14:00:21 <tallgren> #startmeeting Weekly TSC meeting 14:00:21 <collabot> Meeting started Tue May 2 14:00:21 2017 UTC. The chair is tallgren. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:21 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:21 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_tsc_meeting' 14:00:31 <rpaik> #rollcall 14:00:34 <tallgren> #chair dmbride 14:00:34 <collabot> Warning: Nick not in channel: dmbride 14:00:34 <collabot> Current chairs: dmbride tallgren 14:00:36 <jmorgan1> #info Jack Morgan 14:00:40 <tallgren> #chair dmcbride 14:00:40 <collabot> Current chairs: dmbride dmcbride tallgren 14:00:44 <Julien-zte> #info Julien 14:00:46 <morgan_orange> #info Morgan Richomme 14:00:50 <hongbo753> #info hongbo 14:00:52 <timirnich> #info Tim Irnich 14:00:53 <uli-k> #info Uli Kleber 14:00:58 <tallgren> #info Tapio Tallgren 14:00:58 <mbeierl> #info Mark Beierl (proxy for Edgar StPierre) 14:01:09 <cgoncalves> #info Carlos Goncalves (proxy for Xavier Costa) 14:01:16 <frankbrockners> #info Frank Brockners 14:01:20 <trevor_intel> #info Trevor Cooper 14:01:40 <rpaik> we have a quorum 14:02:01 <rpaik> #topic approval of previous minutes 14:02:01 <bjskerry> #info Brian Skerry 14:02:01 <tallgren> #chair rpaik 14:02:01 <collabot> Current chairs: dmbride dmcbride rpaik tallgren 14:02:11 <fdegir> #info Fatih Degirmenci 14:02:12 <rpaik> #info no comments so previous minutes approved 14:02:35 <rpaik> #topic agenda bashing 14:02:42 <rpaik> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/meetings/TSC#TSC-May2,2017 today's agenda 14:03:12 <rpaik> FYI I'll be mostly on IRC today and dropping off around 7:30am Pacific Time.... 14:03:43 <StuartMackie> #info Stuart Mackie 14:03:48 <rpaik> #info no other topics 14:04:01 <bryan_att> #info Bryan Sullivan 14:04:04 <rpaik> #topic OPNFV Summit update 14:04:39 <rpaik> #info Brandon notes that summit speakers were notified and schedule published last week 14:04:53 <rpaik> #link http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/opnfv-summit/program/schedule Summit Schedule 14:05:24 <rpaik> #info Track chairs were instrumental in helping organize the sessions & schedules 14:05:49 <tallgren> #info 177 proposals were received, same number as last year 14:05:59 <tallgren> #info 60 presentations were approved 14:06:33 <rpaik> #info still confirming POC zones and Design Summit sessions 14:07:07 <tallgren> #info Design Summit schedule will be ready within one or two weeks 14:07:41 <rpaik> #linkhttps://wiki.opnfv.org/display/EVNT/Beijing+Design+Summit+Schedule Design Summit programming in progress 14:07:45 <rpaik> #undo 14:07:45 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2462150> 14:07:56 <tallgren> #info Some presentations from OPNFV Summit were proposed to Design Summit but those have not been decided yet 14:07:56 <rossella_s> #info Rossella Sblendido 14:08:00 <rpaik> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/EVNT/Beijing+Design+Summit+Schedule design summit planning page 14:08:15 <rpaik> #info Ideas Nest planning is also in progress 14:08:34 <rpaik> #info Keynotes to be announced in the next few weeks 14:08:53 <rpaik> #info Brandon encourages everyone to register for the Summit and book travels 14:09:54 <bh526r> #info Bin Hu 14:10:13 <rpaik> #info asking community members to spread the word out to encourage registration 14:10:24 <mbeierl> How can track chairs provide feedback for Hubb on the grading tool? 14:11:32 <Julien-zte> which tools? 14:11:36 <rpaik> #info feedback on Hubb tool can be sent to events@opnfv.org 14:11:53 <rpaik> #topic TSC composition discussion 14:12:21 <rpaik> Julien-zte, Hubb was used by track chairs to grade summit talk submissions 14:12:41 <Julien-zte> thanks rpaik 14:14:24 <rpaik> #info tallgren notes that beyond composition, there were good discussions on how the TSC meetings should be organized going forward 14:15:29 <rpaik> #info the focus of discussion last week wasn't necessarily on installer projects 14:15:53 <rpaik> #info plan is to continue the discussion at the Beijing Summit 14:17:11 <rpaik> #action tallgren to create a wiki page to continue the discussion/collaboration on the topic 14:18:32 <rpaik> #info on the wiki page, several options on the composition could also be listed for discussion 14:20:23 <bryan_att> #info If there are/were some specific issues with committer voice being inadequate in the TSC, that needs to be documented on the wiki. 14:20:48 <rpaik> #info discussion on whether "committers" is the right constituency to select TSC members 14:22:25 <bryan_att> #info I have not seen any issues in the TSC makeup re votes. In general I have seen little reticence in the TSC to approve new projects. There has been a reasonable dialog on project overlap/synergy but in general I have not seen any substantial roadblocks being setup thru the TCS. If the concern is the opposite (too free approval of projects) that needs to 14:22:25 <bryan_att> be explained as well. 14:22:52 * ChrisPriceAB wonders if there is a proposal to invite committers to solve the TSC constituency discussion. 14:23:27 <bryan_att> ChrisPriceAB: I'd like to first better understand what the issue is. 14:24:18 <bryan_att> #info As noted in my email, we have bigger fish to fry in OPNFV - value, SP support, end-user-focus, agility, etc 14:24:28 <rpaik> #topic OPNFVDOCs update 14:24:48 <dmcbride> #info tallgren says that we need to define the purpose of the TSC, then define who should be members of the TSC 14:25:14 <tallgren> #topic OPNFVDOCS proposal 14:26:02 <tallgren> #action tallgren to create a wiki page to continue the discussion on the TSC composition 14:26:53 <dmcbride> #info jmorgan1 says that Docs needs guidance from the TSC 14:27:28 <ChrisPriceAB> bryan_att: No problem, but I believe it is common practice to have elected TSC members in other communities and probably worth revisiting from time to time. Worth stating there is nothing in our ByLaws that outline it is needed. 14:27:40 <dmcbride> #info jmorgan1 says that we should get input from EUAG, marketing, and technical community 14:29:55 <dmcbride> #info jmorgan1 says that we need a strategy for 3 major types of documentation: website (www.opnfv.org), wiki (wiki.opnfv.org), user documentation (docs.opnfv.org) 14:30:28 <bryan_att> ChrisPriceAB: ok, that part is understood - common practice in communities with some consensus-driven level of maturity. If we're revisiting this now just because its good to do periodically, then fine. But I got the impression that there were some issues on committer influence etc in the TSC, or that a merit approach would better work for some reasons 14:30:28 <bryan_att> (other than convention). 14:32:25 <Julien-zte> suggest to add APIs of OPNFV in docs.opnfv.org 14:32:36 <rpaik> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/opnfvdocs/OPNFV+Doc+Gaps 14:33:15 <rpaik> will be logging off in ~2 minutes 😃 14:33:44 <Julien-zte> do we use readthedocs format now ? 14:33:45 <tallgren> Ok, thank Ray and have a good holiday! 14:33:53 <tallgren> We use readthedocs 14:33:55 <ChrisPriceAB> bryan_att: Not sure exactly as I was not involved in the discussions. I do believe there is a dialog around allowing votes for more of the community than just committers. (don't know if there is a link to anything concrete) 14:34:24 <Julien-zte> What I mean is the dedicated style from readthedocs, tallgren 14:34:36 <rpaik> #action Brandon will also present the proposal to marketing comm & EUAG 14:34:48 <dmcbride> #topic release update 14:35:25 <ChrisPriceAB> hey Julien-zte: I think that is a really good discussion to have. Do come to a docs call and discuss, also connect with gildas lanilis who is investigating such a thing as well. 14:36:51 <dmcbride> #info dmcbride says that D2.0 releases this week 14:38:25 <dmcbride> #info frankbrockners says that we should vote on Danube 2.0 14:38:46 <Julien-zte> ChrisPriceAB, ok, the next meeting is on 3, May? 14:38:53 <tallgren> #vote Does the TSC approve having the D2.0 release on May 4th 14:39:06 <tallgren> #undo 14:39:06 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x227c0d0> 14:39:15 <dmcbride> #info Brandon says that the download page will go live on Friday 14:39:44 <dmcbride> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/SWREL/Danube+Scenario+Status 14:40:05 <ChrisPriceAB> julien-zte: I think so, I would need sofiawallin to confirm. :) 14:40:25 <jmorgan1> ChrisPriceAB: Julien-zte yes, its Wednesday at 6am (PST) 14:40:50 <Julien-zte> good, I will join ChrisPriceAB 14:42:15 <tallgren> #info The status on the Danube status pages shows the current status of the scenarios, but testing is still ongoing 14:42:41 <tallgren> #info The scenario owners will make the final call on whether they want to release 14:48:33 <tallgren> #vote Does the TSC approve having the Danube2.0 release on May 4th 14:49:02 <morgan_orange> tallgren: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/irc.html 14:49:09 <tallgren> #startvote Does the TSC approve having the Danube2.0 release on May 4th? Vote -1,0,+1 14:49:09 <collabot> Begin voting on: Does the TSC approve having the Danube2.0 release on May 4th? Valid vote options are Vote, -1, 0, +1. 14:49:09 <collabot> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 14:49:20 <tallgren> #vote +1 14:49:22 <StuartMackie> #vote +1 14:49:26 <cgoncalves> #vote +1 14:49:26 <hongbo753> #vote +1 14:49:29 <timirnich> #vote +1 14:49:31 <Julien-zte> #vote +1 14:49:34 <rossella_s> #vote +1 14:49:36 <morgan_orange> #vote 0 14:49:45 <jmorgan1> #vote +1 14:50:39 <tallgren> #vote +1 (fbrockners) 14:50:39 <collabot> tallgren: +1 (fbrockners) is not a valid option. Valid options are Vote, -1, 0, +1. 14:50:54 <tallgren> #endmeeting