============================================================== #opendaylight-openflowplugin: OpenFlow Plugin Meeting March 21 ============================================================== Meeting started by abhijitkumbhare at 16:03:55 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetings.opendaylight.org/opendaylight-openflowplugin/2016/openflow_plugin_meeting_march_21/opendaylight-openflowplugin-openflow_plugin_meeting_march_21.2016-03-21-16.03.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Agenda (abhijitkumbhare, 16:04:17) * Weather Report for projects to change to new design (abhijitkumbhare, 16:05:03) * Release plan (abhijitkumbhare, 16:05:47) * Topology inventory model change (abhijitkumbhare, 16:06:21) * Meeting day and time (abhijitkumbhare, 16:06:48) * Issues (abhijitkumbhare, 16:07:26) * Weather Report for projects to change to new design (abhijitkumbhare, 16:08:55) * Temporary patch to test the new plugin for projects, email sent - no response yet (abhijitkumbhare, 16:10:04) * Hideyuki-san testing with the new design for VTN (abhijitkumbhare, 16:12:05) * Stats RPC and add-flow RPC (immediate barrier) discussions going on over the mailing lists (abhijitkumbhare, 16:13:21) * Backward compatibility changes - notifications (abhijitkumbhare, 16:14:51) * Michal’s changes: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/q/project:openflowplugin+branch:master+topic:BUG-4117 (abhijitkumbhare, 16:15:21) * Flow removed notification needed by the VTN project (abhijitkumbhare, 16:16:55) * ACTION: jbacigal to discuss with michal_rehak how to handle the backward compatibility changes (abhijitkumbhare, 16:19:34) * Release plan (abhijitkumbhare, 16:25:46) * LINK: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_OpenFlow_Plugin:Boron_Release_Plan Draft Boron Release Plan (abhijitkumbhare, 16:27:19) * Suggested names to tasks (abhijitkumbhare, 16:29:26) * New (Lithium) Design Migration - jbacigal (abhijitkumbhare, 16:29:46) * Clustering Performance - Kamal Rameshan and jbacigal (abhijitkumbhare, 16:30:30) * Inventory to Topology model migration - Anil Vishnoi? (abhijitkumbhare, 16:31:05) * Flow Programmer / Table Resource Manager - Yi Yang (abhijitkumbhare, 16:32:19) * Reconciliation Improvements - eshuvka_ Muthu ? (abhijitkumbhare, 16:33:58) * Muthu is also thinking of pushing a test applications to OpenFlow Plugin samples / applications; Bulk-o-matic (abhijitkumbhare, 16:35:55) * This is enhancement of bulk-o-matic (abhijitkumbhare, 16:36:22) * Anna and jbacigal have a few tasks as bugs targetted - they are filed as enhancements with milestone as Boron (abhijitkumbhare, 16:44:35) * Meeting day and time (abhijitkumbhare, 16:49:51) * Checking other options (abhijitkumbhare, 16:56:24) * Issues (abhijitkumbhare, 16:56:29) * LINK: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/36035/ (eshuvka_, 16:57:07) * Available for review (abhijitkumbhare, 16:58:37) * LINK: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/36035/ (abhijitkumbhare, 16:58:49) Meeting ended at 16:58:56 UTC. People present (lines said) --------------------------- * abhijitkumbhare (36) * odl_meetbot (4) * eshuvka_ (1) * LuisGomez (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4