwarnicke fan_zhang mackonstan mgsmith valderrv vrpolak 16:04:30 <dwallacelf> #topic Action Items 16:05:27 <dwallacelf> #info zulip trial is ongoing. please sign up and start using it and provide feedback to Casey. 16:05:43 <dwallacelf> #link https://lfnetworking.zulipchat.com/join/zxg3rwgwf3n5rgxdjwimhab2/ 16:06:42 <dwallacelf> #info Linux Foundation is going to standardize on zulip with single sign-on for chat services 16:07:35 <mgsmith> #info Matt Smith 16:12:09 <dwallacelf> #action Vanessa and Casey to meet and agree on process to migrate slack channels to zulip 16:14:02 <dwallacelf> #action Casey & Vanessa to report when LFNetworking single sign-on will be implemented for zulip 16:14:21 <dwallacelf> #topic Infra 16:18:44 <dwallacelf> #info CSIT testbeds are in the same state of onboarding (EMR in prod, Marvell DPU's onboarding progressing, ConnectX-7 loaner cards being worked on with NVidia, Vexxhost, and CSIT 16:19:41 <dwallacelf> #VPP 25.02 Release happened yesterday -- another on-time release! 16:21:31 <mackonstan> #info Maciek Konstantynowicz 16:25:04 <dwallacelf> #topic Events 16:28:43 <dwallacelf> #info ONE Summit on March 31, currently no FD.io talks. Maciek has volunteered to help LFN at Kubecon booth 16:30:07 <dwallacelf> #action Dave to remind Jill at next FD.io Marketing meeting to get Maciek a pass & schedule for booth duty 16:30:28 <dwallacelf> #topic LFN TAC/SPC/GB Updates 16:31:18 <dwallacelf> #info TAC is starting a monthly review of LFN Projects with a new wiki page for status updates 16:31:39 <dwallacelf> #link https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LN/pages/334888995/TAC+Project+Status 16:32:37 <dwallacelf> #action Dave to provide update before the next TAC meeting next Wednesday 3/5/2025 16:32:46 <dwallacelf> #endmeeting