08:08:25 <joehuang_> #startmeeting multisite 08:08:25 <collabot`> Meeting started Thu Jan 14 08:08:25 2016 UTC. The chair is joehuang_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:08:25 <collabot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 08:08:25 <collabot`> The meeting name has been set to 'multisite' 08:08:26 <zhiyuan> #info zhiyuan 08:08:34 <joehuang_> #info joehuang 08:08:36 <sorantis> #info dimitri 08:08:54 <ttallgren> #info Tapio Tallgnre 08:08:59 <joehuang_> hello all guys, a new year starts 08:09:19 <joehuang_> #topic kingbird BP and progress 08:09:59 <joehuang_> Hi, Ashish, could you introduce your bp progress 08:10:43 <SAshish> Yes. I am working on the BP 08:10:43 <SAshish> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kingbird/+spec/kingbird-openstack-driver 08:11:29 <joehuang_> yes I saw the patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/263573/ 08:11:38 <joehuang_> and reviewed 08:11:41 <SAshish> yes.. one is under review 08:11:45 <SAshish> pending from others 08:12:24 <joehuang_> could you please add your patches under the BP whiteborad 08:12:29 <joehuang_> and change the BP status 08:12:37 <SAshish> sure.. 08:13:22 <SAshish> #action Ashish, add your patches under the BP whiteborad and change the BP status 08:13:43 <joehuang_> like general OpenStack BP's white borad addressed by: ...., message 08:13:50 <joehuang_> thanks 08:14:00 <SAshish> Can I change the BP status? 08:14:12 <SAshish> Am I authorized to do so? 08:14:17 <joehuang_> sure, you need to change the status 08:14:40 <joehuang_> and I also found that there are other two comapny are contributing in Kingbird 08:15:21 <CNlucius> hi, everyone, I saw that until Jan/19 (Tuesday), All documents ready for review. No new content, only corrections after this date, and I want to know what document for onos need to write, thank you 08:15:25 <joehuang_> #link http://stackalytics.com/?project_type=all&module=kingbird 08:15:48 <joehuang_> HP and 99cloud 08:17:25 <SAshish> Joe, Dimitri. I have one question from our openstackdriver 08:17:41 <joehuang_> please 08:18:38 <CNlucius> ??? 08:18:52 <SAshish> Currently we are taking admin credentails from context object(get_admin_context), There is already admin credentails present in config file and it is used by endpoint cache module. Shall we also use that config fro admin creds? 08:19:08 <joehuang_> to CNlucius, sorry, we are in multisite meeting 08:19:12 <SAshish> this is for openstackdriver 08:20:23 <joehuang_> not from context. Because general tenant can also send request to Kingbird. So I think from the configured one would be the right one. 08:21:12 <SAshish> yeah.. fine.. I will modify accordingly. 08:21:31 <SAshish> #action Ashish So I think from the configured one would be the right one 08:21:41 <SAshish> Do you agree Dimitri? 08:21:55 <joehuang_> admin and set/retrieve the quota from/for tenant 08:22:09 <joehuang_> admin can set/retrieve the quota from/for tenant 08:23:02 <SAshish> yes.. with admin creds, it can be done for any tenant 08:23:12 <sorantis> yes, since we allow regular tenants have context, we should read admin creds from the config file 08:24:57 <SAshish> fine. Joe need some favour from your side. Can you verify commits till now at your end. I am also doing that. 08:25:54 <sorantis> yes, doing it right now. got a lot to catch up with after vacation 08:25:54 <joehuang_> you can do that 08:25:56 <SAshish> I mean all the things together.. DB, rest, openstackdriver, endpoint caching etc.. 08:26:33 <joehuang_> yes 08:26:53 <joehuang_> so Dimitri, which BP you are working on 08:27:20 <joehuang_> we can work together for some patch 08:28:03 <joehuang_> we can work together for some BP 08:28:47 <zhiyuan> it seems that get_admin_context only returns a context with "is_admin" set to True, but it doesn't include a admin token 08:29:56 <sorantis> joe, currently none. Like I said I just got back, so need some catching up to do 08:30:05 <joehuang_> ok 08:31:35 <joehuang_> as we know, Clint and other guys are also contributing in Kingbird 08:31:51 <joehuang_> one question is whether we make kingbird more publicly 08:32:01 <joehuang_> and more contributors 08:33:46 <SAshish> Just to know. what can make KB more public? 08:33:56 <SAshish> or any opensource project 08:34:12 <joehuang_> we have not announced the project in OpenStack yet 08:34:29 <joehuang_> and other openstack developers don't know this project 08:34:52 <joehuang_> kingbird is visible in opnfv currently 08:35:24 <sorantis> Joe, I think this depends on whether we want to make kingbird compliant with OPNFV or OpenStack release cycle 08:35:25 <joehuang_> also no mail in openstack-dev mail-list 08:35:55 <SAshish> okay.. 08:36:30 <joehuang_> Dimitri, your suggestion? 08:37:27 <sorantis> hard to say 08:37:49 <sorantis> OPNFV has some projects too 08:37:55 <sorantis> such as yardstick 08:38:24 <sorantis> they didn’t start as an openstack project 08:38:59 <sorantis> kingbird however did start as an OS project, following a certain structure, so I think it’s logical to keep it to the OS release cycle 08:39:17 <sorantis> the question is will OPNFV be ok with that? 08:39:24 <joehuang_> yardstick is a testing project. But we add some extra functionalities to openstack 08:40:09 <joehuang_> I think OPNFV already takes many projects from openstack, like nova,cinder,neutron 08:41:16 <joehuang_> Ashish, Ttallgren, Zhiyuan, your idea? 08:41:45 <sorantis> we can introduce Kingbird in Austin 08:41:56 <sorantis> but not in a standalone session. 08:42:04 <joehuang_> good idea 08:42:22 <sorantis> I think it would be good to first socialise what Multisite is all about 08:42:35 <sorantis> a general session touching upon the use cases 08:42:38 <joehuang_> how about have some joint talks in Austin for multisite and kingbird 08:42:46 <sorantis> +1 08:43:02 <ttallgren> BTW, Doctor is also an OPNFV project that is doing most work inside OpenStack 08:43:05 <sorantis> I will get back to you on this one in a mail 08:43:22 <joehuang_> good 08:43:32 <SAshish> yeah. agree 08:44:08 <joehuang_> and two options for multisite, kingbird and tricircle, and some other value added features like distaster recovery 08:44:22 <joehuang_> ok 08:44:58 <joehuang_> let's focus on quota part, and to show live demo in Austin for kingbid 08:45:06 <joehuang_> sorry, kingbird 08:46:15 <sorantis> yes, that would be good 08:46:27 <SAshish> yes.. +1 08:46:40 <zhiyuan> +2 08:46:50 <joehuang_> great, then we need to accelerate the bp's progress 08:47:50 <joehuang_> If we can have a live demo in Austin, then in it hopefully could be integrated into OPNFV release C? 08:48:44 <sorantis> perhaps 08:49:15 <joehuang_> If you need me to contribute some patch, please just let me know 08:49:40 <sorantis> ok 08:49:41 <SAshish> sure. 08:50:26 <joehuang_> And Zhiyuan and I also just moved the tricircle to stateless design from scratch, and you can play it with devstack now 08:50:34 <joehuang_> #link https://github.com/openstack/tricircle 08:50:35 <sorantis> if there’s nothing else in the agenda, I’ll have to disconnect soon 08:50:42 <joehuang_> ok 08:51:15 <sorantis> great 08:51:19 <joehuang_> you can have a look and try tricircle if you like. 08:51:42 <sorantis> will do 08:51:50 <joehuang_> so let's have a talk next meeting 08:51:58 <joehuang_> thanks for attending 08:52:24 <joehuang_> any more topics? 08:52:43 <joehuang_> so, see you 08:52:46 <joehuang_> #endmeeting