16:58:31 #startmeeting TSC 16:58:31 Meeting started Thu Jul 24 16:58:31 2014 UTC. The chair is phrobb. Information about MeetBot at http://ci.openstack.org/meetbot.html. 16:58:31 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:58:31 The meeting name has been set to 'tsc' 16:58:38 #info dmm 16:58:57 two minutes early! 16:58:58 wow 16:59:01 #topic TSC Members please #info in 16:59:09 #info Lenrow 16:59:13 howdy y'all 16:59:31 #info Kent Watsen 17:00:02 #chair colindixon regXboi 17:00:02 Current chairs: colindixon phrobb regXboi 17:00:13 regXboi: Chaired again 17:00:19 #info edwarnicke 17:00:29 Anyone else want to help take notes?… just let me know 17:00:39 * alagalah Goes quiet 17:00:41 “:p 17:01:05 #info charis price 17:01:15 * ChrisPriceAB new sudonim 17:01:36 #chair alagalah 17:01:36 Current chairs: alagalah colindixon phrobb regXboi 17:01:58 Thanks for volunteering alagalah :-) 17:02:03 i'm in the IETF lounge on the18th floor - will be on mute most of the time 17:02:42 edwarnicke: Is running a few minutes late on audio 17:03:28 #info regXboi 17:03:28 phrobb: lol 17:03:57 #topic upcoming events 17:04:30 #info there’s the OpenFlow World Congress in Dusseldorf which there’s a call for papers open 17:04:44 #info there’s also a hackfest there which we’re organizing 17:04:53 Can you #link the website ? 17:05:04 links on the agenda 17:05:08 #info this is a big event for us, please reach out to ChrisPriceAB as he’s coordinating our efforts there 17:05:18 alagalah: working 17:05:33 #link https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/TSC:Main the agenda for this whole meeting 17:05:56 colindixon: I was talking about the forum dude 17:05:59 #link http://www.opendaylight.org/events/2014-10-14/opendaylight-mini-summit-sdn-openflow-world-congress ODL minisummit at OFWC 17:06:07 #link http://www.opendaylight.org/events/2014-10-13/opendaylight-d%C3%BCsseldorf-hackfest hackfest 17:06:15 colindixon: got it, sorry 17:06:26 #link http://www.opendaylight.org/events/2014-09-29/opendaylight-developer-design-forum developer design forum 17:07:03 #topic committer additions to openflowplugin 17:07:05 I provided the links for what you need over here in the agenda on https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/TSC:Main#Agenda_Summary 17:07:29 dmm: apologies, didn't get a chance to check... bouncing between meetings 17:07:38 #info two people (Anil Vishnoi and Ed Warnicke) are up 17:08:02 #info RobDolin proxy for Rajeev Nagar (MSFT) 17:08:04 #info 5 of 6 committers have voted in favor of this 17:08:30 #link https://lists.opendaylight.org/pipermail/tsc/2014-July/001451.html this thread showing the voting 17:08:41 #vote +1 17:08:46 dlenrow: wait 17:08:56 #startvote Shall Anil Vishnoi be promoted to committer on the OpenFlow Plugin Project? -1, 0, +1 17:08:56 Begin voting on: Shall Anil Vishnoi be promoted to committer on the OpenFlow Plugin Project? Valid vote options are -1, 0, +1. 17:08:56 Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 17:08:56 phrobb: needs to start a vote 17:09:05 #vote +1 17:09:08 #vote +1 17:09:08 #vote +1 17:09:09 #vote +1 17:09:10 #vote +1 17:09:11 #vote +1 17:09:12 #vote +1 17:09:26 #endvote 17:09:26 Voted on "Shall Anil Vishnoi be promoted to committer on the OpenFlow Plugin Project?" Results are 17:09:26 +1 (7): dmm, dlenrow, regXboi, edwarnicke, ChrisPriceAB, kwatsen, RobDolin 17:09:38 #startvote Shall Ed Warnicke be promoted to committer on the OpenFlow Plugin Project? -1, 0, +1 17:09:38 Begin voting on: Shall Ed Warnicke be promoted to committer on the OpenFlow Plugin Project? Valid vote options are -1, 0, +1. 17:09:38 Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 17:09:43 #vote +1 17:09:43 #vote +1 17:09:44 #vote +1 17:09:45 #vote 0 17:09:51 #vote +1 17:09:59 #vote +1 17:10:05 #vote +1 17:10:08 #endvote 17:10:08 Voted on "Shall Ed Warnicke be promoted to committer on the OpenFlow Plugin Project?" Results are 17:10:08 0 (1): edwarnicke 17:10:08 +1 (6): dlenrow, regXboi, dmm, ChrisPriceAB, kwatsen, RobDolin 17:10:25 phrobb: you can nab the #agreed 17:10:38 yea 17:10:47 and I’ll do the #topic after that 17:10:54 and then you can do the #startvote 17:11:04 #agreed Anil Vishnoi is promoted to committer on OpenFlow Plugin project 17:11:23 #agreed Ed Warnicke is promoted to Committer on OpenFlow Plugin project 17:11:39 #topic Chris O’Shea to committer on integration 17:11:58 #link https://lists.opendaylight.org/pipermail/tsc/2014-July/001454.html evidence of 8 of 10 committers voting yes 17:12:00 #startvote Shall Chris O’Shea be promoted to committer on the Integration Project? -1, 0, +1 17:12:00 Begin voting on: Shall Chris O’Shea be promoted to committer on the Integration Project? Valid vote options are -1, 0, +1. 17:12:00 Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 17:12:09 Maybe they were on vaca 17:12:15 #vote +1 17:12:18 #vote +1 17:12:18 #vote +1 17:12:19 #vote +1 17:12:20 #vote +1 17:12:27 #vote +1 17:12:30 #info he’s done a lot of work on providing mock interfaces in the project which has be helpful 17:12:37 #endvote 17:12:37 Voted on "Shall Chris O’Shea be promoted to committer on the Integration Project?" Results are 17:12:37 +1 (6): dlenrow, regXboi, dmm, edwarnicke, kwatsen, RobDolin 17:12:47 #agreed Chris O’Shea is promoted to committer on the Integration Project. 17:13:05 #topic board vote on modifications to TSC charter (and at large election updates) 17:13:35 #topic stable hydrogen release progress 17:14:01 * regXboi has very bad audio today 17:14:04 * regXboi staying on mute 17:14:29 * regXboi can't really hear the question 17:14:34 please put it in IRC 17:14:39 can you give the update in IRC quickly? 17:14:50 #info pretty much everybody has +1'd 17:14:55 edwarnicke: volunteers to be the ventriloquist dummy 17:15:05 do we know who the stragglers are? 17:15:06 #info there are a few gaps and we may need to remove the folks who haven't 17:15:18 regXboi: Who hasn't? 17:15:20 #info in future hydrogen/stable 17:15:24 #info looking 17:15:51 #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13MBWx3kcevlGGla0zIYS312xvjnJHH2i5X2fGOYMesw/edit#gid=0 17:16:09 #info Defense4All and Affinity are gaps 17:17:28 #info edwarnicke sent email to Defense4All and they are not planning to participate in Hydrogen release 17:17:44 we can hear you fine 17:18:04 I'm back 17:18:36 minor surgery if karaf 17:19:01 right, I meant *if* we had karaf 17:19:24 #info Chris Wright 17:19:53 #info colindixon asks if we can interpret this as n-2 yes votes and 2 don’t care votes and just ship it 17:20:14 edwarnicke: can you say that again? 17:21:16 #info dmm says, as cdub suggests, sending something out the door that has “stable” on it with something like that seems bad 17:21:30 drop me from the queue 17:22:04 drop me from the queue also. 17:22:40 #info regXboi says there are two options: (1) drop those projects and ship without them [edwarnicke is working on the mechanics to do that], (2) ship the release with them as is 17:23:34 we may want to ship these projects with Hydrogen code only? 17:23:56 #info edwarnicke would like it known that doing the mechanics is should not be interpretted as a particular position one way or another 17:24:13 #info dmm asks what does it mean that all the documentation, release info, etc. lists these two projects as part of hydrogen, but they’re not in the stable hydrogen release 17:25:40 ambiguous dave, sorry 17:26:15 #action dlenrow to figure out if he can unstick affinity for the stable release over the next week 17:27:02 poking cloudtoad on affinity now 17:28:43 #info regXboi and colindixon point out that we should probably make it explicit that participating in a simultaneous release means meaningfully participating in the stable releases 17:30:05 cdub: Could you #info in what you just said on the call so I can second it :) 17:30:12 cdub: can you scribe that into this channel? 17:30:17 I couldn't hear half of it 17:30:21 #info cdub clarifies that we don’t need projects to fix bugs (they might not have any) but they do need to provide testing feedback that they haven’t regressed 17:30:30 cdub: is that the short version? 17:30:33 #info yes, I +1 that 17:30:34 colindixon: yup 17:30:43 #info second cdub's points 17:30:56 colindixon: thanks for scribing 17:31:02 many thanks to dlenrow for contacting the affinity folks 17:32:39 #info currently, we know that Defense4All does not intend to participate in the hydrogen stable release, by next week we will know yes or no for Affinity (or we will declare that they are not) 17:33:09 #info question: do we need to look at projects having CI jenkins jobs so these questions become moot in the future? 17:33:23 * regXboi raises hand for above question 17:33:36 regXboi: I think you probably do want to have a human in the loop for testing 17:33:58 regXboi: yes, that's what i was trying to say 17:34:08 cdub: I thought that might be it 17:35:00 cdub: +1 17:35:31 to be clear, don’t they have tests and we’re running them, and they’re passing 17:35:37 right? 17:35:38 LuisGomez: 17:36:12 colindixon is that for Defense4All or Affinity ? 17:36:24 CASP3R: both? but really affinity? 17:36:50 Defense4All i have tested that and it should be fine as they only use flow programmer and flow stats 17:37:03 #info colindixon asks what are we going to do next week with the information we have next week? drop them if they’re not participating? or include them as is if they’re not participating? 17:37:06 CASP3R: You are a rock star 17:37:07 Affinity i don't believe we do any testing 17:37:31 yes 17:37:55 #info CASP3R says he’s tested Defense4All and they pass 17:38:12 Ok i change +1 for Defense4all 17:38:20 we should probably ask the project to plus-one based on CASP3R's feedback 17:38:20 CASP3R: does Affinity have any tests? 17:38:28 not that i know of 17:38:30 cdub: I would agree 17:38:37 #info Nils Swart says he'll reach out to DMM to clarify Affinity status 17:38:39 Affinity no test whatsoever, D4A Chris did 17:38:39 (as in...slippery slope to randomly +1 other project) 17:38:40 I did that 17:38:53 #info CASP3R says Affinity has no tests 17:39:22 colindixon: cdub +1 to that 17:39:54 #info cdub points out that we should probably ask the project to plus-one based on CASP3R's feedback rather than doing it for them 17:40:58 #info this topic is now closed pending feedback (by next week) from D4A and Affinity 17:41:51 #info dmm points out that we need to start being really clear what we’re going to expect from people in the Lithium release and future ones and what support we will provide 17:42:04 dmm: +1 (both to what you said and for moving on ;) 17:42:15 #topic board vote/tsc at large elections 17:43:33 what’s the 1 year waiver for 17:43:40 I’m going to #info the suggestions we made passed including a 1 year waiver (starting yesterday, July 24, 2014) 17:44:13 #info the board passed the proposed modifications 17:44:49 phrobb: Does this expand the # of TSC members ? 17:45:18 #info phrobb says he’s going to send out a request for nominations 17:45:20 the waiver is that an existing PTL TSC member doesn't have to step down immediately, if another from their company is elected 17:45:41 #info edwarnicke asks if we can’t establish how the nominations and elections are going to work and document it somewhere so that people know what to expect 17:45:44 obviously need to create a new mailing list 17:45:51 cdub: LOL 17:45:51 I think that’s it 17:45:54 cdub: :-) 17:45:55 per project ? 17:45:56 17:46:00 edwarnicke: lol 17:46:04 cdub: Morez emailz 17:47:00 #info the passed things include a waiver for current TSC members to have to step down if somebody from their company wins an at-large seat for one year starting yesterday (July 23, 2014) 17:47:11 So are we adding more TSC members? (asking again) 17:47:22 alagalah: If memory serves, yes, 2. 17:47:28 alagalah: yes, I think the plan is to add 2 at-large TSC members 17:47:35 Snark asside, we may want an email list for Important announcements that we have everyone subscribe to. 17:47:35 (but you should know by know not to rely on my memory :) ) 17:47:38 edwarnicke: colindixon thanks 17:47:52 nominations are drawn from and then voted on by the committers 17:48:09 yes, +2, but must be from different companies 17:48:24 kwatsen: I disagree 17:48:36 it's in the charter 17:48:45 kwatsen: Then the charter should be changed 17:48:53 #action phrobb to create a wiki page documenting how the process will happen 17:49:06 alagalah: it’s already gone back and forth between us and the board several times 17:49:22 I think that ship has sailed with *plenty* of time for comment and objections 17:49:25 kwatsen: I *think* that's only for the board seats... but may be misremembering. 17:49:29 regarding elections, charter says, "These elected community seats must be filled with individuals from separate, unaffiliated companies." 17:49:50 colindixon: Fair but you work for a company, where there are others I respect and are ok with running things, RedHat has 3 folks I would follow 17:49:57 kwatsen: Have I told you lately how much I like your care with governance as written :) 17:50:07 tsc charter, section 4, bullet 2 17:50:33 alagalah: I wouldn’t disagree on that point and we can talk about amending it later 17:50:41 alagalah: you could e-mail the TSC and ask 17:51:07 #topic future releases and project lifecycle 17:51:55 #info mlemay is presenting slides, they will be attached to the meeting minutes later 17:52:54 #info mlemay says that while Karaf features help, they are still too fine-grained to work with when it comes to documenting things, expose as installable to users, etc. 17:53:07 #info projects are too coarse-grained 17:53:53 #info the proposal is to use “components” as the unit in between the two 17:57:11 #link https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/Simultaneous_Release:Project_Expectations this link contains some information about what is being thought about components and how to use them 17:58:50 Can you link in the presentation file? 17:59:06 #info edwarnicke says he thinks this is good, but that he wants to avoid forcing projects to do it in this release 17:59:26 Thanks guys. 17:59:40 marcbe-sel: no worries 18:00:39 phrobb: I’ll let you #endmeeting 18:00:44 #endmeeting