13:00:05 <ChrisPriceAB> #startmeeting OPNFV TSC 13:00:05 <collabot> Meeting started Tue Aug 23 13:00:05 2016 UTC. The chair is ChrisPriceAB. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:05 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:05 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'opnfv_tsc' 13:00:16 <ChrisPriceAB> #topic roll call 13:00:22 <ChrisPriceAB> #info Chris Price 13:00:27 <ChrisPriceAB> #chair rpaik 13:00:27 <collabot> Current chairs: ChrisPriceAB rpaik 13:00:35 <ulik> #info Uli Kleber 13:00:43 <StuartMackie> #info Stuart Mackie 13:01:01 <rprakash> #info rprakash 13:01:08 <edgarstp> #info Edgar StPierre 13:02:17 <tallgren> #info Tapio Tallgren 13:02:23 <Ashiq_> #info Ashiq Khan 13:02:27 <ChrisPriceAB> #topic Approval of previous meeting minutes 13:02:34 <ChrisPriceAB> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/meetings/TSC#TSC-August16,2016 previous minutes of meeting 13:02:41 <ChrisPriceAB> #info no comments, minutes approved. 13:02:45 <ChrisPriceAB> #topic Agenda Bashing 13:03:03 <ChrisPriceAB> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/meetings/TSC current agenda 13:03:07 <dku> #info Dirk Kutscher 13:03:40 <JonasArndt> #info Jonas Arndt 13:03:47 <rpaik> we now have a quorum 13:04:22 <ChrisPriceAB> #info no new topics 13:04:34 <ChrisPriceAB> #topic Technical community elections 13:04:53 <ChrisPriceAB> #info rpaik outlines that committer elections to the TSC voting has started. 13:05:13 <ChrisPriceAB> #info e-mails were sent on the weekend and will remain open until September 2nd 13:07:06 <ChrisPriceAB> #topic CII Badging update 13:07:49 <rpaik> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/security/Security+Home security home wiki page with the CII badge 13:08:35 <rpaik> #link https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/164 OPNFV badge page 13:08:43 <ChrisPriceAB> #info sona explains that the recent work on the security badge program has concluded and OPNFV has been awarded the security badge 13:09:47 <ChrisPriceAB> #info more work is required to improve our processes and maintain the badge for OPNFV 13:09:47 <ChrisPriceAB> #info feedback on the process, or questions concerned should be handled as Jira tickets on the security project 13:10:45 <ChrisPriceAB> we have all lost connection in the hotel... 13:11:02 <rpaik> hang on folks we lost wifi in the room 13:11:12 <narinder> #info Narinder Gupta 13:12:00 <lhinds> #info https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/sec-audit 13:12:58 <ChrisPriceAB> #link https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/sec-audit security audit planning etherpad 13:14:25 <ChrisPriceAB> #info the security team plans to work with each of the projects to do a security audit of the projects in OPNFV and provide recommendations to the projects on how to improve. 13:16:16 <ChrisPriceAB> #info the intention is to start a security review on the Colorado release 13:16:48 <ChrisPriceAB> #info this activity will extend the badge program into each individual project to provide feedback 13:17:12 <ChrisPriceAB> #info lhinds asks projects to read the etherpad and provide feedback 13:17:57 <lhinds> #info https://github.com/lukehinds/anteater 13:19:21 <lhinds> #info https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/SWREL/Colorado?preview=/2926065/6823197/colorado%20r7.pdf 13:20:46 <rpaik> #info discussion on introducing "security audit" as one of the release milestones 13:21:17 <rprakash> The Release D work for Security will be disucessed in Project Management meeting with David. 13:21:23 <ChrisPriceAB> #topic Project health metrics 13:23:26 <ChrisPriceAB> #info on the TSC meeting, June 28th, Tapio & Bryan volunteered to work on establishing metrics for projects to help identify active or struggling projects in OPNFV 13:24:21 <ChrisPriceAB> #info the intention of the work is to find metrics that we would use to measure the activity around projects in order that we are able to work with projects that might be struggling and find best practices from projects that are functioning well. 13:25:38 <rprakash> Matrics of Active Projects based on parameters like periodic Activity report, Jira tickets and closures, gerrit commits etc. This is for evaluation of progress and help needed for projects etc. 13:30:02 <ChrisPriceAB> #topic Project lifecycle review and process development 13:30:03 <rpaik> #action rpaik to start a wiki page for project health 13:31:39 <rpaik> #info post Colorado we will have a number of projects that have participated in multiple releases 13:31:50 <Julien-zte> #info Julien 13:32:24 <rpaik> #info there is a need to start a discussion on criteria for projects to go beyond incubation 13:32:34 <dneary> #info Dave Neary (here but not on IRC since :05) 13:32:50 <rpaik> #link https://www.opnfv.org/developers/technical-project-governance/project-lifecycle OPNFV project lifecycle 13:33:58 <dneary> #info Prakash suggests different criteria are important for different types of projects 13:34:07 <ChrisPriceAB> #info chrispriceab explains that according to our charter some projects, following Colorado, may want to go through a promotion review from incubation to mature 13:34:26 <dneary> #info Dave Neary asks what the purpose of graduation is - have projects been held back by being in incubation? 13:34:43 <ChrisPriceAB> #info ulik and prakash outline that there are many types of projects and we should consider these differences as we consider the reviews 13:35:17 <dneary> #info Chris Price says it is community recognition of projects that are doing well, and also communicates project maturity to people outside OPNFV 13:39:01 <dneary> #info Discussion whether thinking about creation review is a good use of time since no projects have requested it. Chris says we should be prepared to have some consistent criteria when the requests come 13:39:23 <dneary> #info Chris says we can expect first GR requests post Colorado. 13:40:20 <dneary> #info No immediate action items - "someone" should start a wiki page for GR criteria before the Colorado release. 13:40:26 <ChrisPriceAB> #topic Colorado planning and activities 13:40:49 <ChrisPriceAB> #info dmcbride outlines that we have completed stable branch creation for Colorado. 13:41:11 <ChrisPriceAB> #info dmcbride thanks the PTL's for working with the release project to achieve the milestone 13:41:36 <fdegir> we're creating jenkins jobs for colorado branch 13:41:45 <fdegir> patches pending on gerrit 13:41:57 <jmorgan1> MS11 formation of execution completed 13:42:14 <ChrisPriceAB> #info the infra team is creating jenkins jobs for colorado branch, check gerrit for further information 13:45:49 <ChrisPriceAB> #info dmcbride outlines the next milestone is test completion during mid september. Following that a Jira cleanup will be done prior to release. 13:46:20 <ChrisPriceAB> #action dmcbride to establish Colorado 2.0 and 3.0 milestones and plans. 13:48:34 <rpaik> #info dmcbride will also start D-release activities 13:48:36 <ChrisPriceAB> #topic AoB 13:49:43 <jmorgan1> how about meet up for ODL summit? 13:50:04 <ChrisPriceAB> #info furture events 13:50:05 <jmorgan1> can you attend meeting without registering for event? 13:50:07 <ChrisPriceAB> #undo 13:50:07 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2cb0810> 13:50:11 <ChrisPriceAB> #info future events 13:50:48 <ChrisPriceAB> #info the meet-up at the ODL summit will be for a full day. 13:51:04 <jmorgan1> wiki page says 1/2 day currently 13:51:06 <rpaik> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/EVNT/Meetup+at+OpenDaylight+Developer+Design+Forum ODL Summit meetup 13:51:10 <ChrisPriceAB> #info in the morning we will discuss d-release and carbon planning in the morning 13:51:16 <jmorgan1> woot! 13:53:01 <ChrisPriceAB> #info uli-k asks about D release naming. rpaik answers that he is superstitious and is reluctant to start the process early 13:53:15 <dneary> Danube, Danube, Danube.... 13:53:22 * dneary chants 13:53:24 <leifmadsen> so many options@! 13:54:10 <jmorgan1> what is the name requirements? 13:54:14 <dneary> rpaik, We can go to Euphrates for E 13:54:25 <Julien-zte> jmorgan1 a river name 13:54:40 <jmorgan1> Julien-zte: which continent? 13:54:42 <ChrisPriceAB> #action rpaik to start the d-release naming procedure. 13:55:01 <ulik> Euphrates is on the other end of Asia ;-) 13:55:27 <ChrisPriceAB> #info the guideline is for rivers which are based in the euro-african region. 13:55:29 <Julien-zte> jmorgan1, with D as the head charactor 13:56:12 <ChrisPriceAB> #endmeeting