========================================================== #opendaylight-openflowplugin: OpenFlow plugin June 15 2015 ========================================================== Meeting started by abhijitkumbhare at 16:04:55 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetings.opendaylight.org/opendaylight-openflowplugin/2015/openflow_plugin_june_15_2015/opendaylight-openflowplugin-openflow_plugin_june_15_2015.2015-06-15-16.04.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * OpenFlow bugs (abhijitkumbhare, 16:06:55) * LINK: https://bugs.opendaylight.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=blocker&bug_severity=critical&bug_severity=major&list_id=34411&product=openflowplugin&query_format=advanced&resolution=--- (abhijitkumbhare, 16:07:00) * LINK: https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2657 Bug 2657 raised by GBP (tbachmann) (abhijitkumbhare, 16:12:25) * vishnoianil asking whether GBP are using extensions for this bug (abhijitkumbhare, 16:15:33) * ACTION: vishnoianil to request more info (regarding whether using extensions & using a different cookie as a workaround) (abhijitkumbhare, 16:17:56) * LINK: https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3735 Bug 3735 - flows not removed from the switch when 80k flows configured (abhijitkumbhare, 16:18:55) * michal_rehak says probably clean the device of flows when switch connects (but will need to be configurable - which will need API change) (abhijitkumbhare, 16:21:05) * abhijitkumbhare & LuisGomez say this is not a blocker (abhijitkumbhare, 16:22:42) * Clarification: abhijitkumbhare thinks this may be too late to fix (abhijitkumbhare, 16:24:38) * LINK: https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1526 Bug 1526 filed by Madhu in Helium (that was not followed up by Madhu) (abhijitkumbhare, 16:26:24) * ACTION: abhijitkumbhare & vishnoianil to document the workaround for bug 1526 in the release notes (abhijitkumbhare, 16:36:55) * LINK: https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3039 Bug 3039 (abhijitkumbhare, 16:39:26) * ACTION: Jozef to check if 3039 is a blocker - and a status of this (abhijitkumbhare, 16:40:32) * LINK: https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3548 - - after restarting a two node linear network LLDP packet-outs are not sent for one port causing one side of the bi-directional link to not be learned (abhijitkumbhare, 16:41:19) * Needs investigation (abhijitkumbhare, 16:42:49) * ACTION: michal_rehak to investigate 3548 next week (abhijitkumbhare, 16:44:49) * ACTION: kot-begemot will also look into 3548 after Wednesday (abhijitkumbhare, 16:48:04) * LINK: https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3062 - Concurrent modification exception seen when programming flows into mininet (abhijitkumbhare, 16:48:48) * michal_rehak says 3062 related to dead code - no longer an issue. Should be marked as fixed (abhijitkumbhare, 16:50:08) * Release review on June 23 (abhijitkumbhare, 16:51:03) * LINK: https://lists.opendaylight.org/pipermail/release/2015-June/002655.html Email about what is needed for release review (abhijitkumbhare, 16:51:44) * Documentation for OpenFlow plugin is largely missing (abhijitkumbhare, 16:52:49) * LINK: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/22416 patch restoring to Helium documentation needs to be merged (abhijitkumbhare, 16:53:16) * ACTION: michal_rehak & co. to work on the user guide using wiki converted to asciidoc using tony tkacik’s technique & push it to the docs repo by June 17 (abhijitkumbhare, 17:09:26) * ACTION: abhijitkumbhare to look up info on tony t’s technique & share (abhijitkumbhare, 17:10:21) * ACTION: vishnoianil to send a summary of what he thinks should be added in the documentation (abhijitkumbhare, 17:16:24) * We will have a meeting on Wednesday for the release review items at the same time (abhijitkumbhare, 17:16:39) Meeting ended at 17:16:54 UTC. Action items, by person ----------------------- * abhijitkumbhare * abhijitkumbhare & vishnoianil to document the workaround for bug 1526 in the release notes * abhijitkumbhare to look up info on tony t’s technique & share * **UNASSIGNED** * vishnoianil to request more info (regarding whether using extensions & using a different cookie as a workaround) * Jozef to check if 3039 is a blocker - and a status of this * michal_rehak to investigate 3548 next week * kot-begemot will also look into 3548 after Wednesday * michal_rehak & co. to work on the user guide using wiki converted to asciidoc using tony tkacik’s technique & push it to the docs repo by June 17 * vishnoianil to send a summary of what he thinks should be added in the documentation People present (lines said) --------------------------- * abhijitkumbhare (41) * odl_meetbot (8) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4