#opendaylight-docs: docs

Meeting started by colindixon at 20:11:53 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. action items (colindixon, 20:12:02)
    1. ACTION: colindixon to help lisa caywood hunt people down and get the openstack docs updated (colindixon, 20:12:15)
    2. ACTION: CaseyODL, colindixon, Lisa and beau to compare notes on what tutorials we're looking for and what we have (colindixon, 20:13:04)
    3. ACTION: colindixon to work with anipbu to figure out how to provide new or updated information for new projects and/or new features (colindixon, 20:13:07)
    4. ACTION: colindixon to run the release notes script for Boron SR1 and SR2 (colindixon, 20:13:52)
    5. ACTION: colindixon to add a section to the release notes script to at least put in a TBD for security advisories (colindixon, 20:14:15)
    6. ACTION: colindixon to add a bug to add a separate job to run the release notes generator (colindixon, 20:15:37)

Meeting ended at 20:16:02 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. colindixon to help lisa caywood hunt people down and get the openstack docs updated
  2. CaseyODL, colindixon, Lisa and beau to compare notes on what tutorials we're looking for and what we have
  3. colindixon to work with anipbu to figure out how to provide new or updated information for new projects and/or new features
  4. colindixon to run the release notes script for Boron SR1 and SR2
  5. colindixon to add a section to the release notes script to at least put in a TBD for security advisories
  6. colindixon to add a bug to add a separate job to run the release notes generator

Action items, by person

  1. colindixon
    1. colindixon to help lisa caywood hunt people down and get the openstack docs updated
    2. CaseyODL, colindixon, Lisa and beau to compare notes on what tutorials we're looking for and what we have
    3. colindixon to work with anipbu to figure out how to provide new or updated information for new projects and/or new features
    4. colindixon to run the release notes script for Boron SR1 and SR2
    5. colindixon to add a section to the release notes script to at least put in a TBD for security advisories
    6. colindixon to add a bug to add a separate job to run the release notes generator

People present (lines said)

  1. colindixon (15)
  2. odl_meetbot (6)

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