============================================================ #opendaylight-openflowplugin: OpenFlow Plugin Meeting Nov 16 ============================================================ Meeting started by abhijitkumbhare at 17:02:47 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetings.opendaylight.org/opendaylight-openflowplugin/2015/openflow_plugin_meeting_nov_16/opendaylight-openflowplugin-openflow_plugin_meeting_nov_16.2015-11-16-17.02.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Agenda for the meeting (abhijitkumbhare, 17:03:57) * Graduation Review (abhijitkumbhare, 17:04:07) * API changes (abhijitkumbhare, 17:04:30) * OpenFlow Cluster Test (abhijitkumbhare, 17:05:59) * General Issues (abhijitkumbhare, 17:07:08) * Graduation Review (abhijitkumbhare, 17:07:20) * Template for Graduation review (abhijitkumbhare, 17:07:58) * LINK: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/Graduation_Reviews/Template (abhijitkumbhare, 17:08:02) * what is still missing for OFP: (michal_rehak, 17:11:48) * Active Community: Prospective new developers can learn how to get involved here... (michal_rehak, 17:12:20) * Committers vote on seeking graduation (michal_rehak, 17:12:35) * ACTION: Abhijit will send out formal vote (michal_rehak, 17:13:53) * AGREED: Meeting participants feel OpenFlow plugin should seek graduation review (abhijitkumbhare, 17:14:16) * API changes and the API freeze (abhijitkumbhare, 17:14:41) * michal_rehak notes there are several API change related gerrits that need to merge (abhijitkumbhare, 17:15:05) * LINK: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/q/status:open++project:openflowplugin+branch:master (michal_rehak, 17:15:33) * LINK: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/q/status:open+project:openflowplugin+branch:master+topic:experimenterMsg - Experimenter Message (abhijitkumbhare, 17:16:17) * OK to merge pending code review (abhijitkumbhare, 17:18:13) * LINK: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/28267 OpenflowProgrammer: a common middle layer for openflow programming (abhijitkumbhare, 17:18:50) * ACTION: abhijitkumbhare to follow up with Yi Yang whether OpenFlowProgrammer is ready for merge (abhijitkumbhare, 17:20:46) * LINK: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/29357 Make the statistics polling interval configurable Merge Conflict Renato Aguiar (abhijitkumbhare, 17:21:34) * OK to merge pending code review / build fixing (abhijitkumbhare, 17:22:09) * LINK: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/27382 BUG-4062: Flows,Groups,Meters not getting deleted during switch flap Muthukumaran Kothandaraman (abhijitkumbhare, 17:22:29) * This code not affecting if switch connected (in that case flows/groups deleted as before) - this affects only when switch not connected (abhijitkumbhare, 17:27:54) * ACTION: vishnoianil will review this patch (abhijitkumbhare, 17:28:58) * OK to merge pending code review (abhijitkumbhare, 17:29:17) * Behavior not changing - just reconciliation made robust (abhijitkumbhare, 17:29:49) * Knob to turn on this behavior - default old behavior (turned off) (abhijitkumbhare, 17:31:27) * Additional change for port reconciliation - bug 4099 - being reviewed internally by Muthu / Shuva and will be shared for review by others Nov 17 (abhijitkumbhare, 17:34:00) * LINK: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/29484 BUG-2188: To populate the port_number of switches - yang model (abhijitkumbhare, 17:34:19) * No functional change - corresponding code needs to be added but michal_rehak wants the API to be present (abhijitkumbhare, 17:36:14) * LINK: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/28563/ Add PipelineManager application Renato Aguiar (abhijitkumbhare, 17:36:48) * ACTION: abhijitkumbhare vishnoianil michal_rehak to check how Yi Yang’s patch overlap and how to merge these together (abhijitkumbhare, 17:38:57) * LINK: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/29266 Support for statistics collection per flow Merge Conflict Renato Aguiar (abhijitkumbhare, 17:39:27) * OK to merge pending code review & merge fixing (abhijitkumbhare, 17:40:02) * OpenFlow Cluster Test (abhijitkumbhare, 17:40:30) * Not specifically testing OF HA, but also devices that don’t support HA? (abhijitkumbhare, 17:41:35) * LuisGomez says simple test plan - 3 node cluster test (abhijitkumbhare, 17:42:04) * LuisGomez suite for this not yet merged (abhijitkumbhare, 17:42:30) * However a few basic things not working - need investigation (abhijitkumbhare, 17:43:27) * kamal will investigate RPCs (abhijitkumbhare, 17:44:29) * Cluster test meeting on Wednesdays - LuisGomez has sent the info to the OpenFlow plugin mailing list (abhijitkumbhare, 17:47:10) * there are al least 3-4 bugs visible in the current basic OF cluster test (LuisGomez, 18:16:21) * ACTION: LuisGomez Kamal to respond to the meeting minutes email with the summary of the cluster test discussion - and folks can reply to that (abhijitkumbhare, 18:16:25) * I will send detailed mail after MoM (LuisGomez, 18:16:47) Meeting ended at 18:18:07 UTC. Action items, by person ----------------------- * abhijitkumbhare * abhijitkumbhare to follow up with Yi Yang whether OpenFlowProgrammer is ready for merge * abhijitkumbhare vishnoianil michal_rehak to check how Yi Yang’s patch overlap and how to merge these together * LuisGomez * LuisGomez Kamal to respond to the meeting minutes email with the summary of the cluster test discussion - and folks can reply to that * michal_rehak * abhijitkumbhare vishnoianil michal_rehak to check how Yi Yang’s patch overlap and how to merge these together * **UNASSIGNED** * Abhijit will send out formal vote * vishnoianil will review this patch People present (lines said) --------------------------- * abhijitkumbhare (56) * odl_meetbot (8) * michal_rehak (6) * LuisGomez (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4