15:58:24 <skitt> #startmeeting tsc 15:58:24 <odl_meetbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 14 15:58:24 2018 UTC. The chair is skitt. Information about MeetBot at http://ci.openstack.org/meetbot.html. 15:58:24 <odl_meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:58:24 <odl_meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'tsc' 15:58:28 <skitt> #chair abhijitkumbhare 15:58:28 <odl_meetbot> Current chairs: abhijitkumbhare skitt 15:58:38 <skitt> #topic Roll-call and agenda bashing 15:58:47 <skitt> #link Agenda: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/TSC:Meeting#Agenda 15:59:21 <CaseyLF> #link https://r.lfnetworking.org/Antitrust%20Slide.pdf Anti-Trust Policy 15:59:26 <abhijitkumbhare> #info abhijitkumbhare 15:59:52 <skitt> #info TSC members please #info in 15:59:59 <skitt> #info Project representatives please #project in 16:00:01 <skitt> #info skitt 16:00:03 <skitt> #project odlparent 16:00:18 <bjohnson_> #info Brady Johnson 16:00:28 <bjohnson_> #project sfc 16:00:42 <cdgasparini> #project bgpcep 16:00:46 <skitt> TSC members and proxies of course, hello vina_ermagan 16:00:54 <ScottM> #project tsdr 16:01:05 <jhershbe> #info jhershbe 16:01:13 <jhershbe> #project neutron 16:01:19 <jhershbe> #info project neutron 16:01:26 <skitt> jhershbe, covering all your bases 16:01:35 <jhershbe> skitt, yeah ;-) 16:01:43 <skitt> all our base are belong to jhershbe 16:01:47 <shague> #info shague 16:02:08 <gzhao> #info gzhao (irc only) 16:02:20 <aadam> #info aadam 16:02:37 <LuisGomez> #info LuisGomez 16:02:38 <jamoluhrsen> #info jamoluhrsen 16:03:00 <shague> #info #project netvirt ovsdb genius coe odltools 16:03:03 <jamoluhrsen> shague: did you project netvirt yet? 16:03:07 <jamoluhrsen> ha 16:03:15 <cdgasparini> #cdgasparini proxy rvarga 16:03:44 <cdgasparini> #info cdgasparini proxy rvarga 16:03:55 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic Announcements 16:04:32 <zxiiro> #info Thanh Ha 16:04:41 <abhijitkumbhare> #info For now LF will remain the custodian of the mailman, the movement of mailman to Oregot State is postponed for now 16:04:46 <vthapar_> #project ovsdb 16:04:51 <vthapar_> #info vishal 16:06:20 <dfarrell07> #link https://gerrit.linuxfoundation.org/infra/#/c/11139/ LFN gov docs, please leave comments 16:06:32 <aadam> Dashboard link https://jira.opendaylight.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10403 16:06:32 <abhijitkumbhare> #info The ONS Europe will feature more technical talks - ODL folks are invited to submit proposals 16:06:44 <skitt> #info Please submit talks for ONS Europe, CFP closes on June 24 16:06:46 <vina_ermagan> hi skitt :) 16:07:04 <vina_ermagan> #info vina_ermagan proxy Lori 16:07:05 <dfarrell07> #info Please send demos to ONS EU, there are 8-9 spots, we did great ones at ONS NA, do it again 16:07:19 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Call for demo proposals also open - CFP for demo as per Brandon Wick's email 16:08:19 <vina_ermagan> ##lispflowmappin 16:08:19 <skitt> #info re the DDF date survey, 69% so far in favour of Thu/Fri 16:08:38 <vina_ermagan> #info lispflowmapping 16:08:39 <CaseyLF> #link Vote for DDF http://pollmaker.vote/p/7Y3AXIFS 16:09:11 <abhijitkumbhare> #undo 16:09:11 <odl_meetbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Link object at 0x2c38250> 16:09:23 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic Neon DDF survey 16:09:47 <abhijitkumbhare> #info re the DDF date survey, 69% so far in favour of Thu/Fri 16:09:56 <abhijitkumbhare> #link Vote for DDF http://pollmaker.vote/p/7Y3AXIFS 16:10:23 <abhijitkumbhare> #info The survey will remain open till end of the TSC meeting 16:10:28 <bjohnson_> CaseyLF: did you mention how many people have already voted for the DDF date? 16:10:36 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic Infra 16:11:09 <CaseyLF> #link DDF Poll Results http://pollmaker.vote/r/7Y3AXIFS 16:11:57 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Some hiccups - some issues on the CSIT jobs 16:13:03 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic Releases 16:13:18 <skitt> #info Oxygen SR2 has been released 16:13:35 <skitt> #link Release dashboard: https://jira.opendaylight.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10403 16:13:38 <abhijitkumbhare> #info abhijitkumbhare thanks everyone 16:19:23 <abhijitkumbhare> #info LispFlow autorelease test failures issue needs to have an owner 16:20:55 <skitt> #action lori to update the build so that autorelease no longer fails due to lispflowmapping failures, by June 21 16:21:29 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic Sign-off process 16:21:34 <skitt> #info we had issues with the SR2 release because of missing sign-offs 16:21:52 <skitt> #info we blocked Oxygen merges for a week while waiting for sign-offs from projects with little activity 16:24:30 <vorburger> is the TSC holding a silent IRC only meeting today? I just joined late (sorry) on https://zoom.us/j/219174946 and 21 participants but nobody talking? 16:25:09 <bjohnson_> vorburger: this is the link I joined, and we're all here with audio: https://zoom.us/j/219174946 16:25:27 <bjohnson_> vorburger: maybe your audio isnt working 16:26:21 <skitt> #startvote The TSC agrees to apply the Fluorine managed release logic for the remaining Oxygen SRs (in particular, the two-day reaction time)? -1, 0, +1 16:26:21 <odl_meetbot> Begin voting on: The TSC agrees to apply the Fluorine managed release logic for the remaining Oxygen SRs (in particular, the two-day reaction time)? Valid vote options are -1, 0, +1. 16:26:21 <odl_meetbot> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 16:26:40 <abhijitkumbhare> Thanks skitt 16:26:49 <skitt> #vote +1 16:26:49 <abhijitkumbhare> #vote +1 16:26:51 <bjohnson_> #vote +1 16:26:53 <zxiiro> #vote +1 16:26:54 <shague> #vote +1 16:27:02 <jamoluhrsen> #vote -1 16:27:03 <LuisGomez> #vote +1 16:27:15 <gzhao> #vote +1 16:28:38 <aadam> Managed release project https://docs.opendaylight.org/en/stable-oxygen/release-process/managed-release.html 16:28:52 <jamoluhrsen> I have loud noises going on here. can't talk very frequently 16:29:07 <skitt> #info Note that this only applies to the sign-off process, not the general release management 16:29:35 <gzhao> End vote? 16:29:40 <skitt> #endvote 16:29:40 <odl_meetbot> Voted on "The TSC agrees to apply the Fluorine managed release logic for the remaining Oxygen SRs (in particular, the two-day reaction time)?" Results are 16:29:40 <odl_meetbot> +1 (7): gzhao, skitt, LuisGomez, shague, abhijitkumbhare, zxiiro, bjohnson_ 16:29:40 <odl_meetbot> -1 (1): jamoluhrsen 16:29:52 <skitt> jamoluhrsen’s shaking too much from the jackhammer in his house to type much 16:29:58 <jamoluhrsen> not that big of a deal. we just have two more oxygens to do and we wont have to worry about it. we'll just fight through it two more times and move one 16:30:58 <dfarrell07> #info jamoluhrsen's -1 was about the wording of the vote, that we aren't going to kick projects out in Oxygen, we will just ship with their failing tests 16:34:15 <abhijitkumbhare> #action LuisGomez to send an email on the release mailing list about the self managed projects 16:35:10 <skitt> #topic Project proposal: Service Utils 16:35:18 <skitt> #link Proposal: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/Project_Proposals:ServiceUtils 16:38:29 <abhijitkumbhare> #info This is to move some existing utils from Genius project to separate project to avoid cyclic dependencies 16:39:28 <abhijitkumbhare> #info The plan is for starting off to have the same list of committers and the PTL for the Service Utils project as the Genius project 16:43:19 <skitt> #info since the project is splitting out from an existing, managed project, the new project will be managed too 16:43:44 <skitt> #action shague to add the above to the project proposal 16:43:46 <abhijitkumbhare> #info The project is essentially a fork of Genius - and will inherit all the state of the Genius project 16:43:47 <jamoluhrsen> even if it's not managed, they have to be in because a managed project depends on them. 16:43:50 <jamoluhrsen> like aaa 16:44:10 <skitt> jamoluhrsen, how can aaa *already* depend on them? 16:44:31 <jamoluhrsen> sorry. like how we had to make aaa a managed project because others depend on it. 16:45:24 <skitt> jamoluhrsen, oh, OK 16:46:14 <bjohnson_> Update to the Wiki done: "ServiceUtils will be an offset 0 Managed Project (the Managed Project status was inherited from Genius), with existing code from the Genius project." 16:46:18 <skitt> #startvote Does the TSC approve the creation of the Service Utils project as an offset zero, managed project? -1, 0, +1 16:46:18 <odl_meetbot> Begin voting on: Does the TSC approve the creation of the Service Utils project as an offset zero, managed project? Valid vote options are -1, 0, +1. 16:46:18 <odl_meetbot> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 16:46:26 <LuisGomez> #vote +1 16:46:26 <skitt> #vote +1 16:46:27 <shague> #vote +1 16:46:29 <zxiiro> #vote +1 16:46:30 <jhershbe> #vote +1 16:46:30 <abhijitkumbhare> #vote +1 16:46:31 <bjohnson_> #vote +1 16:46:37 <gzhao> #vote +1 16:46:55 <jamoluhrsen> #vote +1 16:47:04 <cdgasparini> #vote rvarga +1 16:47:04 <odl_meetbot> cdgasparini: rvarga +1 is not a valid option. Valid options are -1, 0, +1. 16:47:15 <cdgasparini> #vote +1 16:47:18 <skitt> #endvote 16:47:18 <odl_meetbot> Voted on "Does the TSC approve the creation of the Service Utils project as an offset zero, managed project?" Results are 16:47:18 <odl_meetbot> +1 (10): gzhao, cdgasparini, jhershbe, skitt, LuisGomez, shague, abhijitkumbhare, zxiiro, bjohnson_, jamoluhrsen 16:47:29 <skitt> #info jhershbe’s vote is invalid but the motion passes anyway 16:48:18 <abhijitkumbhare> #agreed TSC approves Service Utils as an offset zero, managed project with the same state as the Genius project 16:48:55 <skitt> #topic Clustering Task Force 16:50:00 <jamoluhrsen> #info clustering is unstable.... not news but hoping to drive a task force to make it better 16:50:58 <CaseyLF> lol 16:51:24 <abhijitkumbhare> #info jamoluhrsen points out there is a list of clustering bugs that need to be addressed 16:51:36 <jamoluhrsen> #link https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/controller/job/controller-csit-3node-clustering-all-fluorine/116/robot/graph?zoomSignificant=true&failedOnly=false&criticalOnly=false&maxBuildsToShow=0&hd=true <-- picture of ODL clustering stability 16:54:17 <jamoluhrsen> to me, the first issue is not debugging and figuring out what tests are valid, etc. 16:54:29 <jamoluhrsen> the first step is finding engineers that will dive in and work. 17:00:49 <aadam> #action aadam to add to the JIRA dashboard a clustering bug table 17:00:49 <abhijitkumbhare> aadam: can you please list the action items before we say #-endmeeting? 17:01:04 <abhijitkumbhare> #chair aadam 17:01:04 <odl_meetbot> Current chairs: aadam abhijitkumbhare skitt 17:01:20 <aadam> #action Daniel to schedule a clustering weekly meeting call 17:01:26 <abhijitkumbhare> #action aadam to add to the JIRA dashboard a clustering bug table 17:01:32 <jamoluhrsen> #info an early task for the clustering task force needs to be to make this job pass 100% EVERY TIME: https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/controller/job/controller-csit-3node-clustering-all-fluorine/ 17:01:34 <aadam> #action aadam/jamo to review the clustering bugs and tag them 17:02:19 <aadam> #action abhijit to add this topic to check progress in the next TSC meeting 17:03:16 <vishnoianil> #info Anil Vishnoi 17:03:36 <vorburger> just before the netvirt ? 17:03:51 <dfarrell07> #action dfarrell07 to send Doodle about when to do new clustering call 17:04:17 <dfarrell07> #action dfarrell07 to ask Robert about help from Vratko with cluster test debugging 17:04:33 <vorburger> #project infrautils 17:04:36 <vorburger> #project daexim 17:04:42 <jamoluhrsen> we need more java rockstars willing to work besides Tom. imho 17:05:24 <vishnoianil> jamoluhrsen +100 17:05:36 <skitt> #topic Cookies 17:05:38 <jamoluhrsen> vishnoianil: you are one 17:05:39 <skitt> #endmeeting