14:58:29 <tallgren> #startmeeting Weekly TSC meeting 14:58:29 <collabot`> Meeting started Tue Nov 22 14:58:29 2016 UTC. The chair is tallgren. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:58:29 <collabot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:58:29 <collabot`> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_tsc_meeting' 14:58:37 <tallgren> #chair rpaik 14:58:37 <collabot`> Current chairs: rpaik tallgren 14:58:38 <ebrjohn> #info Brady Johnson 14:58:45 <tallgren> #info Tapio Tallgren 14:58:47 <JonasArndt> #info Jonas Arndt 14:58:49 <jmorgan1> #info Jack Morgan 14:58:54 <frankbrockners> #info Frank Brockners 14:59:26 <fdegir> #info Fatih Degirmenci 14:59:36 <rossella__> #info Rossella Sblendido 15:00:11 <uli-k> #info Uli Kleber 15:00:41 <bjskerry> #info Brian Skerry 15:01:00 <cgoncalves> #info Carlos Goncalves (proxy for Xavier Costa) 15:01:09 <bin_> #info Bin Hu 15:01:12 <bryan_att> #info Bryan Sullivan 15:01:17 <tallgren> #info uli-k 15:01:53 <tallgren> #chair uli-k 15:01:53 <collabot`> Current chairs: rpaik tallgren uli-k 15:01:54 <rpaik> we have a quorum 15:02:42 <rpaik> #topic approval of previous minutes 15:02:55 <rpaik> #info no feedback on the minutes so minutes approved 15:03:03 <rpaik> #topic agenda bashing 15:04:00 <edgarstp> #info Edgar StPierre 15:04:08 <rpaik> #info aricg notes that there is a roadblock with Jira Federation as there is no documentation 15:04:38 <aricg> #info 15:04:39 <aricg> https://confluence.atlassian.com/jira063/how-to-make-a-federated-jira-instance-683542380.html 15:04:46 <StuartMackie> #info Stuart Mackie 15:04:51 <rpaik> #topic hackfest/plugfest reminder 15:04:54 <tallgren> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/EVNT/Co-located+Plugfest-Hackfest+Planning+Page 15:05:22 <rpaik> #link https://www.regonline.com/OPNFVPlugfestDec2016 registration for plugfest 15:05:53 <tallgren> #info rpaik reminds everyone to register to the Plugfest/Hackfest, registration will close on Dec. 1 15:06:20 <uli-k> #info rpaik reports that about 70 people from about 25 companies have registered. 15:07:02 <tallgren> #info Three companies will bring hardware + three more will provide remote access to labs 15:07:04 <rpaik> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/EVNT/Co-located+Plugfest-Hackfest+Planning+Page schedule in progress 15:11:14 <rpaik> #topic common configuration files and naming 15:11:21 <tallgren> #link https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/23725 15:11:21 <uli-k> #info Most of the discussion meetings of the hackfest will be scheduled on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday to allow people travel without breaking the weekend 15:11:34 <tallgren> #link https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/23727 15:12:04 <rpaik> #info jmorgan1 notes that more time is needed for community feedback including during the Plugfest/Hackfest 15:13:00 <rpaik> #info there are activities on both POD & scenario descriptions 15:13:42 <Julien-zte> #info Julien 15:14:55 <rpaik> #info frankbrockners suggests that +1 from all installer teams is desired before the TSC 15:15:00 <bryan_att> #info the introspection may not work in all environments, so it may be necessary to be specific to cover all types of environments (e.g. those that do not support IPMI) 15:15:38 <bryan_att> #info can someone post a link to the discussion (in gerrit or JIRA)? 15:15:57 <tallgren> I put the gerrit links above 15:16:23 <tallgren> https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/23727 15:17:23 <rpaik> #info uli-k notes that initially not all installers may be able to implement the proposal 15:18:02 <trozet> there shouldn't be any networking in the inventory file... 15:18:02 <uli-k> #info ... but all installers should be able to implement it long term. 15:19:34 <rpaik> #info tallgren suggests reviewing/commenting on gerrit link above 15:19:55 <rpaik> #topic goals and vision for Danube 15:19:56 <tallgren> #link https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/CommunityGoals 15:20:21 <bryan_att> trozet: how is the networking deployment (e.g. assignment of role to specific NICs) going to be consistent if not specified? 15:20:28 <rpaik> #info so far discussion has taken place in the Test WG 15:20:41 <trozet> bryan_att: that goes in network settings 15:21:16 <bryan_att> trozet: so the patch needs to indicate that there are more than one common config file? 15:21:17 <rpaik> #info there is an action item for the TSC to provide a report out to the Board on December 8th 15:21:59 <trozet> bryan_att: it needs to remove the networking config that is in there imo 15:22:41 <trozet> bryan_att: i left comments in gerrit 15:23:43 <ebrjohn> Automatic removal after 6 months seems a bit aggressive... they should at least be asked their intentions 15:23:54 <ChrisPriceAB> it could be the TSC agrees to a process that does not involve personal feelings :) 15:24:00 <bryan_att> trozet: ok, we'll take it offline, but we need all the config files to be common across installers, for different purposes (network, host, install settings e.g. external net, region name, ...) 15:24:33 <trozet> bryan_att: for CI i dont think it really matters 15:24:40 <rpaik> #info discussion on whether automatic removal of committer belongs in the Danube vision document 15:25:00 <ChrisPriceAB> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/DEV/Committer+Removal current process 15:25:32 <ChrisPriceAB> could change the text to have "inactive" committer removal automated. 15:25:56 <cgoncalves> -1 on automatic removal of committers. there are active people in project teams that do not directly commit but provide valuable input and contribute through other ways 15:26:19 <rpaik> #info encourage other working groups to start/continue the discussion on Danube/future release vision 15:26:19 <cgoncalves> s/do not provide/do provide/ 15:26:29 <bryan_att> trozet: I disagree - installs need to run easily across different envs in CI, and tests need to be less complicated /fragile by being able to consistently depend or determine the VIM install parameters 15:26:34 <ebrjohn> cgoncalves: +1, I guess we should also define "activity" 15:27:32 <ebrjohn> in ODL activity is usually defined in terms of gerrit patches, which doesnt really translate well to OPNFV 15:27:45 * ebrjohn ok, enough, sorry 15:28:08 * bryan_att whew! 15:28:21 <rpaik> #topic Colorado + Danube release planning 15:28:59 <rpaik> #info dmcbride note sthat the test milestone for Danube is today 15:30:28 <ebrjohn> #info dmcbride says we will most likely be using openstack newton in Danube 15:30:38 <rpaik> #info the consensus from PTLs was to stay with OpenStack-Newton for the Danube release 15:31:00 <uli-k> #info dmcbride reports from the survey. Danube will go with Newton, E release with Ocata 15:31:01 <ethfci> Brady good news 15:31:34 <ethfci> i have built fuel amd deployed danube 15:31:47 <rpaik> #info dmcbride adds that there will be several release-related discussion topics at the Plugfest/Hackfest at UNH-IOL 15:33:25 <rpaik> #info Colorado 3.0 is coming up (on Dec. 5th) and dmcbride will be following up with installer PTLs 15:33:40 <bryan_att> dmcbride: can we call it a "retrospective" vs "post mortem" as Colorado is not dead and AFAICT it was not a disaster - which typically precede a "port mortem" 15:34:04 <ebrjohn> Should we already vote on the E release? 15:37:19 <ethfci> vpp: NSH classifier under development: https://jira.fd.io/browse/VPP-482 15:37:48 <ebrjohn> ethfci: can we take that offline, this is the TSC meeting 15:37:59 <ethfci> OK 15:39:02 <ethfci> rpaik: what is the plan for Fuel/Colorado/3.0 15:40:44 <jmorgan1> ethfci: that might be a good discussion for the release meeting in 20min in #opnfv-release 15:41:03 <Julien-zte> I think we should decide the openstack version earlier, then it is earsier for test and integrate 15:43:44 <rpaik> #startvote Should the TSC agree to have the OPNFV-Danube release be based on OpenStack-Newton? (-1, 0, +1) 15:43:44 <collabot`> Begin voting on: Should the TSC agree to have the OPNFV-Danube release be based on OpenStack-Newton? Valid vote options are , -1, 0, +1, . 15:43:44 <collabot`> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 15:44:04 <Julien-zte> #vote +1 15:44:07 <uli-k> #vote +1 15:44:16 <JonasArndt> #vote 0 15:44:19 <ebrjohn> #vote +1 15:44:19 <bryan_att> #vote +1 15:44:19 <StuartMackie> #vote +1 15:44:21 <bjskerry> #vote +1 15:44:47 <tallgren> #vote +1 15:44:49 <jmorgan1> #vote +1 15:44:49 <edgarstp> #vote +1 15:44:51 <fdegir> #vote +1 15:44:52 <cgoncalves> #vote +1 15:44:57 <ebrjohn> #info s/Should/Does/ 15:45:01 <rossella__> #vote +1 15:45:05 <rpaik> #vote +1 15:45:08 <frankbrockners> #vote 0 15:45:17 <rpaik> #info proxy for Bin Hu 15:45:25 <rpaik> #endvote 15:45:25 <collabot`> Voted on "Should the TSC agree to have the OPNFV-Danube release be based on OpenStack-Newton?" Results are 15:45:25 <collabot`> 0 (2): JonasArndt, frankbrockners 15:45:25 <collabot`> +1 (13): ebrjohn, cgoncalves, bryan_att, Julien-zte, tallgren, rpaik, StuartMackie, rossella__, fdegir, uli-k, bjskerry, edgarstp, jmorgan1 15:47:14 <rpaik> #info Daisy team are reporting issues with CI integration so the projects dependent on Daisy should be aware of this 15:48:49 <rpaik> #info dmcbride notes that scenario participating in Colorado 3.0 release should be reflected in the Colorado scenarios page 15:49:34 <dmcbride> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/SWREL/Colorado+Scenario+Status 15:50:43 <rpaik> #topic Jira federation 15:50:57 <tallgren> #action aric will check what will be the effort/price for Jira federation would be 15:51:17 <rpaik> #info frankbrockners suggest creating a wiki page to summarize progress/status on the Jira federation work 15:51:59 <rpaik> #action aricg to contact Atlassian to scope out the work/cost 15:56:04 <rpaik> #topic meeting times 15:56:41 <jmorgan1> my proposal via email was to have LF manage/own OPNFV meetings 15:56:44 <ebrjohn> Best way to resolve UTC: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2015&month=11&day=18&hour=17&min=0&sec=0&p1=224&p2=179&p3=141 15:57:24 <jmorgan1> consolidate GTM accounts to a single meeting 15:57:28 <jmorgan1> and document on wiki 15:58:57 <jmorgan1> there seems to be some ways to improve meetings 15:59:55 <bryan_att> #info the odd and even hour thing is useless unless we standardize on a timezone for all meetings. I vote for the single meeting per account that is always available. That way we have two always-available meetings that will never conflict. 16:00:34 <rpaik> #action rpaik to continue the conversation on mailing lists 16:01:14 <tallgren> #endmeeting