13:59:24 <tallgren> #startmeeting Weekly TSC meeting 13:59:24 <collabot`> Meeting started Tue May 30 13:59:24 2017 UTC. The chair is tallgren. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:59:24 <collabot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:59:24 <collabot`> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_tsc_meeting' 13:59:35 <tallgren> #chair rpaik 13:59:35 <collabot`> Current chairs: rpaik tallgren 13:59:47 <tallgren> #chair ChrisPriceAB 13:59:47 <collabot`> Current chairs: ChrisPriceAB rpaik tallgren 14:00:05 <rpaik> #rollcall 14:00:12 <tallgren> #info Tapio Tallgren 14:00:16 <morgan_orange> #info Morgan Richomme (IRC only) 14:00:17 <uli-k> #info Uli 14:00:18 <hongbo2839> #info hongbo 14:00:22 <rprakash> #info rprakas 14:00:29 <frankbrockners> #info Frank Brockners 14:00:35 <bh526r> #info Bin Hu 14:00:40 <fdegir> #info Fatih Degirmenci 14:00:45 <cgoncalves> #info Carlos Goncalves (proxy for Xavier Costa) 14:00:48 <jmorgan1> #info Jack Morgan 14:01:03 <bjskerry> #info Brian Skerry 14:01:16 <timirnich> #info Tim Irnich 14:01:32 <rpaik> we have a quorum 14:02:23 <rpaik> #topic approval of previous minutes 14:02:38 <rossella_> #info Rossella Sblendido 14:02:40 <rpaik> #info no comments thus previous minutes approved 14:02:42 <mbeierl> #info Mark Beierl (proxy for Edgar StPierre) 14:03:02 <bryan_att> #info Bryan Sullivan 14:03:34 <rpaik> #info no other agenda topics suggested 14:03:43 <rpaik> #topic annual award reminder 14:04:02 <tallgren> #info Annual awards voting ends tomorrow 14:05:12 <rpaik> #topic Danube/Euphrates planning 14:05:59 <dneary> #info Dave Neary 14:06:20 <trevor_intel_> #info Trevor Cooper 14:06:25 <rpaik> #info dmcbride notes that there's a full compliance on MS2 for Euphrates (with Escalator dropping out) 14:07:01 <rpaik> #info MS3 (installer integration) is today and dmcbride will be following up with installer teams 14:07:24 <rpaik> #info daily meetings will start for Danube 3.0 14:07:27 <tallgren> #info Danube 3 is coming out on June 8th. It is the last Danube release 14:10:23 <rpaik> #info dmcbride reviewed 3 sub-milestones for MS3 and noted that there's no change to the overall release schedule 14:11:29 <rpaik> #info 3.0 is OpenStack integration + nosdn + Functest support for health check 14:12:16 <rpaik> #info 3.1 is installers passing health check 14:12:52 <rpaik> #info 3.2 is deploying integrated SDN scenario and passing health check 14:13:09 <cgoncalves> rpaik: did you mean to say Euphrates 3.0 (as oppose to Danube 3.0)? 14:13:51 <jmorgan1> cgoncalves: no, MS 3.0 (MS = milestone) 14:14:07 <jmorgan1> cgoncalves: not associated to a release yet 14:15:09 <rpaik> #info MS4 will be "test framework ready" 14:16:30 <cgoncalves> jmorgan1: right. thing is rpaik wrote "daily meetings will start for _Danube_ 3.0" 14:17:11 <jmorgan1> cgoncalves: sorry, your right. it is Danube 3.0 release milestone is June 8th 14:17:31 <rpaik> #info for SDN controllers, it's up to the team to deploy which controller is deployed 14:18:15 <ChrisPriceAB> /me thinks he might propose changin "no-sdn" to "neutron" for clarity of meaning 14:18:30 <morgan_orange> +1 14:18:52 <hongbo2839> +1 14:19:21 <mbeierl> +1 14:19:23 <rpaik> #info discussion on adding a similar milestone for Kubernetes 14:20:03 <fuqiao> #info fuqiao 14:20:23 <rpaik> #info suggestion to change OpenStack/Kubernetes to VIM 14:21:05 <tallgren> #info Kubernetes does not work with Functest at the moment but this is planned within the next two weeks 14:21:40 <tallgren> #info So the Functest+Kubernetes integration will be ready by MS4 (Test case ready) 14:23:23 <rpaik> #info there is also discussion on Kubernetes plug-in for ODL 14:24:15 <rpaik> #startvote does the TSC approve additional sub-milestones for Milestone 3? (+1, 0, -1) 14:24:15 <collabot`> Begin voting on: does the TSC approve additional sub-milestones for Milestone 3? Valid vote options are , +1, 0, -1, . 14:24:15 <collabot`> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 14:25:20 <rpaik> #undo 14:25:20 <collabot`> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x21e3710> 14:25:37 <Julien-zte> #info Julien 14:26:24 <rpaik> #info 3.0 is OpenStack integration + nosdn + Functest support for health check/3.1 is installers passing health check/3.2 is deploying integrated SDN scenario and passing health check 14:27:05 <mbeierl> #info with 2-3 weeks in between each milestone 14:27:38 <rpaik> #info 3.0 is OpenStack integration + nosdn/no feature + Functest support for health check 14:28:00 <rpaik> #startvote does the TSC approve additional sub-milestones for Milestone 3? (+1, 0, -1) 14:28:00 <collabot`> Already voting on 'does the TSC approve additional sub-milestones for Milestone 3' 14:28:04 <bryan_att> #vote +1 14:28:08 <tallgren> #vote +1 14:28:09 <dneary> #vote +1 14:28:10 <cgoncalves> #vote +1 14:28:11 <hongbo2839> #vote +1 14:28:12 <timirnich> #vote +1 14:28:12 <bjskerry> #vote +1 14:28:13 <fdegir> #vote +1 14:28:15 <uli-k> #vote +1 14:28:15 <bh526r> #vote +1 14:28:16 <mbeierl> #vote +1 14:28:16 <Julien-zte> #vote +1 14:28:16 <jmorgan1> #vote +1 14:28:17 <morgan_orange> #vote +1 14:28:18 <rossella_> #vote +1 14:28:19 <fuqiao> #vote +1 14:28:25 <frankbrockners> #vote 0 14:28:34 <rpaik> #endvote 14:28:34 <collabot`> Voted on "does the TSC approve additional sub-milestones for Milestone 3?" Results are 14:28:34 <collabot`> 0 (1): frankbrockners 14:28:34 <collabot`> +1 (16): fdegir, dneary, fuqiao, cgoncalves, timirnich, bryan_att, morgan_orange, Julien-zte, tallgren, rossella_, hongbo2839, uli-k, jmorgan1, bjskerry, mbeierl, bh526r 14:28:44 <dmcbride> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/download/attachments/2925933/MS3%20MS4%20changes.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1496154486772&api=v2 14:28:59 <rpaik> #topic Dovetail discussion/approval 14:33:34 <rpaik> #info Wenjing reviewed the overall CVP process and went over files for test cases (e.g. for BGPVPN) 14:34:13 <tallgren> #info It is not decided at the moment whether all tests need to pass for certification 14:34:28 <rpaik> #info there is still no consensus on optional test cases (whether one needs to pass optional test cases or not) 14:34:51 <ChrisPriceAB> #action trevor_intel_ and DoveTail team, add a description on what level of test case passing should be enough to pass the CVP into to the addendum for Danube. :) 14:36:50 <rpaik> #info there are also docs for test case requirements, user documentation, and Danube addendum 14:37:15 <rpaik> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/dovetail/Dovetail+Documentation+for+Review 14:38:19 <rpaik> #info test results will be captured in testresults.opnfv.org 14:40:07 <tallgren> #info The CVP program will be announced (but not launched) in the Summit 14:40:09 <rpaik> #info CVP will be introduced at the upcoming Summit (i.e. our intent), but this will not be an official launch 14:43:11 <rpaik> #info frankbrockners asked if all mandatory tests are subset of OpenStack tests (as all tests in IPV6, HA, BGPVPN are optional) 14:46:16 <rpaik> #info dneary notes that focus has been on documentation prior to test cases becoming mandatory 14:50:17 <rpaik> #info discussion if there's a need to define a "bar" that is actually testing OPNFV 14:52:16 <rpaik> #info decision on mandatory/optional tests were made by individual project teams 14:52:17 <ChrisPriceAB> #info rosella asks what the process for determining mandatory or optional test cases is. 14:53:25 <ChrisPriceAB> #info Tim gives an example of why he selected to be optional, due to not all NFVi will support SDNVPN features. At this time a criteria for selection has not yet been documented. 14:55:31 <ChrisPriceAB> #info tallgren asks if we need an optional section to the testing at this time. As there are very few optional test cases at this time. 14:59:26 <ChrisPriceAB> #info rpaik asks what the TSC is being asked for today 15:00:43 <ChrisPriceAB> #info frankbrockners adds that the comments from the TSC indicate DoveTail is heading in the right direction however it is too early approve the scope as a program. 15:01:13 <ChrisPriceAB> #info timirnich asks that the TSC provides input to the project as to what tests would be valuable to be added to the test suites for the CVP 15:02:04 <ChrisPriceAB> #info frankbrockers states that a good starting point would be to ensure we evaluate the key features provided as market messages for any given release. 15:02:06 <rpaik> #info frankbrockners adds that key ingredients of the release should be tested in the CVP 15:02:14 <rpaik> :-) 15:02:50 <ChrisPriceAB> #info timirnich states items like robustness are key for OPNFV, beyond what the existing refstack test cases provide. 15:05:53 <tallgren> #endmeeting