14:00:24 <fdegir> #startmeeting Octopus and Releng Weekly Meeting 14:00:24 <collabot> Meeting started Mon Aug 17 14:00:24 2015 UTC. The chair is fdegir. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:24 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:24 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'octopus_and_releng_weekly_meeting' 14:00:32 <fdegir> #topic Rollcall 14:00:40 <fdegir> Octopus and Releng meeting participants 14:00:44 <fdegir> please type in your name 14:00:57 <dduffey> #info David Duffey 14:01:00 <chenshuai> #info chenshuai 14:01:14 <fdegir> #info Fatih Degirmenci 14:01:25 <MatthewL2> #info Jun Li 14:02:14 <Mofassir> #info Mofassir 14:02:20 <meimei1> #info meimei 14:02:24 <pbandzi> #info Peter Bandzi 14:02:25 <trozet> #info Tim Rozet 14:02:34 <fdegir> #topic Agenda Bashing 14:02:40 <morgan_orange> #info Morgan Richomme 14:02:43 <fdegir> I have the agenda below 14:02:49 <fdegir> #info Meeting Structure Update 14:02:58 <fdegir> #info Octopus: Action Item Review / Lab Compliancy / B-Release Work 14:03:10 <fdegir> #info Releng: Lab Reconfiguration Status / Brahmaputra Support 14:03:14 <fdegir> #info AoB 14:03:27 <fdegir> #topic Meeting Structure Update 14:03:52 <fdegir> #info Releng Team has decided to use same meeting slot as Octopus 14:04:02 <fdegir> #info And this has been agreed with uli-k as well 14:04:26 <fdegir> #info So we will have both Octopus and Releng meetings at this time until we see the need to change 14:04:54 <fdegir> #topic Octopus Action Item Review 14:05:11 <fdegir> #info There are 3 action items from last week 14:05:17 * ChrisPriceAB wonders which meeting this is??? 14:05:31 * fdegir ChrisPriceAB Octopus and Releng 14:05:39 <fdegir> first action item is 14:05:42 <fdegir> #info uli-k trozet: report back once ChrisPriceAB clarifies the need of doing Brahmaputra release on LF Lab 14:06:00 <fdegir> trozet: did you have chance to get some input? 14:06:10 * ChrisPriceAB thinks not... :s 14:06:16 <trozet> no 14:06:28 <fdegir> then I'll action all of you 14:06:45 <meimei1> I think it is very important, Lab compliant depends on that 14:06:52 <fdegir> #action uli-k trozet ChrisPriceAB: clarify the need of doing Brahmaputra release on LF Lab 14:07:10 <trozet> ChrisPriceAB: can you answer now, or do we need to wait and bring it up in a TSC call? 14:07:40 <ChrisPriceAB> I think it needs to wait until next week, post TSC call. 14:07:51 <fdegir> I agree 14:08:12 <trozet> ok 14:08:25 <fdegir> we need to assume that we will do the release from LF lab until Pharos starts delivering something concrete 14:08:48 <fdegir> moving to next item 14:08:53 <kaipule> #info kaipue(HaoRan Li) 14:08:59 <fdegir> #info chigang to try on a POD to apply new naming scheme to a slave 14:09:06 <fdegir> anyone any update regarding this? 14:09:18 <meimei1> yes 14:09:23 <fdegir> please info in meimei 14:09:25 <meimei1> we name the slave just according to provider and usage(build/deployment), is that ok? 14:09:43 <fdegir> meimei1: that sounds good to start with 14:10:00 <fdegir> perhaps <provider>-<build/deploy>-<digit> 14:10:09 <fdegir> given that we might have multiple slaves attached from same lab 14:10:10 <meimei1> ok! 14:10:10 <meimei1> If there is no problem, I will ask Aric for help to rename huawei 's slaves 14:10:22 <meimei1> 4 for build , named huawei-build-1~4 14:10:22 <meimei1> 1 for baremetal deployment, named huawei-deployment 14:10:25 <meimei1> ok? 14:10:39 <fdegir> how does huawei-deploy-1 sounds? 14:10:43 <fdegir> you have 5 slaves there 14:10:57 <meimei1> yes, one for deployment 14:11:01 <fdegir> ok 14:11:33 <meimei1> ok! 14:11:34 <fdegir> #action meimei1 to apply naming scheme for Huawei slaves: huawei-build-[1-4], huawei-deploy-1 14:11:56 <fdegir> just added 1 to deploy in case you provide additional deployment resources 14:12:08 <fdegir> and the last action item is 14:12:25 <fdegir> #info uli-k to contact silent committers and encourage them to start working. 14:12:35 <fdegir> I think this is not done 14:12:45 <fdegir> since uli-k is enjyoing his vacation so keeping it open 14:12:57 <fdegir> #action uli-k to contact silent committers and encourage them to start working. 14:13:11 <fdegir> this was all, moving to the next topic 14:13:25 <meimei1> excuse me,Aric is on vacation now? 14:13:43 <dneary> meimei1, He was, but I think he's back this week 14:13:53 <meimei1> thank you 14:13:57 <fdegir> could aricg be on Linux conf? 14:14:01 <dneary> meimei1, I could be wrong 14:14:18 <fdegir> meimei1: you need to keep pinging 14:14:26 <chigang> #info chigang 14:14:27 <meimei1> ok 14:14:46 <meimei1> just like that 14:14:49 <fdegir> meimei1: I think we can try it together 14:14:54 <fdegir> the lab renaming thing 14:14:57 <dneary> fdegir, meimei1, remember: https://blogs.gnome.org/markmc/2014/02/20/naked-pings/ 14:14:59 <meimei1> great 14:15:06 <fdegir> I probably have some rights 14:15:26 * fdegir thanks dneary 14:15:39 <fdegir> moving on 14:15:50 <fdegir> #topic Octopus Lab Compliancy 14:16:05 <fdegir> #info meimei1 started up the topic on Etherpad 14:16:15 <fdegir> #link https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/octopusR2 14:16:29 <fdegir> #info The discussion has been happening there and we need to finalize it 14:16:48 <fdegir> #info Look for the heading: Octopus requirements onĀ labs compliance and provide your input 14:17:02 <fdegir> #info We plan to talk to Pharos soon and pass our requirements to them 14:17:14 <meimei1> yes, and just depends on action 1, I think 14:17:30 <fdegir> please have a look at it if you have ideas/concerns 14:18:18 <fdegir> I'll action meimei1 and myself to follow this up 14:18:39 <meimei1> I think the PTL of pharos must take part in 14:18:55 <fdegir> #action meimei1 fdegir Follow-up Octopus Requirements with Pharos 14:19:23 <fdegir> anyone wants to add anything quick regarding this topic? 14:19:51 <fdegir> then the next item in the agenda 14:19:59 <fdegir> #topic Octopus B-Release Work 14:20:39 <fdegir> #info Octopus still needs some dependencies to be solved in order to continue working with pipelines 14:20:57 <fdegir> #info Such as Lab Compliancy/getting community labs up & running, LF lab reconfiguration 14:22:10 <fdegir> not much to say regarding B-work apart from what we have been talking 14:23:08 <fdegir> moving to Releng Items now if noone wants to add anything regarding Octopus 14:23:22 <fdegir> #topic Releng Lab Reconfiguration Status 14:23:35 <fdegir> trozet: pbandzi: can you please give a short status update? 14:23:59 <meimei1> Fatih, I have a question 14:24:02 <meimei1> I saw the disccussion about how to use LF-pods 14:24:06 <pbandzi> yes 14:24:21 <fdegir> pbandzi: please go ahead 14:24:27 <meimei1> lf-POD2 will be used for virtual deployment? 14:24:27 <meimei1> My question is , why not put these 2 lf-pods into a pool 14:24:27 <meimei1> and the baremetal deployment will choose one pod randomly to implement 14:24:34 <meimei1> ? 14:24:47 <trozet> #info Fuel fixes were put in. A common clean that should work between installers was added as well. We tested Foreman to make sure it was working, but for some reason it's nodes cannot ping on the public interface 14:24:56 <trozet> #info pbandzi is looking into it 14:24:56 * fdegir meimei1 will come back to it once trozet pbandzi give the update 14:25:01 <meimei1> OK 14:25:03 <meimei1> NP 14:25:20 <fdegir> thanks trozet 14:25:30 <pbandzi> #info moreover I requested more public IP from LF in order to have more Virtual env on POD1 14:26:20 <pbandzi> a question was raised from Konstantin if it is ok to have those IPs by next week? 14:26:29 <pbandzi> is it ok? 14:26:45 <fdegir> pbandzi: I think we have to wait 14:26:52 <fdegir> they're all out travelling I suppose 14:27:22 <pbandzi> and my question regarding Ubuntu vesrion on pod1. 14.04 is ok? 14:27:35 <szilard_> #info 1 more Fuel fix is required, that is the installation of prerequisites: libvirt & qemu, before Fuel deployment job is launched 14:27:48 <fdegir> pbandzi: 14.04 is ok for builds 14:27:55 <szilard_> sorry I just saw some discussions about Fuel 14:28:03 <fdegir> thx szilard_ 14:28:42 <fdegir> #info The summary of Lab Reconfiguration is 14:28:56 <fdegir> #info There is still some work left to do for Foreman and Fuel 14:29:21 <fdegir> #info Public IPs for POD1 will probably be fixed by next week given that most of the LF people are not available 14:29:45 <fdegir> anyone wants to get more info can join the bgs/genesis meeting after this one 14:29:51 <fdegir> meimei1: can you please #info in your question 14:30:00 <meimei1> ok 14:30:41 <meimei1> #info lf-POD2 will be used for virtual deployment? 14:30:42 <meimei1> #info why not put 2 lf-pods into a pool, and the baremetal deployment will choose one pod randomly to implement 14:31:14 <meimei1> #info we can utilize other labs for virtual deployment 14:31:20 <meimei1> Is that better? 14:31:34 <chenshuai> what kinds of other labs? 14:31:42 <fdegir> #info We severly need hardware resources 14:32:15 <MatthewL2> yep we should add more PODs there 14:32:20 <fdegir> #info And sorting out the ther labs will probably take long time since Pharos is still in the process of clarifying the compliance 14:32:38 <fdegir> #info We have been requesting additional build/virt deployment resources for months 14:32:50 <fdegir> #info and the easiest way is to reconfigure LF Lab 14:32:56 <fdegir> #info According to decision 14:33:10 <fdegir> #info Servers from LF POD1 will be converted to standalone slaves 14:33:25 <fdegir> #info 2 servers for build, 2 for virt deploys, 2 for virt deploys + other project work 14:33:36 <fdegir> #info LF POD2 will be used for bare-metal deployment 14:34:04 <fdegir> meimei1: what you say is what we want to have 14:34:07 <fdegir> but we can't wait forever 14:34:31 <meimei1> yes, wait for pharos compliant 14:34:32 <fdegir> we can restructure/adjust where we run stuff when we have that luxury/resources 14:35:14 <meimei1> ok! 14:35:28 <meimei1> sounds good 14:35:28 <fdegir> #info Once the LF Lab reconfiguration work is done, we will increase the CI coverage by running virt deployments for patchset verification 14:35:38 <chigang> I think we can use Xian(Chinese) Lab, there are 2 PODs for community. 14:36:15 <fdegir> chigang: I think it can be evaluated 14:36:31 <fdegir> but we should finish what we started and get LF lab work done 14:36:51 <fdegir> chigang: do you want to look at it? 14:36:56 <fdegir> Xian lab? 14:37:20 <meimei1> Xian lab is huawei's lab 14:37:24 <chigang> fdegir: np, I am working on Xian LAB VPN and accessing google storage 14:37:43 <fdegir> we can discuss it offline then 14:37:54 <chigang> fdegir: nice 14:38:02 <fdegir> moving on 14:38:13 <fdegir> #topic Releng Brahmaputra Support 14:38:30 <fdegir> #info Some items to support Brahmaputra is put on Etherpad 14:38:46 <fdegir> #info The items are grouped as below 14:38:52 <fdegir> #info 1. Lab Infrastructure 14:38:58 <fdegir> #info Test Result Handling 14:39:03 <fdegir> #undo 14:39:03 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2b200d0> 14:39:09 <fdegir> #info 2. Test Result Handling 14:39:17 <fdegir> #info 3. Improvements in CI/Automation/Toolchain/Guidelines 14:39:23 <fdegir> #info 4. Release Process 14:39:30 <fdegir> #link https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/releng 14:40:09 <fdegir> #info As it is written there, the items listed on Etherpad is not priority ordered 14:40:26 <fdegir> #info Please go ahead and put your comments/thoughts latest Wednesday 14:40:45 <fdegir> #info By Wednesday, Releng backlog will be created based on what is there on the Etherpad 14:40:51 <MatthewL2> my pleasure, will do that 14:41:00 * fdegir thx MatthewL2 14:41:24 <fdegir> #info Some of the items such as test reporting api and lab reconfig are already in progress 14:42:14 <fdegir> anyone wants to add anything regarding this? 14:42:44 <fdegir> then we're almost done 14:42:49 <fdegir> #topic AoB 14:42:56 <fdegir> last words? 14:42:59 <fdegir> anything we missed? 14:43:17 <chenshuai> fdegir: me 14:43:26 <fdegir> chenshuai: please go ahead 14:43:38 <chenshuai> fdegir: for Test Result Handling, do we need add some tools for analyzing ? 14:44:01 <fdegir> that's been discussed within Test group 14:44:06 <fdegir> morgan_orange: are you around? 14:44:06 <kaipule> I want to know Wednesday,we talk to Releng using the same channel? 14:44:13 <chenshuai> fdegir: ok 14:44:16 <morgan_orange> fdegir: yep 14:44:23 <pbandzi> yes that's true 5 days ago was changed yum repo there 14:44:29 <morgan_orange> first step collect the results into an homogeneous format 14:44:35 <pbandzi> sory 14:44:59 <aricg> added my comments to https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/releng 14:45:04 <morgan_orange> but analytics will follow 14:45:07 * fdegir thanks aricg 14:45:39 <morgan_orange> there is a reflexion onstorage (already started through the API) / dashboard (discussed during summit) and analytics 14:45:57 <fdegir> #info chenshuai asked the question if we will have something to analyze test results 14:45:59 <morgan_orange> for Brahmaputra, analytics is not in the scope 14:46:18 <fdegir> #info morgan_orange answered that the first step is to collect the results into an homogeneous format 14:46:31 <fdegir> #info and then analytics will follow 14:46:43 <fdegir> #info there is a reflexion onstorage (already started through the API) / dashboard (discussed during summit) and analytics 14:46:46 <morgan_orange> #info test dashboard based on stored results planned for B release 14:47:22 <fdegir> morgan_orange: I suppose it is ok to say analytics has lower priority then the result collection and the dashboard 14:47:30 <morgan_orange> yes 14:47:35 <fdegir> #info Analytics has lower priority then the result collection and the dashboard 14:47:49 <fdegir> #info Analytics might not be available for Brahmaputra 14:48:04 <MatthewL2> it's OK for we to start the data collection and analysis work, when we find better solution, we can discuss then 14:48:10 <MatthewL2> that's my opinion 14:48:36 <fdegir> MatthewL2: data collection work is ongoing 14:48:50 <MatthewL2> fdegir: yep I saw the patch 14:48:51 <morgan_orange> please join functest meeting :) 14:48:58 <fdegir> so please keep an eye on gerrit releng repo :) 14:49:17 <fdegir> thanks morgan_orange chenshuai for the input 14:49:22 <fdegir> anything else? 14:49:48 <fdegir> then we're done for today 14:49:53 <fdegir> thank you all for joining 14:49:58 <fdegir> and having good discussion 14:50:01 <fdegir> talk to you later 14:50:05 <fdegir> #endmeeting