#opnfv-joid: JOID weekly

Meeting started by arturt at 16:02:20 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Bryan Sullivan (bryan_att, 16:02:34)
    2. Artur Tyloch (arturt, 16:02:36)

  1. Agenda bashing (arturt, 16:02:51)
    1. https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/joid (arturt, 16:03:08)

  2. B release status (arturt, 16:06:38)
    1. ACTION: durschatz: add JIRA feature request to improve automation (arturt, 16:15:49)

  3. C release (arturt, 16:20:30)
    1. https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/joid (arturt, 16:21:01)
    2. ACTION: arturt schedule product backlog grooming session for rel. C (arturt, 16:27:22)
    3. https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/JOID-58 (durschatz, 16:28:12)

  4. CFP Berlin OPNFV Summit (arturt, 16:35:07)
  5. OPNFV plugfest (arturt, 16:44:06)
    1. http://www.tranquilpcshop.co.uk/blog/ubuntu-the-orange-box/ (arturt, 16:50:36)
    2. http://cluster.engineering/ubuntu-orange-box/ (arturt, 16:56:58)
    3. new generation http://cluster.engineering/ubuntu-orangebox-v4-fully-configured/ (arturt, 16:57:23)

Meeting ended at 17:00:06 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. durschatz: add JIRA feature request to improve automation
  2. arturt schedule product backlog grooming session for rel. C

Action items, by person

  1. arturt
    1. arturt schedule product backlog grooming session for rel. C
  2. durschatz
    1. durschatz: add JIRA feature request to improve automation

People present (lines said)

  1. arturt (15)
  2. collabot` (3)
  3. bryan_att (2)
  4. durschatz (2)
  5. catbus1 (1)

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