16:03:00 <abhijitkumbhare> #startmeeting OpenFlow Plugin Meeting Nov 10
16:03:00 <odl_meetbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 10 16:03:00 2016 UTC.  The chair is abhijitkumbhare. Information about MeetBot at http://ci.openstack.org/meetbot.html.
16:03:00 <odl_meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
16:03:00 <odl_meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'openflow_plugin_meeting_nov_10'
16:05:21 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic Agenda
16:06:35 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Contributions not already reflected in the release plan
16:07:02 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Topology/inventory discussion
16:07:58 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Topology ID discussion
16:10:40 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Any other topics
16:10:46 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic Topology ID discussion
16:13:57 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Topology ID changed from “flow/1” to “openflow/1”; weather report generated
16:14:03 <abhijitkumbhare> #undo
16:14:03 <odl_meetbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2a93dd0>
16:14:23 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Topology ID changed from “flow/1” to “openflow/1”; weather report generated for openflow plugin & dlux
16:15:31 <abhijitkumbhare> #info vishnoianil does not agree with the change as there are lot of dependent projects
16:19:28 <shuva> #info vishnoianil feels that there os no conclusive reason to change
16:20:05 <shuva> #info vishnoianil feels that having a config knob, a mechanism to change the name but have the default name to flow:1
16:21:01 <shuva> #info vishnoianil this problem would ge tcomplex if we change the name since it would result in a domino effect
16:21:45 <shuva> #info since netvirt-->genius -->sfc would be affected in ways bcoz of this
16:22:49 <shuva> #info vishnoianil keeping flow:1 is reasonable, since the change will have cascading effects.
16:23:15 <shuva> #info keep flow:1 as the default name but have a knob to change it..
16:26:55 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic Topology/inventory discussion
16:28:20 <abhijitkumbhare> #info vishnoianil asking what happened to the migration of old topology model to new topology model
16:29:32 <abhijitkumbhare> #info The status of that effort is unknown
16:29:38 <shuva> #info abhijitkumbhare asking if there are other projects that are actually working on the new topology migration
16:32:10 <shuva> #info if the move to the new topology is postponed by an year, we can consider moving from inventory to topology
16:32:35 <abhijitkumbhare> #undo
16:32:35 <odl_meetbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x295a750>
16:33:13 <abhijitkumbhare> #info vishnoianil thinks if the move to the new topology is postponed by an year, we can consider moving from inventory to topology
16:33:28 <abhijitkumbhare> #info LuisGomez says this is a topic for the new TSC to figure out if they want all the ODL projects to migrate to new topology
16:36:43 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic Contributions not already reflected in the release plan
16:37:50 <abhijitkumbhare> #link https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_OpenFlow_Plugin:Carbon_Release_Plan
16:38:54 <vishnoianil> #info vishnoianil thinks if the move to the new topology is postponed by an year, we *might* consider moving from inventory to topology
16:47:44 <abhijitkumbhare> #info vishnoianil says he can pitch in the Single Model Layer Implementation (https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_OpenFlow_Plugin:Implementation_For_Single_Model_Layer)
16:48:21 <abhijitkumbhare> #info Manohar says he will work on the scalability of the Lithium design
16:52:26 <hideyuki> #link https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/40817/
16:52:37 <abhijitkumbhare> #undo
16:52:37 <odl_meetbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Link object at 0x273fcd0>
16:52:45 <abhijitkumbhare> #topic Other topics
16:52:48 <hideyuki> #link https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/40817/
16:53:54 <abhijitkumbhare> #info hideyuki would like the above patch (40817) for bug 6110 to be reviewed & merged
16:55:09 <abhijitkumbhare> #info shuva thinks this patch should be tested
16:55:55 <hideyuki> shuva: Thank you for your support!!!
16:56:22 <shuva> np hideyuki.. :)
16:57:26 <abhijitkumbhare> #endmeeting