08:00:03 <jose_lausuch> #startmeeting Functest weekly meeting 12 Sep. 2017 08:00:03 <collabot> Meeting started Tue Sep 12 08:00:03 2017 UTC. The chair is jose_lausuch. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:03 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 08:00:03 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'functest_weekly_meeting_12_sep__2017' 08:00:10 <jose_lausuch> #info Jose Lausuch 08:00:32 <boucherv> #info Valentin Boucher 08:00:42 <ollivier> #info Cédric 08:00:51 <LindaWang> #info Linda Wang 08:00:56 <serena-zte> #info SerenaFeng 08:01:03 <juhak> #info Juha Kosonen 08:01:11 <morgan_orange> #info Morgan Richomme 08:01:19 <jose_lausuch> #info Agenda https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/functest/Functest+5.+Meeting#Functest5.Meeting-12/09(8UTC) 08:01:24 <jose_lausuch> #chair morgan_orange 08:01:24 <collabot> Current chairs: jose_lausuch morgan_orange 08:01:37 <jose_lausuch> #topic action points follow up 08:01:45 <jose_lausuch> #info AP morgan_orange restrict orchestra test to apex (to avoid blocking compass gate) 08:01:49 <jose_lausuch> done? 08:02:11 <morgan_orange> #info done then reneable yesterday 08:02:26 <jose_lausuch> ok 08:02:29 <morgan_orange> #info orchestra made the fix to avoid redowloading their image + port 8080 08:02:46 <CristinaPauna> #info Cristina Pauna (Enea) 08:03:02 <jose_lausuch> #info AP iabashin give details on the sceanrio planned for calipso 08:03:29 <jose_lausuch> ? 08:04:03 <jose_lausuch> morgan_orange: do you know? 08:04:16 <morgan_orange> #info calipso out of Functest scope 08:04:31 <morgan_orange> #info they just perform a docker ps on addons installed aside of OpenStack 08:04:40 <morgan_orange> #info no need to use functest for such tests 08:04:41 <jose_lausuch> that seems not compatible with functest integration 08:04:43 <jose_lausuch> as we spoke 08:04:48 <morgan_orange> #info info sent to David Mc bride 08:05:14 <jose_lausuch> thanks 08:05:18 <jose_lausuch> #info AP juhak look at the cleaning issue on Tempest/Refstack issue 08:05:23 <juhak> #info fixed, patch https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/41265/ submitted by Linda 08:06:07 <jose_lausuch> ok,thanks 08:06:17 <jose_lausuch> #info AP jose_lausuch review the different internship requests / send mail to functest team / prepare answers to the students 08:06:38 <jose_lausuch> #info ongoing, there are a couple of students interested in the different topics, need to arrange interviews with them 08:06:47 <jose_lausuch> #info AP morgan_orange forward the different emails 08:06:51 <jose_lausuch> #info Done 08:06:52 <morgan_orange> #info done 08:06:57 <jose_lausuch> #undo 08:06:57 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x3563950> 08:07:14 <jose_lausuch> #topic Euphrates Status 08:07:26 <jose_lausuch> could you guys explain your current issues/blockers? 08:07:41 <LindaWang> which docker will be released? 08:07:51 <LindaWang> ubuntu or alpine based? 08:08:13 <LindaWang> I mean which functest image :) 08:08:15 <jose_lausuch> alpine is not supported by armnand so we still need to keep ubutnu https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/41663/ 08:08:24 <jose_lausuch> but we could release alpine for the rest 08:08:51 <LindaWang> but now only alpine image is used in CI for 5 installers. 08:08:54 <morgan_orange> I am currently updating the doc accordingly 08:08:54 <ollivier> I do think it's a mistake. They should rely on the right image. Look at the tweak to bypass issues on libxml. 08:09:16 <jose_lausuch> #info Morgan updating the docs with Alpine information 08:09:20 <jose_lausuch> thanks moç 08:09:23 <jose_lausuch> thanks morgan_orange 08:09:28 <ollivier> morgan_orange: thanks. 08:10:07 <jose_lausuch> ollivier: is it cause by only some modules? or a bigger compatibility issue? 08:10:29 <jose_lausuch> if we could find the way to make it work on aarch64 easily... 08:10:31 <morgan_orange> I created a patch this morning to allow run on aarch64, CristinaPauna created a JIRA for future work in armband for alpine support. Meanwhile we still can use the monolithic ubuntu 08:10:53 <CristinaPauna> morgan_orange: Delia is working on it 08:11:03 <morgan_orange> LindaWang: it is even used by 6 installers if we consider osa .. 08:11:10 <CristinaPauna> she will submit a patch for the basic tests today 08:11:10 <LindaWang> rally_sanity failed to run in compass now, maybe I need Cedric's help. 08:11:22 <morgan_orange> CristinaPauna: ok so my patch will be maybe useless.. 08:11:34 <jose_lausuch> CristinaPauna: do you know how much work could that bring? 08:11:43 <jose_lausuch> meaning.. how long could it take? 08:11:50 <LindaWang> is osa not compass master? morgan_orange 08:11:51 <ollivier> jose_lausuch: simply because the ubuntu is too old (e cannot rely on system librairies). Technically speaking, we should have switched to Alpine for a while. 08:12:01 <jose_lausuch> LindaWang: OSA is also refered to XCI 08:12:29 <morgan_orange> LindaWang: OSA = OpenStack Ansible used by Compass and XCI 08:12:33 <ollivier> jose_lausuch: It's fine to keep the two images. But we should tag opnfv/functest as deprecated and the remove it in the next release dev cycle 08:12:37 <CristinaPauna> jose_lausuch: functest_core, and all docker files for the rest of the tests 08:13:13 <CristinaPauna> morgan_orange: can you sync with Delia to see what each of you did? 08:13:33 <jose_lausuch> so, the only dependency to keep Ubuntu image is arm right now? 08:13:59 <ollivier> I do think so. 08:14:03 <CristinaPauna> she is currnetly working on the vnf container, but will submit the patches without that 08:14:21 <morgan_orange> CristinaPauna: I did not work on alpine support for arm, just reenable the old way but OK I take the point and sync with Delia 08:14:21 <CristinaPauna> or maybe not even that 08:14:43 <CristinaPauna> morgan_orange: 10x 08:14:58 <LindaWang> ollivier: Could you create a full alpine image for functest restapi? 08:15:07 <morgan_orange> other concerns for Euphrates release: not lots of feedback from feature projects... 08:15:35 <jose_lausuch> I know from sfc they are working on making it work on XCI 08:15:49 <jose_lausuch> but you are right, not much feedback from all 08:16:25 <ollivier> LindaWang: Yes. I can. I will create a new dir full. The issue is simply to duplicate the work and it's against the slices. But it meets your target. 08:16:48 <LindaWang> ollivier: Thanks. 08:16:54 <jose_lausuch> ollivier: ok, can I action you? 08:17:19 <jose_lausuch> #action CristinaPauna give an update about supporting alpine on aarch64 08:17:19 <ollivier> LindaWang: Yes. Please give me details of rally_sanity after the meeting. 08:17:24 <LindaWang> another issue: functest daily job is often time out on huawei-virtual5, i am not sure if it also occurs on other pods. 08:17:26 <LindaWang> ollivier: ok 08:17:34 <jose_lausuch> #action ollivier LindaWang create alpine container for RestAPI 08:17:51 <LindaWang> ollivier: compass team would like to give you access to huawei-virtual5 08:17:53 <jose_lausuch> #info not much feedback provided from feature projects 08:18:17 <jose_lausuch> LindaWang: do you know the cause? I mean, is there a hanging test case? 08:18:31 <LindaWang> jose_lausuch: vnf tests take a long time 08:18:37 <LindaWang> jose_lausuch: https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/functest/job/functest-alpine-compass-huawei-virtual5-daily-master/30/console 08:18:56 <jose_lausuch> 4 hours runtime... 08:18:58 <morgan_orange> LindaWang: on our POD a cloudify_ims is 15 minutes... 08:18:59 <ollivier> LindaWang: let me know if I should provide a shared key (ssh, gpg...) 08:19:10 <morgan_orange> I think such tests should be run only on baremetal 08:19:17 <jose_lausuch> +1 08:19:20 <LindaWang> morgan_orange: Lol, maybe you are right 08:19:28 <morgan_orange> but we can filter only on installer/sceanrio 08:19:29 <ollivier> some vnfs downloads external scripts (bug Valentin ;) 08:19:50 <morgan_orange> running a ha sceanrio in virtual..may lead to lots of performance issues precisely detected by such tests... 08:20:12 <boucherv> morgan_orange: +1 08:20:14 <ollivier> morgan_orange: +1 08:20:16 <jose_lausuch> agree 08:20:21 <ollivier> boucherv: +1 08:20:27 <serena-zte> +1 08:20:30 <jose_lausuch> how shall we fix that on virtual envs? 08:20:54 <morgan_orange> it looks like another constraint we did nto integrate so far... 08:20:58 <jose_lausuch> another filter by "virtual" vs "baremetal" seems overwhelming… 08:21:06 <serena-zte> by ha or noha 08:21:09 <jose_lausuch> just like ha/noha 08:21:16 <morgan_orange> if we could filter on pod name, we could filter on virtual/baremetal 08:21:21 <ollivier> normally kvm works well in guest if the module is well loaded. 08:21:28 <morgan_orange> some time ago HA = baremetal, NOHA = virtual 08:21:32 <morgan_orange> but it is not the case anymore... 08:21:33 <jose_lausuch> that has changed 08:21:34 <LindaWang> there is always ha for compass, no matter virtual or baremetal 08:21:35 <morgan_orange> we have HA on virtual 08:21:36 <serena-zte> parser used to run on virtual, but it requires lots of resources 08:21:43 <serena-zte> so we change to run on HA 08:22:13 <ollivier> serena-zte: I haven't received any feedback on parser container. Has it been tested? 08:22:38 <jose_lausuch> is it too late to implement that filter? or we leave it for next release 08:22:47 <serena-zte> I don't know either, I am out of office for a few days, I will sync with xiaodong tomorrow 08:23:31 <morgan_orange> a simple/ugly way would be in releng to exclude vnf tier from the list if virtual is in the POD name 08:24:09 <jose_lausuch> but we execute daily, right? 08:24:15 <morgan_orange> https://git.opnfv.org/releng/tree/jjb/functest/functest-alpine.sh#L74 08:24:24 <ollivier> I would propose to find the issues first. Then we will see if it's related to the second virtualization layer. 08:25:11 <morgan_orange> for me the issue is linked to the dimensioning of the virtual POD 08:25:22 <morgan_orange> not enough RAM/space/vCPU 08:25:31 <jose_lausuch> I'd say it's just a resources thing 08:25:34 <serena-zte> yes 08:25:36 <jose_lausuch> virtual is just slower 08:25:49 <morgan_orange> LindaWang: do you have the details for huwaei-virtual5? 08:25:55 <serena-zte> 8G/4G RAM usually 08:26:04 <LindaWang> no idea so far 08:26:15 <morgan_orange> boucherv: how many VMs in cloudify_ims? 08:26:20 <jose_lausuch> maybe we could put a note in the documentation 08:26:22 <morgan_orange> at least 10 ... 08:26:43 <jose_lausuch> #action get information from huawei-virtual5 (ram, cpu) 08:27:04 <LindaWang> ok 08:27:18 <jose_lausuch> #undo 08:27:18 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Action object at 0x357a7d0> 08:27:26 <jose_lausuch> irc://irc.freenode.net:6667/#action LindaWang get information from huawei-virtual5 (ram, cpu) 08:27:33 <boucherv> yes 8 (x2Gb RAM) and 1 (4 or 8 Gb ram) 08:27:38 <jose_lausuch> irc://irc.freenode.net:6667/#action LindaWang get information from huawei-virtual5 (ram, cpu) 08:27:44 <jose_lausuch> what's that? 08:27:57 <jose_lausuch> #action LindaWang get information from huawei-virtual5 (ram, cpu) 08:28:09 <LindaWang> https://hastebin.com/komarokuvi.rb 08:28:27 <jose_lausuch> also the ram that is assigned to the different virtual nodes 08:28:56 <ollivier> Can you please send the related testcase log files too? I think they were not published as artifacts. 08:29:29 <morgan_orange> ollivier: LF stack seems empty, LindaWangasked for gutils config for a while..but like our violation plugin..still not done... :) 08:29:40 <morgan_orange> humm not empty, full 08:29:58 <LindaWang> morgan_orange: Done. log file can be pushed tp artifacts now 08:30:08 <morgan_orange> ah ok my bad.. 08:30:21 <ollivier> and maybe violation plugin too? 08:30:43 <LindaWang> huawei-viatul5 cpu: 48 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2658A v3 @ 2.20GHz 08:31:08 <jose_lausuch> serena-zte: LindaWang: did you work before summer on a way to publish artifacts even though the job fails or timesout? 08:31:32 <LindaWang> jose_lausuch: no 08:31:45 <serena-zte> no 08:31:52 <jose_lausuch> #info huawei-virtual5: cpu: 48 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2658A v3 @ 2.20GHz 08:32:13 <jose_lausuch> ok, but I remember there was something from someone 08:32:19 <jose_lausuch> never mind 08:33:36 <LindaWang> I remember Helen worked on it 08:33:44 <jose_lausuch> ah it was Helen yes 08:33:47 <morgan_orange> LindaWang: and RAM..if it it 8 (assuming that we need at least 20) it may explain some issues... 08:33:52 <LindaWang> But i am not sure if it was finished 08:34:05 <serena-zte> free 1.3G 08:34:22 <serena-zte> according to LindaWang's hastbin infor 08:34:27 <LindaWang> Only 1.3G ram available 08:34:35 <serena-zte> I think it is the board's hw information 08:34:39 <serena-zte> not only for the pod 08:34:58 <ollivier> It begins swaping then perf' can decrease a little bit. But it may be a firewall issue too. 08:35:00 <jose_lausuch> you can do it by checking the individual vms 08:35:03 <jose_lausuch> with virsh or so 08:35:14 <serena-zte> a POD will not take so many RAM 180G consumed 08:35:28 <LindaWang> i will do that later, and maybe do some cleaning 08:35:42 <morgan_orange> yep do we have another virtual pod available somewhere? I rmemeber there were some alpine tests some time ago before the susification.... 08:36:01 <morgan_orange> but the ericsson pod is no mre up&running I think 08:36:31 <serena-zte> LindaWang, can you confirm the resources assignment when deploy the pod? how many RAM/CPUs are assigned to the pod? 08:36:46 <LindaWang> https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/functest/job/functest-compass-virtual-daily-master/ alpine based containers are running on these virtual pods now 08:37:06 <LindaWang> serena-zte: sure. 08:37:13 <ollivier> the virtual pod is very important in Alpine testing. Thank you. 08:38:20 <ollivier> CloudifyClientError: 502: 502: 08:38:35 <morgan_orange> LindaWang: ok you see on a virtual time is 20 minutes here 08:38:56 <morgan_orange> which is a little bit more than on baremetal but seems OK 08:38:58 <morgan_orange> not 4 hours 08:39:18 <LindaWang> maybe huawei-virtual5 has the worst performance. 08:39:52 <LindaWang> since alpine containers are running in CI, we do not have to only rely on huawei-virtual5 08:40:19 <LindaWang> https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/functest/job/functest-compass-baremetal-daily-master/1465/console 08:40:23 <morgan_orange> good question for you colleague managing the infra but there is probably somethign wrong (FW/Config/..) :) 08:40:38 <LindaWang> see cloudify_ims passed on huawei-pod1 08:41:00 <boucherv> good news ! 08:41:03 <morgan_orange> we should also find a way to get tid off the ugly logs from urllib3... 08:41:05 <serena-zte> I think maybe 1.3G RAM is one of the problem, we can start with the RAM clean and try again 08:41:10 <jose_lausuch> boucherv: congrats :p 08:41:30 <jose_lausuch> yes, those logs shouldn't be there 08:41:39 <LindaWang> morgan_orange: yes, agree, https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/40677/ 08:41:46 <ollivier> LindaWang: maybe a network issue to raise CloudifyClientError: 502: 502: 08:41:47 <LindaWang> morgan_orange: this patch has not been dinished 08:42:22 <morgan_orange> #info logs to be cleaned 08:42:25 <morgan_orange> #info patch iunitiated 08:42:26 <LindaWang> ollivier: Which job do you refer? 08:42:29 <jose_lausuch> #link https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/40677/ 08:42:36 <OPNFV-Gerrit-Bot> Jose Lausuch proposed functest: Disable urllib3 warnings https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/40677 08:42:47 <morgan_orange> soumaya: do you have any update on the vEPC testcase? 08:42:57 <ollivier> I would have prefered disabling via logging.ini 08:42:59 <boucherv> ollivier: ssometimes this error appears when the pod is too slow .. 08:43:00 <soumaya> Hi Morgan . Yes 08:43:14 <soumaya> I am committing code today 08:43:36 <jose_lausuch> LindaWang: can you move that to logging.ini ? 08:43:42 <LindaWang> ollivier: Could you help with the patch "disable urllib3 warnings"? 08:43:49 <LindaWang> jose_lausuch: Aha 08:43:52 <LindaWang> jose_lausuch: I will try 08:44:11 <jose_lausuch> #action LindaWang and cedric, update logging.ini to disable urllib3 log output 08:44:12 <morgan_orange> thanks soumaya 08:44:18 <jose_lausuch> thanks 08:44:21 <morgan_orange> jose_lausuch: soumaya and debayan showed the traces on Orange Community POD3, sounds we will get a new VNF onboarded (vEPC) 08:44:24 <soumaya> welcome 08:44:42 <ollivier> LindaWang: yes 08:44:43 <jose_lausuch> #info soumaya ongoing work on vEPC test case 08:44:52 <jose_lausuch> morgan_orange: ok, good ! 08:45:24 <morgan_orange> #info vEPC successfully integrated on community PODs (traces PASS on Danube 3.0/Compass (Orange community POD 3) 08:45:44 <morgan_orange> #action soumaya push code to repo for final integration 08:46:00 <soumaya> Thanks 08:47:47 <jose_lausuch> what about the branching window? 08:48:37 <ollivier> Normally Functest should be branched at the end as it depends on lots of OPNFV projects. 08:48:49 <jose_lausuch> #info branching window closes on 15 Sep. 08:49:10 <jose_lausuch> they will start creating euphrates jobs next week 08:49:13 <morgan_orange> I think we can wait the end..we could imagine to have the authorization to do it after the 15th as we integrate other projects... 08:49:18 <jose_lausuch> everthing needs to have that branch 08:49:18 <ollivier> I will ask Aric to warm me when a project is branched 08:49:26 <jose_lausuch> but a lot of cherry pick is a pain 08:49:30 <jose_lausuch> ok 08:49:59 <morgan_orange> maybe you can ask for an exception to David and say that we need to have all the other projects to be branched before we can do it 08:50:02 <ollivier> Please let me configure the first operations when the new branch is created. 08:50:04 <jose_lausuch> #info need to ask if we can wait before branching, as functest depends on other opnfv projects 08:50:14 <jose_lausuch> yes 08:50:23 <ollivier> I'm not sure we should breate an exception as we are ready from a Functest POV 08:50:25 <jose_lausuch> #action bring the branching topic to release meeting 08:50:41 <ollivier> ..raise.. 08:50:42 <jose_lausuch> at least we should wait until all the others are branched 08:50:47 <jose_lausuch> right? 08:50:54 <ollivier> at least we must be added in CC. 08:51:04 <morgan_orange> right, in theory the feature should have already branch but they wait the last minute 08:51:40 <morgan_orange> but ok not to raise an exception..we are ready from a project perspective 08:52:07 <jose_lausuch> thrre is a release meeting today, ollivier: do you want to join? 08:52:18 <ollivier> We could create the branch. I will operate the first steps. Then we need to update the branch when the project are ready. 08:52:29 <ollivier> I can't this morning sorry. 08:52:41 <jose_lausuch> it's in the afternoon 08:52:48 <jose_lausuch> but no problem, I will raise the topic 08:52:49 <jose_lausuch> but then 08:52:59 <jose_lausuch> do we just branch on the 15th? 08:53:11 <jose_lausuch> if so, no need to raise any exception or issue 08:53:12 <ollivier> Let's see if I finish first my hot topic for today. 08:53:35 <jose_lausuch> ok 08:53:41 <ollivier> (ODL related) 08:54:34 <jose_lausuch> I will skip the internship topic today and move it to next week 08:54:43 <jose_lausuch> I will probrably have talked to all the candidates 08:54:48 <jose_lausuch> #topic AoB 08:55:23 <jose_lausuch> does anyone wants to talk about some other topics? 08:55:25 <morgan_orange> LindaWang: juhak do we have still a need for a connectivity on the admin network - it is for the doc... 08:55:34 <pma> Is it known issue? https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/fuel/job/functest-fuel-baremetal-daily-master/1845/console 08:55:58 <LindaWang> morgan_orange: No such need I think 08:56:11 <jose_lausuch> Connecting to marketplace.openbaton.org (marketplace.openbaton.org)||:8080... failed: Connection refused. 08:56:36 <pma> jose_lausuch> need just to wait? 08:56:40 <ollivier> It works here. (-N included) 08:56:49 <jose_lausuch> morgan_orange: that issue seems to be related to your patch with the openbaton image 08:57:14 <pma> Ok I'll re-run it later 08:57:31 <jose_lausuch> it is an internet connectivity issue? 08:57:34 <ollivier> jose_lausuch: the key point is solved (timestamps). Maybe we should simply open FW rules. 08:57:36 <jose_lausuch> if it works on other places… 08:57:40 <jose_lausuch> ok 08:58:00 <morgan_orange> I just tried right now from my laptop, it is answering.. 08:58:15 <morgan_orange> so either a FW or a temporary connectivity issue 08:58:52 <jose_lausuch> pma: can you try again? 08:58:56 <LindaWang> it works from my side. 08:59:01 <jose_lausuch> and check that there is no FW issue or anything? 08:59:11 <ollivier> Please simply telnet the tcp port. 08:59:24 <jose_lausuch> or netcat 08:59:33 <ollivier> telnet 8080. I bet on FW rules 09:00:36 <jose_lausuch> ok 09:00:39 <jose_lausuch> can we close the meeting? 09:00:41 <serena-zte> morgan_orange jose_lausuch Thuvaraka already finish his three commits, I think it is time for the interview, when do you think is the available time? 09:01:04 <jose_lausuch> serena-zte: let's schedule for this week, is it ok for you? 09:01:16 <serena-zte> Sure 09:01:32 <serena-zte> I will forward his resume to both of you 09:01:39 <jose_lausuch> serena-zte: please do so, thanks 09:01:44 <jose_lausuch> #endmeeting