15:17:59 <hideyuki> #startmeeting Weekly Meeting
15:17:59 <odl_meetbot> Meeting started Wed May  4 15:17:59 2016 UTC.  The chair is hideyuki. Information about MeetBot at http://ci.openstack.org/meetbot.html.
15:17:59 <odl_meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:17:59 <odl_meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_meeting'
15:18:09 <hideyuki> #chair gvrangan
15:18:09 <odl_meetbot> Current chairs: gvrangan hideyuki
15:18:31 <gvrangan> #topic Be SR2 CSIT failures
15:19:04 <gvrangan> #info VTN Manager had one failure which was intermittent..and not easily recreated
15:19:20 <gvrangan> #info VTN coordinator was failing
15:20:01 <gvrangan> #info patch fixed the problem https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/38213/
15:20:12 <gvrangan> #info no problems observed after this patch
15:22:18 <gvrangan> #info OFPlugin updates -LiMigration bugs not discused
15:22:54 <gvrangan> #info Reg the migration to Topology Model: https://lists.opendaylight.org/pipermail/openflowplugin-dev/2016-May/005003.html
15:24:04 <gvrangan> #info the LiMigration bugs will be discussed next week
15:26:41 <gvrangan> #info the docs patch is stil being reviewed https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/33787/
15:27:13 <gvrangan> #topic Trello Page Review
15:27:49 <gvrangan> card:  https://trello.com/c/OrIFZk6T/77-cli-commands-for-vtn-manager
15:28:00 <gvrangan> #info Sai yet to update the task breakup
15:28:07 <gvrangan> #info his mail has been responded
15:31:54 <gvrangan> #info We can create a sample command to start the task
15:32:43 <gvrangan> card: https://trello.com/c/onkAovym/16-re-enable-csit-for-vtn-coordinator
15:33:11 <gvrangan> #info the work on this has got delayed due to issues  wwith the environment will be closed this week
15:35:48 <gvrangan> #info there is a difference in sanbox and the releng now, this needs to be kept in ming while testing in sandbox
15:36:14 <gvrangan> #info Karthik is working on enabling VTN coordiantor for Born, will be closed this week
15:36:35 <gvrangan> card:https://trello.com/c/TfIM2OH7/48-install-the-table-miss-flow-entry-for-of1-3-switches
15:36:50 <gvrangan> #info The activities in wiki pages to update a;ll releated pages has been done
15:37:20 <gvrangan> #info Needs review before moving to done
15:39:04 <gvrangan> #info  CSIT needs to clear the VTN's and other components creatted as part of teardown
15:39:19 <gvrangan> card: https://trello.com/c/qOITAJ24/57-create-csit-for-testing-openstack-integration
15:41:29 <gvrangan> Patch : https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/38193/
15:41:54 <gvrangan> #info: Needs a new card in trello with enough explanations
15:45:57 <gvrangan> #info will discuss with Karthik on the patch and com back
15:46:42 <gvrangan> card:https://trello.com/c/RIjyjroQ/46-stabilize-csit-for-beryllium-of-vtn-manager
15:47:02 <gvrangan> #info the Beryllium caes are stable, this card can be moved to Done
15:47:32 <hideyuki> https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/view/vtn/job/vtn-csit-1node-manager-only-beryllium/
15:48:36 <gvrangan> #info /tmp/distribution-karaf-0.4.2-beryllium-daily-v201605040031/bin/start is missing, seems to be a filure in build of distribution
15:50:12 <gvrangan> #info hideyuki feels it can be closed only after addressing the latest failures
15:50:32 <gvrangan> card:  https://trello.com/c/4V1h24vi/51-stabilize-csit-for-boron-of-vtn-manager
15:51:42 <gvrangan> #info this is stable since April 30, can be moved  to done
15:58:32 <gvrangan> #info Those were the updates since last meeting
15:58:42 <gvrangan> #endmeeting