19:39:33 <phrobb> #startmeeting tsc 19:39:33 <odl_meetbot> Meeting started Mon Sep 29 19:39:33 2014 UTC. The chair is phrobb. Information about MeetBot at http://ci.openstack.org/meetbot.html. 19:39:33 <odl_meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:39:33 <odl_meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'tsc' 19:39:50 <phrobb> #topic Roll Call: TSC members please #info in 19:40:31 <regXboi> #info regXboi 19:40:39 <phrobb> #info TSC members in Conference Room Chris Price, Kent Watsen, Ed Warnicke, Dave Meyer, Colin Dixon, Jan Medved 19:45:56 <kwatsen> #info Kent Watsen 19:46:12 <phrobb> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TRYposNDFPaKcySlvwkOXvfR6Anx2EFujlIjoTthhRY/edit#gid=670022163 19:46:43 <ChrisPriceAB> #info Chris Price 19:50:40 <tbachman> folks — email with webex: https://lists.opendaylight.org/pipermail/tsc/2014-September/001797.html 19:52:58 <dlenrow> #info Lenrow 19:53:30 <colindixon> #info colindixon 19:53:51 <phrobb> #topic Helium Release Status 19:54:06 <phrobb> #chair regXboi colindixon 19:54:06 <odl_meetbot> Current chairs: colindixon phrobb regXboi 19:54:16 <regXboi> um 19:54:18 <regXboi> why? 19:54:20 <regXboi> :) 19:54:29 <colindixon> #info TSC members in the room are: dave lenrow, david meyer, colin dixon, chris prices, kent watsen, jan medved, ed warnicke, chris wright 19:54:42 * regXboi wonders .... 19:55:01 * ChrisPriceAB about? 19:56:14 <colindixon> #info there is a discussion of the current blocking issues (2098, 2091, 2103, 2106, 2108, and 2112) 19:56:33 <kwatsen> #info 2106 - statistical bug 19:56:43 <kwatsen> #info 2018 - never reproduced? 19:56:55 <colindixon> #undo 19:56:55 <odl_meetbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x272e290> 19:57:10 <colindixon> #info 2108 is something edwarnicke saw once and has never been reporduced 19:57:11 <colindixon> #info colindixon says that he felt as though we had an almost ready-to-release version 5 days ago and it feels like we’ve regressed 19:57:17 <kwatsen> #info 2098 - dangling/missing nodes 19:57:51 <phrobb> #chair kwat 19:57:51 <odl_meetbot> Warning: Nick not in channel: kwat 19:57:51 <odl_meetbot> Current chairs: colindixon kwat phrobb regXboi 19:58:04 <phrobb> #chair kwatsen 19:58:04 <odl_meetbot> Current chairs: colindixon kwat kwatsen phrobb regXboi 19:58:15 <regXboi> #chair kwat 19:58:15 <odl_meetbot> Current chairs: colindixon kwat kwatsen phrobb regXboi 19:58:22 <regXboi> #unchair kwat 19:58:22 <odl_meetbot> Current chairs: colindixon kwatsen phrobb regXboi 19:58:36 <colindixon> #info 2112 is something which appears to have been a regression in GBP which they are currently bisecting 20:00:42 <kwatsen> #info 2106 can hand controller, fix is almost in 20:00:47 <kwatsen> #undo 20:00:47 <odl_meetbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2484c90> 20:00:55 <kwatsen> #info 2106 can hang controller, fix is almost in 20:04:53 <colindixon> #topic what our options are now 20:05:16 <colindixon> #info marketing people have said (publicly) that we will release code today 20:06:28 <colindixon> #info we are left between a rock (release code with know bugs without workarounds) and a hard place (not releasing as promised) 20:07:26 <kwatsen> #info Ed details that it takes 8-10 hours to turn the crank, 4 hours just to build 20:07:31 <colindixon> #info the discussion boils down to the fact that it takes ~4.5 hours to even produce a zip file and then several hours to test 20:08:06 <kwatsen> #info Dave says no chance to release today, only decision is what to tell Marketing 20:09:29 <kwatsen> #undo 20:09:29 <odl_meetbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x269ee50> 20:09:30 <colindixon> #info the key points to make is that (i) we found last-minute show-stopping bugs, (ii) we are committed to shipping good, stable code, and (iii) as a consequence we will not be shipping code today 20:09:41 <kwatsen> #info dmm says no chance to release today, only decision is what to tell Marketing 20:11:02 <colindixon> #info add (iv) we will be meeting daily to take stock of where we are and ship at the earliest possible date 20:15:32 <cdub> #info Chris Wright (just got into IRC, sorry) 20:15:44 <edwarnicke> #info edwarnicke just got IRC too 20:15:46 <colindixon> these are the bugs 2098, 2091, 2103, 2106, and 2112 20:15:55 * ChrisPriceAB been waiting... 20:16:13 * regXboi joins ChrisPriceAB 20:16:25 <jmedved> #info Jan Medved 20:16:43 <dmm> #info dmm 20:18:00 <phrobb> #startvote shall Helium be released on 9/29 with the defects 2098, 2091, 2103, 2106, and 2112 known and as yes unverified as resolved? -1, 0, +1 20:18:00 <odl_meetbot> Begin voting on: shall Helium be released on 9/29 with the defects 2098, 2091, 2103, 2106, and 2112 known and as yes unverified as resolved? Valid vote options are -1, 0, +1. 20:18:00 <odl_meetbot> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 20:18:04 <dlenrow> #vote -1 20:18:10 <edwarnicke> #vote -1 20:18:11 <dmm> #vote -1 20:18:11 <regXboi> #vote -1 20:18:11 <ChrisPriceAB> #vote -1 20:18:11 <kwatsen> #vote -1 20:18:13 <cdub> #vote -1 20:18:19 <jmedved> #vote -1 20:18:21 <colindixon> #vote -1 20:18:29 <phrobb> #endvote 20:18:29 <odl_meetbot> Voted on "shall Helium be released on 9/29 with the defects 2098, 2091, 2103, 2106, and 2112 known and as yes unverified as resolved?" Results are 20:18:29 <odl_meetbot> -1 (9): dlenrow, jmedved, regXboi, ChrisPriceAB, edwarnicke, cdub, kwatsen, dmm, colindixon 20:22:04 <colindixon> #topic chair elections (brief aside) 20:22:35 <colindixon> #info kwatsen asks about whether we should also do a vice chair election at the same time as the TSC chair election 20:23:15 <colindixon> #info it’s pointed out that there is no occurrence of the term vice chair in the bylaws, or TSC charter 20:23:37 <colindixon> #info so there is no such vice chair to discuss 20:24:19 <colindixon> #info dlenrow asks if the chair comes with lots of travel and promoting and things that would be useful to share 20:24:35 <colindixon> #info dmm says there was at the beginning, but now Neela, Ambassadors, etc. make this not a requirement 20:25:38 <colindixon> #info kwatsen asks dmm, but you seemed to be very much in favor of vice chair a little bit back 20:26:35 <colindixon> #info dmm says there are two reasons for that: (i) he always seems to wind up traveling on Thursday mornings, and (ii) the chair should also be looking to mentor other members to provide redundant and diverse leadership 20:26:59 <colindixon> #info kwatsen says the only part that’s not visible to the whole TSC, but is visible to the chair is the board 20:27:23 <colindixon> #info those who sit on both (including dmm) say that isn’t really a big issue 20:28:10 <colindixon> #topic dealing with the fallout of the helium (non) release 20:31:16 <phrobb> #info four points, 1) late discovery of showstopper bugs 2) As a tech community, we want to ship quality code, 3) this code is not ready to ship, 4) A new date for delivery is not yet known. 20:32:32 <colindixon> #info melissa asks other than the download page, where else do we need to send this 20:32:32 <phrobb> #info TSC to put this decision on discuss, tsc and release mailing lists 20:43:18 <colindixon> #topic technical, infrastructure, and process debt 20:44:11 <colindixon> #info everyone agrees that we really need to help solve this problem 20:44:33 <colindixon> #info some of it will involve the board, but there has historically been push back because we don’t have precise asks 20:45:09 <colindixon> #info we have some precise asks now which hopefully the board can board can help us meet 20:46:16 <colindixon> #info there is also a discussion that we may be growing so fast that reacting to problems we precisely understand will have us always behind 20:46:40 <colindixon> #info as a consequence we *need* at least some parts be proactive 20:47:36 <colindixon> #info the consensus is that we need a full-time infrastructure team (and maybe it’s not us, maybe it’s the LF) to keep this stuff going and anticipate needs 20:50:47 <colindixon> #info kwatsen says he thinks part of the problem is not just infrastructure, but also the simultaneous release plan 20:52:38 <colindixon> #info kwatsen suggests that we might try to target core projects that are supposed to be able to be released at any time 20:53:49 <colindixon> #info cdub says the discussion about putting the lithium release is broken in his mind, it should be wrapped into helium release goals 20:54:03 <colindixon> #info regXboi says he thinks if you do that Lithium is going to take longer than 6 months 20:54:15 <colindixon> #info colindixon suggests we just reduce the scope to make it take 6 months 20:54:26 <regXboi> the room dropped of? 20:54:28 <regXboi> er off? 20:55:33 <gzhao> regXboi: power off 20:55:35 <gzhao> accidently 20:55:52 <regXboi> ok, well - I've walked away from the bridge - we all need to do other things 20:56:12 <colindixon> #info regXboi notes that he is very much disagrees and thinks that this won’t work 20:56:17 <ChrisPriceAB> Enjoy your other things. 20:56:31 <regXboi> #info regXboi would *love* to be proven wrong 20:56:35 <colindixon> yeah 20:56:40 <colindixon> I’m trying to document things 20:56:52 <colindixon> #topic next meeting about the release 20:57:04 <colindixon> #agree the TSC will meet in salon 9 at 8a pacific tomorrow 20:57:08 <colindixon> #endmeeting