07:59:59 <morgan_orange> #startmeeting Functest weekly meeting October 4th 07:59:59 <collabot> Meeting started Tue Oct 4 07:59:59 2016 UTC. The chair is morgan_orange. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 07:59:59 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 07:59:59 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'functest_weekly_meeting_october_4th' 08:00:12 <morgan_orange> #topic call role 08:00:21 <Cristina__> #info Cristina Pauna (enea) 08:00:47 <jose_lausuch> #info Jose Lausuch 08:01:08 <morgan_orange> #info Morgan Richomme 08:01:50 <morgan_orange> #info agenda https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/functest/Functest+Meeting 08:01:56 <morgan_orange> any point you want to add? 08:02:03 <hideyasu_ool> #info Hideyasu ool 08:02:23 <morgan_orange> #topic action points follow-up 08:02:33 <morgan_orange> #info AP1: morgan_orange push presentation on dahsboard in the doc repo 08:02:38 <morgan_orange> #info done https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/22659/ 08:02:44 <morgan_orange> #info AP2: morgan_orange formalize PTL election in wiki (vote planned on the 10th so procedure shall be available 1 week before) 08:02:51 <morgan_orange> #info done https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/functest/Functest+admin 08:03:04 <morgan_orange> feel free to comment, election will be organized next week 08:03:13 <morgan_orange> #info AP3: jose_lausuch viktor_t lhinds May-meimei ollivier SerenaFeng juhak Raghav complete etherpad postmortem 08:03:21 <morgan_orange> #link https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/Colorado-Testing-postmortem 08:03:27 <morgan_orange> #info I just see some update from yardstick, we will discuss Colorado postmortem in a topic 08:03:35 <jose_lausuch> sorry, didnt put anything new.. 08:03:38 <morgan_orange> #info AP4: hideyasu_ool jose_lausuch sync with SDNVPN 08:03:44 <morgan_orange> #info done clarification done by hideyasu (mail) 08:03:51 <jose_lausuch> done, not many similarities 08:03:52 <morgan_orange> #info AP5: morgan_orange contact hongbo to see articulation dovetail tests / functest tests (especially in the VIM section) 08:04:02 <morgan_orange> #info done hongbo confirmed they will not redevelop test cases but base their suite on existing suite (wiki was a bit misleading for me) 08:04:17 <morgan_orange> any comment on the actions points of the week? 08:05:06 <morgan_orange> #topic Colorado post mortem 08:05:38 <morgan_orange> maybe we can plan a slot during OpenStack summit to finalize and let some time to complete 08:05:45 <jose_lausuch> yes 08:05:50 <jose_lausuch> I;ll be attending 08:05:53 <morgan_orange> there are already several remarks 08:06:28 <morgan_orange> #action jose_lausuch morgan_orange plan finalization of Colorado postmortem during OpenStack Summit 08:06:35 <jose_lausuch> what shall we do with this? 08:06:38 <morgan_orange> #action everybody 2 more weeks to complete... 08:06:43 <jose_lausuch> go point by point and comment? 08:07:02 <morgan_orange> I would suggets to formalize a presentation that we could share with other testing projects/feature projects 08:07:06 <jose_lausuch> I mean during the review 08:07:07 <jose_lausuch> ok 08:07:33 <jose_lausuch> for the "-" we should have proposals for improvement 08:07:35 <morgan_orange> organize a little bit the points and suggest improvement for Danube for the - and the -- 08:07:38 <morgan_orange> yes 08:07:52 <jose_lausuch> :) 08:08:02 <morgan_orange> #action morgan_orange jose_lausuch initiate presentation with proposals for the - and -- alreday referenced 08:08:37 <morgan_orange> but we encourage everybody, especially the peopel who contribute to Colorado to share their remark/criticism/pain points... 08:08:55 <morgan_orange> do not be shy.... 08:09:01 <jose_lausuch> for sure 08:09:18 <morgan_orange> #topic Danube: Discussion on internal tescases 08:09:18 <jose_lausuch> for any topic (code, docs, apis,...) 08:09:47 <morgan_orange> yes maybe we should distinguish framework, tests (unit/internal, features), code, project management,.. 08:10:07 <morgan_orange> as we have in the Danube page 08:10:15 <morgan_orange> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/functest/Functest+Danube 08:10:42 <morgan_orange> we have several types of tests: unit, internal, feature, vnf 08:11:24 <jose_lausuch> I think we need to strengthen the unit testing in opnfv 08:11:41 <jose_lausuch> for our own functions 08:11:46 <jose_lausuch> own tooling 08:11:48 <morgan_orange> at least the commodity functions 08:11:52 <jose_lausuch> yes 08:11:58 <morgan_orange> yes agree, there is already a JIRA for that 08:12:07 <jose_lausuch> and they could be used for verify jobs for ex. 08:12:12 <jose_lausuch> ah ok 08:12:18 <jose_lausuch> didnt see it yet, sorry 08:12:52 <morgan_orange> #info unit tests should be integrated especially for our own functions 08:12:54 <morgan_orange> #link https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/FUNCTEST-336 08:13:04 <morgan_orange> we also suggest an intership 08:13:19 <morgan_orange> first step will consist in unit testing the functions in util directory 08:13:19 <jose_lausuch> for that task? 08:13:49 <morgan_orange> yes but it is not the season for interns at the moment 08:14:12 <jose_lausuch> ya 08:14:14 <jose_lausuch> ok 08:14:15 <morgan_orange> #info intership proposed on Functest unit tests 08:14:18 <morgan_orange> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/DEV/Intern-projects-page 08:14:28 <morgan_orange> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/DEV/Intern+Project%3A+Functest+unit+tests 08:14:35 <morgan_orange> maybe we shall start.. 08:14:55 <jose_lausuch> we can clarify in the summit 08:15:02 <jose_lausuch> what to do exactly 08:15:08 <jose_lausuch> for wich exact tools 08:15:15 <morgan_orange> #info new internal tests have also been mentioned: evolution of vPing, vPing + real userdata (not using local drive), security groups 08:15:44 <jose_lausuch> sec groups would be a new test case 08:15:52 <jose_lausuch> already proposed for colorado 08:16:08 <jose_lausuch> do you know if david would have time to look into it? 08:16:23 <jose_lausuch> because I think its a very good idea 08:16:29 <morgan_orange> #info Dovetail defined a vRouter test case that shoudl also be not too difficult to implement 08:16:52 <morgan_orange> for the moment we collect the idea, but we will need to allocate our resources for Danube... 08:17:08 <morgan_orange> note this vRouter has nothing to deal with vRouter vnf from ool 08:18:04 <morgan_orange> do you see other interesting internal cases (except VNF) 08:18:54 <jose_lausuch> not for now 08:18:58 <jose_lausuch> anyone else? 08:19:01 <morgan_orange> It is very early stage, but one of my colleague may add a test around energy audit 08:19:13 <jose_lausuch> energy?:) 08:19:36 <morgan_orange> through IPMI, it is possible to get info on power consumption, as we are able to automate deployment, tests,..it shall be possible to get a power footprint 08:19:55 <morgan_orange> and see from a stat perspective the delta due to teh creation of resources 08:20:11 <morgan_orange> still very early stage but if we do not try...we will never know... 08:20:20 <jose_lausuch> ok, that sounds original 08:20:43 <morgan_orange> if nothing to add on internal test cases, we can move to next topic 08:20:48 <morgan_orange> and a big one.. 08:21:01 <jose_lausuch> i would never think about energy in this kind of things :) 08:21:05 <morgan_orange> #info early reflexion on test on power consuption POD audit 08:21:22 <morgan_orange> at the end it is a lot of $$$ for poor Telcos... 08:21:38 <morgan_orange> #topic Danube: Discussion on refactoring/templating 08:21:39 <jose_lausuch> like Orange? :) 08:21:57 <morgan_orange> in the Functest Danube page, there are already lots of items on the refactoring 08:22:01 <morgan_orange> of the framework 08:22:09 <morgan_orange> there are consideration on frgmenting docker 08:22:10 <jose_lausuch> come on, you have a lot of subscribers, I'm using orange at home :p 08:22:18 <morgan_orange> on creating more APIs 08:22:28 <jose_lausuch> I have some proposals about that 08:22:34 <morgan_orange> supporting Python 3 08:22:42 <morgan_orange> remove wild exit, call to bash from python 08:22:45 <morgan_orange> .... 08:22:56 <morgan_orange> so lots of things... 08:23:03 <morgan_orange> regarding docker 08:23:05 <jose_lausuch> yes, we need to split the task 08:23:14 <jose_lausuch> see the resources we have for Colorado 08:23:29 <jose_lausuch> call for volunteers for each task 08:23:31 <jose_lausuch> etc.. 08:24:06 <morgan_orange> yep 08:24:24 <morgan_orange> I have some question on new API 08:24:43 <morgan_orange> for the moment we use a yaml file to declare the case 08:24:51 <morgan_orange> we have also such declaration in the DB 08:25:02 <Cristina__> - 08:25:05 <morgan_orange> so we duplicate the info 08:25:09 <jose_lausuch> yes 08:25:18 <morgan_orange> the CLI is based on the static file 08:25:21 <jose_lausuch> we could merge everything into one 08:25:31 <morgan_orange> but offers some feature that an APi could also offer 08:25:46 <morgan_orange> In the section https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/functest/Functest+Danube#FunctestDanube-Featureprojecttemplating/NewAPI 08:26:05 <morgan_orange> I tried to summarize the interaction a scenario owner and/or a feature project leader may have with Functest 08:26:16 <morgan_orange> if we consider the scenario owner 08:26:42 <morgan_orange> we laso got the request => he/she wants to know the runnable tests, be able to exclude some tests (he/she is master on board) 08:26:54 <morgan_orange> shall we add a method scenario to our API? 08:27:12 <morgan_orange> and complete the existing table to reflect the yaml file 08:27:24 <morgan_orange> the static file would be used only in backup if no connection is available 08:27:45 <jose_lausuch> you mean the scenario owner can use the api to enable/disable the tests he/she wants? 08:28:08 <jose_lausuch> we could generate the static file when building the docker image 08:28:14 <jose_lausuch> from the api 08:28:28 <morgan_orange> yes, through the API he will be able to create a list that will be stored in the DB. If nothing we use the default (current) behaviour) if not we use the custom list 08:28:49 <morgan_orange> jose_lausuch: yes something like that 08:29:22 <jose_lausuch> I would still use trhe static file inside functes cli, but generated dynamically from the api info 08:29:30 <morgan_orange> and we create a table scenario with info such as the owner, the custom list, the installer supported, the stats (what we have today in a csv file done for reporting) 08:29:33 <jose_lausuch> no need to do it real time 08:30:31 <morgan_orange> it is funny to see that we moved to scenario centric view, but we do not have scenario tables... 08:31:40 <morgan_orange> I will try to summarize 08:31:59 <morgan_orange> #info discussion on a possible evolution of the API with the creation of a scenario table 08:32:28 <morgan_orange> #info this table would include the scenario owner, the customTestlist (if tests excluded by the owner / default behavior), the score, the installer supported 08:32:52 <morgan_orange> #info the scenario owner could generate a custom list that will generate a yaml file used by the CLI and inside the container 08:33:07 <morgan_orange> #info if nothing customized we keep the current behavior 08:33:39 <morgan_orange> I can try to review a little bit teh proposable in the wiki page to reflect that if you are OK 08:33:59 <morgan_orange> #action morgan_orange refactor Danube page to reflect the introduction of a scenario table in the API 08:34:25 <morgan_orange> the second type of interaction is the feature test project versus Functest 08:34:29 <jose_lausuch> ok 08:34:31 <morgan_orange> I think we need more abstraction 08:34:34 <jose_lausuch> sound good 08:35:08 <jose_lausuch> any ideas how to achieve that? 08:35:13 <morgan_orange> a feature project has to: declare its project, provide the URL of the tests, reports results,.. 08:35:24 <jose_lausuch> url of the tests? 08:35:37 <morgan_orange> how to run the tests in their repo 08:35:52 <jose_lausuch> ah ok 08:35:55 <morgan_orange> we could create a class 08:36:26 <morgan_orange> so feature projects that would like to use Functest to join CI/reporting/... would be more guided 08:36:36 <morgan_orange> ... 08:36:57 <jose_lausuch> we always try to make it easier for feature projects 08:36:58 <morgan_orange> I tried to list all the interactions I imagine from a feature project 08:37:06 <jose_lausuch> but always with wikis and presentations 08:37:22 <morgan_orange> - create my project in functest 08:37:26 <jose_lausuch> I hope we dont make it even more complex by doing this 08:37:40 <jose_lausuch> I would imagine a guided dashboard 08:37:46 <morgan_orange> - use tools 08:37:57 <morgan_orange> - get/push logs 08:37:59 <jose_lausuch> where the scenario owner presses a bunch of buttons 08:38:02 <morgan_orange> - get/push results 08:38:13 <morgan_orange> - exclude from reporting 08:38:17 <morgan_orange> * add to dashboard 08:38:48 <morgan_orange> but you are right...is my view something that will suimplify or complexify... 08:39:34 <jose_lausuch> it could be a simple dashboard which converts scenario owners desires into calls to api and other rtyhings 08:39:42 <jose_lausuch> everything automated 08:39:49 <jose_lausuch> is that tto ideal? :) 08:40:35 <morgan_orange> maybe we should ask "old" feature project PTL to get their feedback 08:40:54 <jose_lausuch> sure 08:40:59 <morgan_orange> creating a class is a way for me for preformat and formalize the integration steps 08:41:09 <jose_lausuch> bryan sullivan would be happy to provide feedback I imagine :) 08:41:09 <morgan_orange> it is not very different from what we have 08:41:32 <morgan_orange> in Colorado => declaration in the DB + in the yaml file + run_tests + feature.py under testcases 08:42:16 <jose_lausuch> yes 08:42:21 <jose_lausuch> its a good idea 08:42:53 <morgan_orange> #action morgan_orange ask feature projects already integrated in Functest for feedback on a possible evolution considering Feature project as an object 08:43:21 <morgan_orange> the last API I see are teh cross test project APIs to avoid overlap 08:43:36 <morgan_orange> deploy a VNF, generate traffic, ... 08:44:09 <morgan_orange> as we in theory are able to deploy a vIMS thorugh the CLI, it would be interesting to offer this function to third party.. 08:44:18 <morgan_orange> through an API 08:44:57 <morgan_orange> more complex but would give clarity on test domains... 08:45:18 <jose_lausuch> we can follow this up during the summit 08:45:24 <morgan_orange> anything help you want to add on the framework refactoring 08:45:29 <morgan_orange> oops 08:45:36 <morgan_orange> anything else (lapsus) 08:46:03 <morgan_orange> #topic Danube: Discussion on exception class 08:46:21 <morgan_orange> my idea was to discuss with other test projects to define an OPNFV exception class 08:46:42 <jose_lausuch> can you describe the idea behind? 08:46:50 <morgan_orange> yep 08:47:22 <morgan_orange> just to agree common error cause such as SUT not reachable, CI run failed, test DB not reachable, Feature test failed, .... 08:47:54 <morgan_orange> then instead of exit -1, we would raise exceptions (the same for all the test projects with possibility to customize some if needed) 08:48:03 <morgan_orange> and would have a consistent management on Jenkins 08:48:10 <jose_lausuch> ok, thanks 08:48:19 <morgan_orange> not difficult 08:48:22 <jose_lausuch> yes, it would make sense to define in releng 08:48:33 <morgan_orange> yes, palce is in relengneed an agreement of the 08:48:37 <morgan_orange> oops 08:48:40 <morgan_orange> yes in releng 08:48:48 <morgan_orange> need a agreement of all the test projects 08:48:57 <morgan_orange> I will suggest it next thursday 08:49:02 <jose_lausuch> ok 08:49:12 <jose_lausuch> something for all test projects 08:49:26 <jose_lausuch> for common potential errors 08:49:30 <morgan_orange> #info for all the test project, list possible error causes and create a class in Releng 08:49:30 <jose_lausuch> good idea 08:49:47 <morgan_orange> #info could behelpful to have a consistent way to manage error at the test level and avoid wild exit 08:49:53 <morgan_orange> #topic Meetup 08:50:14 <morgan_orange> as José coudl be our guide in Barcelona...the Lannion meetup is not more needed 08:50:23 <morgan_orange> #info meetup in Lannion canceled 08:50:41 <morgan_orange> #info proposal to organize the meetup in Barcelona Tuesday 25th 08:50:47 <morgan_orange> #info room has been asked 08:51:01 <morgan_orange> of course people may have to attend presentations, booth,... 08:51:14 <jose_lausuch> dont say: not needed, better say : postponeed (still looking forward to seeing brittany) 08:51:35 <morgan_orange> but juhak, Serena, Jose, Cedric, Morgan, Luke,, May, maybe Valentin will be there.... 08:51:57 <morgan_orange> #info people who are free can also attend OPNFV meetup in Paris on the 21th 08:52:27 <morgan_orange> #info Lannion candidate for a future meetup... 08:52:36 <morgan_orange> #topic AoB 08:52:42 <jose_lausuch> I am working on something in releng that might be useful for us 08:52:48 <morgan_orange> #info update o the reporting with d3js for gauge and trend line 08:52:54 <morgan_orange> #info export to pdf in progress but js svg not displayed 08:53:00 <morgan_orange> #info export to csv also planned 08:53:07 <jose_lausuch> it's an installer adapter, you'll see this week a big patch 08:53:18 <morgan_orange> #link http://testresults.opnfv.org/reporting/functest/release/colorado/index-status-compass.html 08:53:28 <morgan_orange> #info installer adapter in the pipe.... 08:53:45 <morgan_orange> it will somehow abstract the installer to the rest of the world? 08:54:06 <morgan_orange> #info discussion on CI evolution with releng project 08:54:25 <morgan_orange> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/INF/CI+Evolution 08:54:25 <jose_lausuch> something like that 08:54:32 <morgan_orange> #action all review CI evolution 08:54:38 <jose_lausuch> so, you can get the ips of thenodes 08:55:00 <jose_lausuch> and scp to them or run remote commands doing ssh-proxying the installer 08:55:04 <jose_lausuch> and so on 08:55:26 <morgan_orange> ok, it corresponds to the need we mentoned to be able to connect to nodes of the SUT for feature people 08:55:35 <jose_lausuch> yes 08:56:09 <jose_lausuch> no ugly scrip fetch_os_creds.sh with looong sed grep commnds 08:56:14 <morgan_orange> ok let's wait and see but it will be great to have something methods like connectControlNode without divin into each installer 08:56:17 <jose_lausuch> everything python based :) 08:56:57 <morgan_orange> for CI evoolution, I think adapations in functest are not so big...even if there was a misunderstanding 08:57:05 <jose_lausuch> yes 08:57:07 <morgan_orange> we considered weekly loop for long duration tests, 08:57:18 <morgan_orange> in CI it is more considered as propotion of daily 08:57:34 <morgan_orange> so it is a bit different but we can converge 08:57:41 <morgan_orange> I will had this topic for next week 08:57:46 <morgan_orange> as weel as a status on VNF 08:57:55 <morgan_orange> but if you want to add a topic, do not hesitate 08:57:55 <jose_lausuch> maybe we could also discuss it in the infra meeting 08:58:29 <morgan_orange> yep 08:58:29 <morgan_orange> I think the proposal of Fatih is clear, we have to adapt to it 08:58:56 <morgan_orange> but resources will be needed and adapations on installer side..which is something that is requested for a long time... 08:59:14 <morgan_orange> but if we want to optimize CI, this promotion mechanism should be put in place 08:59:37 <morgan_orange> any other topic for the AoB for today 08:59:38 <morgan_orange> ? 08:59:53 <jose_lausuch> agree 09:00:12 <morgan_orange> hideyasu_ool: Cristina__ ollivier Raghav .... 09:00:26 <Raghav> Ok 09:00:33 <Cristina__> agree 09:00:37 <hideyasu_ool> agree 09:00:56 <morgan_orange> #info CI evolution: mechanism described by Fatih clear, Functest could adapt. 09:01:08 <morgan_orange> #info ressources needed and adoption of the procedure by all the installers 09:01:11 <morgan_orange> ok 09:01:14 <morgan_orange> thanks everybody 09:01:20 <morgan_orange> Have a good week 09:01:25 <morgan_orange> see you next week 09:01:32 <jose_lausuch> have a good week 09:01:32 <morgan_orange> and do not hesitate to ask for topic slots 09:02:04 <morgan_orange> next week we will have a younger, fitter, smarter and nicer PTL... 09:02:06 <morgan_orange> :) 09:02:14 <morgan_orange> #endmeeting