16:57:07 <moizer> #startmeeting Hackers call
16:57:07 <odl_meetbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 14 16:57:07 2014 UTC.  The chair is moizer. Information about MeetBot at http://ci.openstack.org/meetbot.html.
16:57:07 <odl_meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
16:57:07 <odl_meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'hackers_call'
16:58:14 <moizer> #info going through outstanding gerrits
16:58:36 <moizer> #info going through Helium-1 bugs
16:58:52 <moizer> #info going through Lithium bugs
16:59:14 <moizer> #info discussion on 2-Node cluster
16:59:26 <moizer> #action Create a bug for 2-Node cluster
16:59:50 <moizer> #info discussion on What should an application do when availability is lost?
17:00:21 <moizer> #action Create  a bug to create services for applications to use when availability is lost
17:00:46 <moizer> #info decided on agenda for these weekly meetings
17:01:01 <moizer> #info meetings will start with going through outstanding gerrits
17:01:25 <moizer> #info followed by bug review for Helium-1
17:01:54 <moizer> #info followed by a Topic for the week
17:02:26 <moizer> #action Topic of the Week for week for the meeting on 10/21/2014 will be 2-node clusters
17:02:56 <moizer> #action Luis will get a one-node cluster tested in the ODL build infra
17:03:21 <moizer> #action Luis/Jan to baseline performance for clustering on 10/16/2014
17:04:33 <moizer> #endmeeting