13:01:16 <morgan_orange> #startmeeting integration weekly meeting 11/11/2019 13:01:16 <collabot`> Meeting started Wed Sep 11 13:01:16 2019 UTC. The chair is morgan_orange. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:16 <collabot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:16 <collabot`> The meeting name has been set to 'integration_weekly_meeting_11_11_2019' 13:01:36 <morgan_orange> #topic call role 13:02:39 <morgan_orange> #info Eric Multanen 13:03:31 <morgan_orange> ##info Brian 13:04:27 <morgan_orange> #info marcin 13:04:30 <morgan_orange> #info Marco 13:04:36 <morgan_orange> #info Mariusz 13:04:42 <morgan_orange> #info Michal Ptacek 13:04:48 <morgan_orange> #info Tomas Levora 13:04:52 <morgan_orange> #info Yuriy 13:06:51 <morgan_orange> #topic Action point follow-up 13:09:38 <morgan_orange> #info CI vith KaaS via LF: on its way, LF IT indicated that they had a Cloud provider able to provide that (vexhost) 13:09:49 <morgan_orange> #link https://vexxhost.com/ 13:10:07 <morgan_orange> #info CSIT changes (grooming): in progress, presentation done during the PTL meeting 13:10:18 <morgan_orange> #link https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/PTL+2019-09-09?preview=/68547510/68548640/integration_CSIT_for_PTL.pdf 13:11:02 <morgan_orange> #info some jjbs have been disabled - mail sent to PTL for remaining errors 13:11:15 <morgan_orange> #link https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/integration/csit/+/95349 13:11:20 <morgan_orange> #info Multi-Arch 13:11:35 <morgan_orange> #info no update. topic introduced during last PTL meeting. 13:11:45 <morgan_orange> #topic El Alto 13:12:53 <morgan_orange> #info Healthchecks: APPC and Portal healthcheck tracked in JIRA 13:20:54 <morgan_orange> #info APPC problem problably in ccsdk JIRA 13:21:07 <morgan_orange> #info question on master daily in Orange: is it public? 13:21:29 <morgan_orange> #info the answer is yes (pipelines in gitlab.com executed in Orange premises) 13:21:42 <morgan_orange> #link http://testresults.opnfv.org/onap-beta/index.html 13:21:52 <morgan_orange> #info this link provides a high level view of the different CI available 13:29:02 <morgan_orange> #info the daily master Orange public pipeline can be found in https://orange-opensource.gitlab.io/lfn/ci_cd/chained-ci/ 13:29:28 <morgan_orange> #info Ornage master daily test results: https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/lfn/onap/xtesting-onap/pipelines 13:29:49 <morgan_orange> #info first gating on SO including docker build in progress. 13:31:21 <morgan_orange> #info we add extra resources as LF is not able to provide a KaaS to extend capabilities 13:32:20 <morgan_orange> #info brian asks if we have to review jjb to build docker => morgan: for the moment wait and see, unofficial try. One more service done in gitlab.com and not in LF with jenkins jobs. 13:32:51 <morgan_orange> #aciton Brian Morgan pla some status during ONS with SO team on experimental SO gating 13:32:56 <morgan_orange> #undo 13:32:56 <collabot`> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2100050> 13:33:03 <morgan_orange> #action Brian Morgan pla some status during ONS with SO team on experimental SO gating 13:33:15 <morgan_orange> #topic Frankfurt 13:35:01 <morgan_orange> #info ONAP F2F unconf to be planned in Antwer to finalize Frankfurt priorities 13:35:30 <morgan_orange> #action brian plan an unconference for integration team in Antwerp 13:36:28 <morgan_orange> #info question on GR_API: shall we port everything on GR_API for Frankfurt. Migration to Python3 will be also mandatory 13:37:42 <morgan_orange> #topic el alto release: release planned end of september 13:37:46 <morgan_orange> #undo 13:37:46 <collabot`> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Topic object at 0x2233850> 13:37:53 <morgan_orange> #topic el alto release 13:38:01 <morgan_orange> #info planned for end of september 13:38:36 <morgan_orange> #info still waiting for some updated versions from the projects 13:38:50 <morgan_orange> #info pair wise testing making progress 13:39:14 <morgan_orange> #link https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/0%3A+Integration+Weather+Board+for+El+Alto+Release 13:45:30 <morgan_orange> #info blocking points: only 1 so far sdc-be - several problems with workarounds 13:46:25 <morgan_orange> #link https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/1%3A+El+Alto+Release+Integration+Test+Blocking+Issues 13:55:48 <morgan_orange> #info morgan indicates we should converge to more fully automated testcase with setup and teardown independent from the ONAP installation to integrate more use cases in CI chains 13:55:52 <morgan_orange> #topic round table 13:56:58 <morgan_orange> #info Yuriy working on CDS automation => create a JIRA story 13:57:11 <morgan_orange> #action Yuriy create a Story on CDS integration testing automation 13:59:06 <morgan_orange> #info Brian indicates we are late on testsuite / demo branching 13:59:30 <morgan_orange> #info demo is used for a PoC => deadline before branching 14:00:10 <morgan_orange> #info still possible to add stuff in demo for el alto 14:01:12 <morgan_orange> #info Azure extra capabilities used for testing by ATT (not an openlab) 14:02:03 <morgan_orange> #info question on vCPE testing => needs last version of SO first, appc needed only at the end 14:02:50 <morgan_orange> #info Marco indicates that the heat template can be reviewed to improve the stability of the use case 14:04:09 <morgan_orange> #endmeeting