16:00:06 <DaveBarach> #startmeeting fdio vpp 16:00:06 <collabot> Meeting started Tue Jan 31 16:00:06 2017 UTC. The chair is DaveBarach. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:06 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:06 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'fdio_vpp' 16:02:21 <jong> #topic agenda additions 16:02:26 <dwallacelf> #info Dave Wallace 16:02:55 <tfherbert> #info Tom Herbert 16:04:23 <jong> #topic CSIT - Maciek reporting 16:04:32 <valderrv> #info Vanessa Valderrama 16:05:18 <jong> #info some infra issues are blocking publishing docs on fd.io.. 16:05:56 <jong> #action Vanessa will look into CSIT publishing doc issue 16:06:33 <jong> #topic Honeycomb - Marek reporting 16:06:42 <jong> #info HC 17.01 was successfully released 16:07:25 <jong> #info HC VPP artifacts are in the repo 16:08:09 <jong> #topic NSH - Keith B. 16:08:22 <jong> #info not much update as Chinese new year yesterday 16:09:11 <jong> #info some header matching issue... Keith B. will look to track down 16:09:22 <jong> #topic LISP - Florin reporting 16:09:28 <jong> #info doing more API fixing 16:10:01 <jong> #info using BETR option for LISP// 16:11:22 <jong> #info will write more instructions in the wiki 16:17:11 <jong> #info expanding LISP to support NSH as payload.. for iOAM 16:17:43 <jong> #info this may require some rewrite within VPP FIB 16:17:59 <jong> #topic Sandbox - no reporting 16:18:07 <jong> #topic TLDK - Keith W. reporting 16:18:31 <jong> #info on schedule to release soon 16:18:37 <jong> #info still meetings on Fridays 16:18:52 <jong> #topic DPDK packaging - Tom H. reporting 16:19:12 <jong> #info meeting tomorrow. continuing discussion. nothing new at the moment 16:19:21 <jong> #topic Infra - Vanessa reporting 16:20:05 <jong> #info other than the vpp artifact issue, operating as expected 16:20:46 <jong> #topic Vagrant - Dave Wallace reporting 16:21:28 <jong> #info in progress to make this work on all the supported OS 16:23:25 <jong> #info need someone who has access to VMWare to verify. Keith B will take a look. 16:23:49 <BillyM> #info RPM-DPDK Packaging meeting today, not tomorrow. 16:28:59 <jong> #info looking to incorporate box? files into CSIT weekly jobs 16:31:17 <jong> #topic Damjan topics 16:32:00 <jong> #info just submitted to gerrit. put -2. (buffer cloning) would like people to review and provide feedback. 16:35:03 <jong> #info Sergio submitted patch 16:36:11 <jong> #info VPP 17.01 - too early to respin. let's wait a week or two. 16:36:51 <jong> #action Keith B. will submit the patch on noinst_HEADERS 16:38:14 <jong> #action clarity in fd.io landing page - for release info 16:42:26 <jong> #topic 17.04 release planning 16:42:39 <jong> #link https://wiki.fd.io/view/Projects/vpp/Release_Plans/Release_Plan_17.04 16:43:02 <jong> #topic Static Analysis - DB 16:43:42 <jong> #info see latest Coverity Run results. 16:43:48 <jong> #link https://scan.coverity.com/projects/fd-io-vpp 16:49:36 <jong> #action Chris L. to file help desk ticket re email alias for Coverity runs 16:50:13 <jong> #topic Code Base activity 16:50:22 <jong> #info 49 merged, up from 30 last week 16:50:34 <jong> #topic - other topics 16:50:57 <jong> #info DB looking into snort 16:53:10 <DaveBarach> #endmeeting