================================= #opendaylight-vtn: Weekly Meeting ================================= Meeting started by hideyuki at 16:06:24 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetings.opendaylight.org/opendaylight-vtn/2016/weekly_meeting/opendaylight-vtn-weekly_meeting.2016-01-27-16.06.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * action items from last meeting (gvrangan, 16:06:56) * need to check with the docs team on the official format - done (gvrangan, 16:08:44) * ACTION: clean up VTN:Main page - get those HowTos removed (gvrangan, 16:09:30) * Checking the meeting minutes of 01/20 https://meetings.opendaylight.org/opendaylight-vtn/2016/weekly_meeting/opendaylight-vtn-weekly_meeting.2016-01-20-16.03.html (hideyuki, 16:10:08) * create adocs in docs git - activity initiated (gvrangan, 16:10:30) * ACTION: update the dates in trello (gvrangan, 16:11:33) * ACTION: update vtn coordiantor bug details in trello (gvrangan, 16:11:49) * ACTION: Check VTN Manager test failure https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/CSIT-1node/job/vtn-csit-1node-manager-only-beryllium/ - There is patch pushed that can fix this (gvrangan, 16:12:18) * we have a mail sent to integration-dev explaining the reasons for the patch (gvrangan, 16:12:38) * Trello review (hideyuki, 16:20:36) * we can complete all CSIT befiore RC2, so that tests can actually be used to understand the quality and problems in release (gvrangan, 16:24:11) * LINK: VTN Trello page https://trello.com/b/2g3lw1GU/opendaylight-vtn (hideyuki, 16:24:13) * response received from OFPlugin on the request for stats RPC, need to check further. (gvrangan, 16:28:07) * ACTION: Work on this trello item on priority https://trello.com/c/KGHeEPHb/35-there-are-similar-pages-for-sfc-support (gvrangan, 16:34:35) * ACTION: close all old bugs - this also needs immediate priority (gvrangan, 16:36:20) * quality of openflowplugin-He design not good (gvrangan, 16:37:25) * ofplugin He has some problems after the cluster fixes (gvrangan, 16:37:43) Meeting ended at 16:41:16 UTC. People present (lines said) --------------------------- * gvrangan (17) * hideyuki (5) * odl_meetbot (3) * odp-gerritbot (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4