================================= #opendaylight-vtn: Weekly Meeting ================================= Meeting started by hideyuki at 16:07:09 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetings.opendaylight.org/opendaylight-vtn/2016/weekly_meeting/opendaylight-vtn-weekly_meeting.2016-03-09-16.07.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Questions (hideyuki, 16:07:51) * Sai tried OpenStack integration, but faced an issue. (hideyuki, 16:08:26) * ACTION: Sai send the issue to vtn ML. (hideyuki, 16:13:33) * Review the meeting minutes of the last meeting (hideyuki, 16:13:46) * LINK: https://gist.github.com/gvranganvtn/ec4905c9890519ca02e7 the meeting minutes for the last meeting (03/02) (hideyuki, 16:14:44) * ACTION: need to comeuop with the list of API to suport with openstack - We have tentatively requested Sai to check the behavior for Security Groups and Security Rules (gvrangan, 16:15:35) * Hideyuki feels support for router is also a good candidate (gvrangan, 16:16:45) * ACTION: update the dates in trello - We need to wrap Boron planning for all tasks to have a hard deadline (gvrangan, 16:18:37) * ACTION: Bug 5330 Needs to be assigned and worked on priority - A patch has been pushed and the behavior is tested (gvrangan, 16:18:58) * this sunday is deadline foir Be SR1, we can plan to get it merged for Sr1 (gvrangan, 16:19:28) * ACTION: https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/vtn/job/vtn-csit-1node-manager-all-b eryllium/81/ - Problem with flowfilter check Bug #5372 - investigation done this week (gvrangan, 16:20:05) * more discussion over mail (gvrangan, 16:20:28) * ACTION: Experimenting the idea of modifying keywords to check global flag and not execute cases - Assigned to Karthik and he is working on it (gvrangan, 16:20:52) * The wait time does not affect the overall job execution time (gvrangan, 16:21:16) * "WUKS" is the keyword that is used (gvrangan, 16:22:14) * ACTION: review CSIT tests to avoid flaky scenarios - We have reviewed the VTN Manager suite and working on modifying some tests (gvrangan, 16:25:11) * ACTION: to sync up with docs team for merge of vtn doc updates - Expecting docs patch toi be merged for SR1 (gvrangan, 16:25:41) * docs meeting was also concelled this week (gvrangan, 16:25:51) * ACTION: The Openstack developere guide contents should be added as seperate patch - Bharathi was working on it.We can have some updates over mail (gvrangan, 16:26:31) * ACTION: Planning the dev items for Boron - It is in progress (gvrangan, 16:26:52) * ACTION: enable CSIT for VTN Coordinaotr in Master - patch pushed to enable the VTN Coordianotr cases (gvrangan, 16:27:13) * All vtn coordinaotr master CSIT failing (gvrangan, 16:27:24) * failure is reported that the controller is rejecting any communication on port 8181, this needs to be anlyzed and discusseed with the community (gvrangan, 16:29:01) * ACTION: please update the status of https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4125 - In progress (gvrangan, 16:29:43) * ACTION: Need to ensure the actions suggested are taken - We discussed with OFPlugin in their weekly meeting. We need to discuss on the implmentation details (gvrangan, 16:30:46) * ACTION: need to followup with ofplugin team to respond on the same (gvrangan, 16:31:13) * Check tasks on Trello (hideyuki, 16:31:41) * community testing VTN for knowning the capabilities of ODL to recompute the paths when a link goes down. (gvrangan, 16:39:08) * Sai wants to know if vbridge can be used with redirect for service chaining (gvrangan, 16:55:47) * to be responded in vt-dev (gvrangan, 16:56:15) Meeting ended at 17:00:41 UTC. People present (lines said) --------------------------- * gvrangan (24) * hideyuki (9) * odl_meetbot (3) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4