20:33:19 <CaseyLF> #startmeeting tsc 20:33:19 <odl_meetbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 28 20:33:19 2018 UTC. The chair is CaseyLF. Information about MeetBot at http://ci.openstack.org/meetbot.html. 20:33:19 <odl_meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:33:19 <odl_meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'tsc' 20:33:38 <vishnoianil> #info Anil Vishnoi 20:33:38 <CaseyLF> #chair abhijitkumbhare skitt jamoluhrsen 20:33:38 <odl_meetbot> Current chairs: CaseyLF abhijitkumbhare jamoluhrsen skitt 20:33:55 <shague> what is the currnent meeting id? 20:34:02 <anipbu> #info anipbu 20:34:05 <abelur> o/ 20:34:09 <CaseyLF> https://zoom.us/j/219174946 20:34:09 <shague> #info shague 20:34:13 <zxiiro> #info Thanh Ha 20:34:13 <rovarga_> #info rovarga_ 20:34:22 <jamoluhrsen> #info jamoluhrsen 20:35:10 <jamoluhrsen> #topic dlux archival 20:35:20 <LuisGomez> #info LuisGomez 20:36:09 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Discussion on the future of DLux 20:36:47 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Need the apps to remove the dependency on Dlux 20:36:51 <vishnoianil> #link https://www.opendaylight.org/what-we-do/lifecycle-releases 20:37:51 <vishnoianil> Above URL has Termination Review 20:38:40 <skitt> #info skitt 20:39:51 <jamoluhrsen> #info we can just let the managed release process work like we expect and probably DLUX will just not end up in the release. 20:40:08 <jamoluhrsen> #info we can also do the more formal process of archival and removal 20:43:03 <jamoluhrsen> #info side note from rovarga_ ( we still need to remove/archive tcpmd5 ) 20:43:52 <jamoluhrsen> #action dfarrell07 to make an official DLUX termination request 20:44:32 <jamoluhrsen> #info everything discussed and planned for DLUX applies to DLUX-APPS 20:45:49 <jamoluhrsen> #info rovarga_ noting that we probably should not approve a UI project going forward, if they come. 20:46:15 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic VTN archival proposal 20:46:49 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Termination review to be done in two weeks (April 12) 20:48:29 <jamoluhrsen> #action dfarrell07 to follow up with VTN to see their plans to support existing releases 20:49:14 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic Release Manager 20:49:24 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Welcome Ariel Adam 20:51:17 <abhijitkumbhare> #startvote Does the TSC approve Ariel Adam as the release manager? -1,0,+1 20:51:17 <odl_meetbot> Begin voting on: Does the TSC approve Ariel Adam as the release manager? Valid vote options are -1, 0, +1. 20:51:17 <odl_meetbot> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 20:51:21 <jamoluhrsen> #vote +1 20:51:22 <abhijitkumbhare> #vote +1 20:51:24 <LuisGomez> #vote +1 20:51:28 <shague> #vote +1 20:51:28 <vishnoianil> #vote +1 20:51:29 <anipbu> #vote +1 20:51:32 <zxiiro> #vote +1 20:51:35 <skitt> #vote +1 20:51:40 <lori> #vote +1 20:51:42 <rovarga_> #vote +1 20:52:01 <jamoluhrsen> #endvote 20:52:01 <odl_meetbot> Voted on "Does the TSC approve Ariel Adam as the release manager?" Results are 20:52:01 <odl_meetbot> +1 (10): skitt, zxiiro, LuisGomez, shague, lori, jamoluhrsen, anipbu, rovarga_, vishnoianil, abhijitkumbhare 20:52:31 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Congrats Ariel 20:52:32 <LuisGomez> welcome ariel 20:53:27 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic Releases 20:54:02 <jamoluhrsen> #topic Carbon SR4 due in one month? 20:54:21 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Carbon SR due on April 26th 20:54:34 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Carbon autorelease not passing 20:54:42 <jamoluhrsen> #info regresssion in yangtools is one reason autorlease is not passing 20:54:57 <jamoluhrsen> #action jamoluhrsen to bump carbon autorelease run once a day 20:55:20 <jamoluhrsen> #agree should be a default process that we bump autorelease jobs to once a day with four weeks before planned release 20:56:51 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Whether we can make tests run in parallel 20:57:06 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Not going to happen soon 20:57:10 <jamoluhrsen> #info nitrogen SR3 coming May 7th. 6 weeks from now 20:57:27 <jamoluhrsen> #info there is no successful build of nitrogen since Feb 21st 20:57:53 <jamoluhrsen> #action jamoluhrsen to turn on nitrogen autorelease jobs once per day in two weeks 20:58:19 <jamoluhrsen> #info Oxygen SR1 is april 14th 20:58:39 <dfarrell07> #link https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/Release_Dashboard Release Dashboard 20:59:36 <skitt> hello aadam 20:59:41 <aadam> Hi there 20:59:41 <jamoluhrsen> sup aadam 20:59:53 <CaseyLF> aadam: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/Release_Dashboard 21:01:03 <jamoluhrsen> #info need the new odlparent and yangtools version bumps for oxy sr1 21:04:01 <jamoluhrsen> #info new odlparent and yangtools need their new releases approved by the TSC for Fluorine and when/if approved they can be given to oxy and nitro 21:05:39 <skitt> #info yangtools 2.0.3 is a safe, non-breaking upgrade 21:06:00 <skitt> #info there was a regression related to vbd — that has been dealt with in both projects, so yangtools is non-breaking but vbd is no longer broken either 21:06:27 <skitt> #info odlparent 3.1.0 is also intended to be a safe upgrade 21:06:47 <skitt> #info rovarga_ and skitt are running final checks 21:09:17 <jamoluhrsen> #link https://lists.opendaylight.org/pipermail/release/2018-March/014493.html <-- odlparent 3.1.0 release information 21:10:39 <anipbu> Welcome aadam !!! 21:14:48 <dfarrell07> #info dfarrell07 to clarify in MR docs what happens when MRI projects only want to do non-major version bumps in the integration window 21:15:07 <dfarrell07> abhijitkumbhare: can you chair me 21:15:13 <dfarrell07> CaseyLF: can you chair me 21:15:17 <abhijitkumbhare> #chair dfarrell07 21:15:17 <odl_meetbot> Current chairs: CaseyLF abhijitkumbhare dfarrell07 jamoluhrsen skitt 21:15:21 <dfarrell07> #undo 21:15:21 <odl_meetbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2b59290> 21:15:30 <dfarrell07> #action dfarrell07 to clarify in MR docs what happens when MRI projects only want to do non-major version bumps in the integration window 21:17:18 <skitt> #startvote Does the TSC approve the upgrade to odlparent 3.1.0 and yangtools 2.0.3 (and any subsequent patch versions) for Fluorine? -1,0,+1 21:17:18 <odl_meetbot> Begin voting on: Does the TSC approve the upgrade to odlparent 3.1.0 and yangtools 2.0.3 (and any subsequent patch versions) for Fluorine? Valid vote options are -1, 0, +1. 21:17:18 <odl_meetbot> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 21:17:27 <jamoluhrsen> #vote +1 21:17:27 <rovarga_> #vote +1 21:17:28 <anipbu> #vote +1 21:17:28 <LuisGomez> #vote +1 21:17:28 <skitt> #vote +1 21:17:30 <abhijitkumbhare> #vote +1 21:17:38 <vishnoianil> #vote +1 21:17:51 <zxiiro> #vote +1 21:18:20 <skitt> #endvote 21:18:20 <odl_meetbot> Voted on "Does the TSC approve the upgrade to odlparent 3.1.0 and yangtools 2.0.3 (and any subsequent patch versions) for Fluorine?" Results are 21:18:20 <odl_meetbot> +1 (8): skitt, zxiiro, LuisGomez, jamoluhrsen, anipbu, rovarga_, vishnoianil, abhijitkumbhare 21:18:28 <shague> #vote +1 21:18:45 <shague> can't hear you 21:18:49 <skitt> rovarga_, https://jira.opendaylight.org/browse/ODLPARENT-146 21:18:58 <shague> I was kidding 21:19:29 <skitt> #startvote Does the TSC request that the release engineering team merge all the patches to upgrade Oxygen SR1 to odlparent 3.1.0 and yangtools 2.0.3 (and any subsequent patch versions)? -1,0,+1 21:19:29 <odl_meetbot> Begin voting on: Does the TSC request that the release engineering team merge all the patches to upgrade Oxygen SR1 to odlparent 3.1.0 and yangtools 2.0.3 (and any subsequent patch versions)? Valid vote options are -1, 0, +1. 21:19:29 <odl_meetbot> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 21:19:44 <rovarga_> skitt: I have updated the controller patch 21:19:48 <jamoluhrsen> #vote +1 21:19:48 <anipbu> #vote +1 21:19:49 <lori> #vote +1 21:19:55 <zxiiro> #vote +1 21:19:58 <LuisGomez> #vote +1 21:19:58 <skitt> aadam, https://meetings.opendaylight.org/opendaylight-meeting/2018/tsc/opendaylight-meeting-tsc.2018-03-28-20.33.log.txt 21:20:00 <skitt> #vote +1 21:20:16 <rovarga_> #vote +1 21:20:18 <abhijitkumbhare> #vote -1 21:21:37 <skitt> shague, ping 21:22:33 <dfarrell07> shague: ping 21:22:51 <shague> #vote +1 21:23:29 <vishnoianil> #vote +1 21:24:01 <jamoluhrsen> #info abhijitkumbhare concerned about making a karaf upgrade in between SR releases 21:24:34 <abhijitkumbhare> #endvote 21:24:34 <odl_meetbot> Voted on "Does the TSC request that the release engineering team merge all the patches to upgrade Oxygen SR1 to odlparent 3.1.0 and yangtools 2.0.3 (and any subsequent patch versions)?" Results are 21:24:34 <odl_meetbot> +1 (9): skitt, anipbu, LuisGomez, shague, lori, jamoluhrsen, zxiiro, rovarga_, vishnoianil 21:24:34 <odl_meetbot> -1 (1): abhijitkumbhare 21:25:41 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic Fluorine 21:25:46 <skitt> #info lispflowmapping and netvirt have dependencies which haven't applied to be managed 21:26:39 <jamoluhrsen> #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c0rpB_7VMtWKIIgldbpVXnb77yUxUtbw1ayvOONrJvg/edit?usp=sharing <-- MRI requests 21:26:42 <shague> working on the coe dependency - pinged frederick, faseela and prem 21:27:49 <shague> dlux is not a dependency with netvirt as we don't build it. The code is there but not included in poms. skitt has a patch to remove the code also. 21:28:10 <skitt> #info lispflowmapping depends on honeycomb.vbd which hasn't yet applied but is working on it 21:28:23 <skitt> #info netvirt depends on coe which is also working on it 21:28:40 <vina_ermagan> #info Patch for removing DLUX from lispflowmapping is pending verify and will be merged soon 21:30:22 <skitt> #info lispflowmapping is using vbd in an experimental feature only so it can easily be dropped 21:30:36 <skitt> #info but it would have to be for the full release (projects can't join MR after the deadline) 21:31:23 <dfarrell07> #action dfarrell07 to ping honeycomb/vbd about joining Managed ASAP 21:31:27 <shague> lori: might be able to use a profile. netvirt has an sfc feature, that isn't built by default that uses a profile to make it easy to include or not 21:31:53 <dfarrell07> #action dfarrell07 to follow up with fkautz about COE applying to Managed 21:32:27 <lori> shague: thanks, that sounds useful 21:36:28 <anipbu> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c0rpB_7VMtWKIIgldbpVXnb77yUxUtbw1ayvOONrJvg/edit 21:37:43 <shague> can you guys talk a bit louder? 21:40:05 <shague> :) 21:40:25 <dfarrell07> #info ovsdb has committer vishnoianil who will normally be at TSC 21:40:59 <shague> #info shague, skitt also as committers on ovsdb and in TSC 21:41:33 <skitt> #agree osvbd is approved as an MSI project for Fluorine 21:42:07 <abhijitkumbhare> #undo 21:42:07 <odl_meetbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Agreed object at 0x2b88b90> 21:42:21 <abhijitkumbhare> #agree ovsdb is approved as an MSI project for Fluorine 21:43:25 <abhijitkumbhare> #link Daexim proposal for MSI https://jira.opendaylight.org/browse/TSC-61 21:43:30 <dfarrell07> #info michael will come to TSC for DAEXIM 21:43:30 <skitt> #agree daexim is approved as an MSI project for Fluorine 21:44:12 <abhijitkumbhare> #link BGPCEP MSI proposal: https://jira.opendaylight.org/browse/TSC-56 21:44:53 <dfarrell07> #info jamoluhrsen says bgpcep is active on test front, even if few committers 21:45:18 <dfarrell07> #info bgpcep seems responsive, did have a blocker bug late in oxygen but handled it well 21:45:25 <jamoluhrsen> #info bgpcep only really has one active committer currently 21:45:45 <dfarrell07> #info rovarga_ is a bgpcep committer but he doesn't look at it much, "active backup: 21:45:49 <dfarrell07> #undo 21:45:49 <odl_meetbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2a5e210> 21:45:52 <dfarrell07> #info rovarga_ is a bgpcep committer but he doesn't look at it much, "active backup" 21:46:23 <dfarrell07> #info should keep level of committers on radar for bgpcep, if he seems gone may be issue TSC needs to deal with 21:46:43 <skitt> #info rovarga_ will represent the project 21:47:01 <skitt> #agree bgpcep is approved as an MSI project for Fluorine 21:48:08 <abhijitkumbhare> #info OpenFlow Plugin: https://jira.opendaylight.org/browse/TSC-50 21:48:19 <dfarrell07> #info vishnoianil has already done a committer cleanup for openflow plugin recently 21:48:36 <dfarrell07> #info openflow plugin has about five active people, multiple companies 21:49:25 <dfarrell07> #info rovarga_ has seem small patches that were not reviewed, vishnoianil is apparently only one reviewing, has been pushing committers to do reviews 21:49:49 <dfarrell07> #info there are one or two people in the contribution pipeline for becoming committers 21:50:15 <skitt> #agree openflowplugin is approved as an MSI project for Fluorine 21:51:26 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Distribution Project: https://jira.opendaylight.org/browse/TSC-48 21:51:41 <dfarrell07> #info distribution has committers who are very active in ODL, can step up in times of need easily 21:51:44 <skitt> #agree distribution is approved as an MSI project for Fluorine 21:52:21 <dfarrell07> #info genius - jamoluhrsen reports that from a test side they are very active, very responsive 21:52:23 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Genius project: https://jira.opendaylight.org/browse/TSC-63 21:52:30 <skitt> #agree genius is approved as an MSI project for Fluorine 21:52:36 <dfarrell07> #info genius meets every week, speaks up lots when things break them 21:53:03 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Neutron Northbound: https://jira.opendaylight.org/browse/TSC-60 21:53:04 <dfarrell07> #info josh h is going to take over as PTL for Neutron MB 21:53:06 <dfarrell07> #undo 21:53:06 <odl_meetbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2ae61d0> 21:53:09 <dfarrell07> #info josh h is going to take over as PTL for Neutron NB 21:53:22 <skitt> #agree neutron is approved as an MSI project for Fluorine 21:53:37 <dfarrell07> #info NNB does have good integration tests, and is also very well tested by other projects 21:54:29 <dfarrell07> #info maybe should be watching number of committers for NNB, fairly healthy but more might be better 21:55:30 <abhijitkumbhare> #info LISP project: https://jira.opendaylight.org/browse/TSC-54 21:56:09 <dfarrell07> #info lisb needs to deal with honeycomb/vbd dep, who has not applied for Managed 21:56:14 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Vote deferred for LISP till next week 21:56:28 <skitt> #action lori to resolve the situation wrt honeycomb by next week's TSC call 21:56:36 <dfarrell07> #info lisp can comment out honeycomb/vbd, but they *will not be able to add them back in Fluorine even if they become Managed* 21:58:52 <dfarrell07> #info rovarga_ points out that in some future version of MR, we may want to think about how MR projects could have experimental features, say that depend on unmanaged projects 21:59:28 <dfarrell07> #info waiting on lisp to cut dep, will vote no next week 22:00:23 <dfarrell07> #info sfc depends on lisp, so also waiting on vote until lisp cuts vbd dep 22:01:38 <dfarrell07> #info sfc has very active contributors in opnfv xci, so very good test coverage, also someone is is doing ODL-side testing I see frequently 22:02:16 <dfarrell07> #info bjohnson_ is on TSC, so will be at meetings for SFC 22:02:57 <shague> sorry, sfc is a profile that is simply flipped on or off 22:03:01 <shague> thanks skitt 22:03:22 <shague> coe will use a similar profile if coe doesn't go managed 22:03:52 <jamoluhrsen> shague: ack 22:04:13 <shague> dlux has been removed completely 22:05:13 <shague> profiles are very useful for experimental features 22:06:15 <jamoluhrsen> shague: so if SFC were to disappear altogether, the health and usefulness of netvirt is not really affected, right? 22:07:03 <shague> jamoluhrsen: yes, it just isn't there. that feature is no longer there 22:07:30 <jamoluhrsen> cool beans 22:10:31 <shague> :) 22:10:58 <abhijitkumbhare> #agree NetVirt is approved as an MSI project for Fluorine 22:13:34 <dfarrell07> #info skitt has experience with tsdr waking up once or so a release to merge patches, but not watching frequently 22:14:10 <dfarrell07> #info it may be that tsdr depends on SNMP, which is not managed 22:15:22 <dfarrell07> #info it seems possible that tsdr doesn't understand that they can still be fully "a part of opendaylight" by being unmanaged, maybe just need to reassure them of that 22:15:41 <dfarrell07> #info tsdr doesn't come to tsc, doesn't have active committers, doesn't have contribution history says jamoluhrsen 22:16:32 <shague> agreed with jamo's comment. a primary trait of a managed project is being active. tsdr does not have that trait. 22:19:03 <shague> it's not the end of the world that you are not managed. unmanaged is hardly any different than managed. nothing stops the project from being used in ODL 22:21:43 <skitt> #startvote Does the TSC approve TSDR as a managed project for Fluorine? -1,0,+1 22:21:43 <odl_meetbot> Begin voting on: Does the TSC approve TSDR as a managed project for Fluorine? Valid vote options are -1, 0, +1. 22:21:43 <odl_meetbot> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 22:21:45 <rovarga_> #vote -1 22:21:46 <skitt> #vote -1 22:21:47 <zxiiro> #vote -1 22:21:51 <aadam> #vote -1 22:21:53 <jamoluhrsen> #vote -1 22:21:53 <shague> #vote -1 22:21:55 <vishnoianil> #vote -1 22:21:56 <abhijitkumbhare> #vote -1 22:22:08 <anipbu> #vote 0 22:22:23 <skitt> #endvote 22:22:23 <odl_meetbot> Voted on "Does the TSC approve TSDR as a managed project for Fluorine?" Results are 22:22:23 <odl_meetbot> 0 (1): anipbu 22:22:23 <odl_meetbot> -1 (8): skitt, vishnoianil, shague, jamoluhrsen, zxiiro, rovarga_, aadam, abhijitkumbhare 22:22:57 <LuisGomez> #vote -1 22:22:59 <LuisGomez> sorry late 22:23:05 <rovarga_> whoa! 22:23:12 <rovarga_> where were you, dude?! 22:23:13 <jamoluhrsen> vote 22:23:29 <rovarga_> :-) 22:24:29 <abhijitkumbhare> #action dfarrell07 will communicate with TSDR 22:26:17 <jamoluhrsen> #agree all other projects will be removed from distribution and autorelease (LISP and SFC will be deferred) 22:27:25 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic Coffee, cookies & beer 22:28:17 <abhijitkumbhare> #endmeeting