05:16:18 <rpaik> #startmeeting 2017 OPNFV orientation 05:16:18 <collabot> Meeting started Sun Jun 11 05:16:18 2017 UTC. The chair is rpaik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:16:18 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 05:16:18 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to '2017_opnfv_orientation' 05:16:22 <durschatz> #info Dave Urschatz (CENGN) 05:16:43 <durschatz> #info Rick Penwarden (CENGN) 05:16:44 <rpaik> #info Ray Paik 05:16:52 <rpaik> #chair dmcbride 05:16:52 <collabot> Current chairs: dmcbride rpaik 05:17:40 <dmcbride> #info primary channel is "opnfv-meeting" 05:17:58 <dmcbride> #info other channels dedicated to specific OPNFV projects 05:18:52 <dmcbride> #info there is also a dedicated channel for release meetings - "opnfv-release" 05:20:25 <bramwelt> #link webchat.freenode.net 05:20:38 <dmcbride> #topic What is OPNFV? 05:22:14 <dmcbride> #info the idea of Network Function Virtualization (NFV) has been around for a while 05:22:37 <dmcbride> #info a lof of the work has been done in standards bodies, such as ETSI 05:23:04 <dmcbride> #info standards are great, but the industry needs an implementation 05:24:48 <dmcbride> #info many components have been developed in disparate Open Source projects (e.g. SDN, DPDK, VIM, etc.) 05:25:26 <dmcbride> #info we need something to pull all of these separate projects together. Thus OPNFV 05:26:05 <dmcbride> #info Three major principles: Integration, Testing, "Upstream First" 05:26:42 <bramwelt> #info Lots of upcoming co-located events happening in next couple of weeks with upstream projects 05:27:44 <bramwelt> #topic Danube Overview 05:28:00 <bramwelt> (don't think I can change topic since I'm not chair..) 05:29:44 <dmcbride> #chair bramwelt 05:29:44 <collabot> Current chairs: bramwelt dmcbride rpaik 05:30:57 <dmcbride> #topic Danube Overview 05:31:17 <dmcbride> #info 7 - 10 test projects 05:31:52 <dmcbride> #info many telco oriented projects, such as Service Function Chaining (SFC) 05:32:21 <dmcbride> #topic release history 05:33:12 <bramwelt> #info Arno: June 4, 2015; Brahmaputra: March 1, 2016; Colorado: September 26, 2016; Danube: April 4, 2017 05:33:15 <dmcbride> #info releases are named after rivers in alphabetical order, switching continents after each release 05:35:32 <dmcbride> #info recent releases have included about 40 projects, each 05:38:16 <dmcbride> #topic Cross-community CI (XCI) 05:41:27 <dmcbride> #info sessions on XCI this week at the Summit. See the schedule. 05:41:33 <dmcbride> #topic Testing 05:44:02 <bramwelt> #info Testing WG formed to collaborate on testing issues and create a testapi as a unified reporting interface 05:44:13 <dmcbride> #info there will be a panel on Monday that includes all of the test projects (see Summit schedule) 05:44:28 <bramwelt> #link http://testresults.opnfv.org/reporting/ 05:44:43 <dmcbride> #info there will also be several sessions on individual test projects 05:46:25 <bramwelt> #info testresults help provide insight to the release manager on scenario status 05:46:45 <dmcbride> #topic Pharos Test Labs 05:49:03 <bramwelt> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/pharos/Community+Labs 05:50:53 <dmcbride> #info more than 70 Pharos pods used for the Danube release 05:51:35 <bramwelt> #info Over 7 thousand deployments of OpenStack during the Danube release 05:53:41 <dmcbride> #topic OPNFV members 05:54:14 <dmcbride> #topic OPNFV projects 05:58:21 <dmcbride> #info each project has a wiki page at wiki.opnfv.org that provides relevant informatin for the project 06:00:38 <dmcbride> #info creating a new project 06:00:47 <dmcbride> #undo 06:00:47 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2507990> 06:01:02 <dmcbride> #topic creating a new OPNFV project 06:01:53 <dmcbride> #info step 1 - create a proposal and allow for a 2 week review period 06:02:25 <dmcbride> #info step 2 - TSC review and vote (simple majority) 06:02:41 <dmcbride> #topic OPNFV project lifecycle 06:03:01 <dmcbride> #info phases: proposal, incubation, mature, archived 06:05:29 <dmcbride> #info currently too many projects are in "incubation" stage. Attention to this issue has resulted in projects moving through graduation review (e.g. Functest) 06:06:21 <dmcbride> #topic OPNFV community 06:06:53 <dmcbride> #info OPNFV is fortunate to have an active, engaged community 06:07:24 <dmcbride> #info the OPNFV Code of Conduct is a reflection of the community 06:08:41 <dmcbride> #info the CoC was generated from the bottom up, based on experience from early releases 06:14:42 <bramwelt> #info OPNFV is a worldwide community. It's important to remember English is not everyone's primary language and we should always give people the benefit of the daught. 06:16:36 <bramwelt> #info don't be embarassed about your typing skills. Ray typos messages all the time on IRC. 06:16:49 <dmcbride> #topic meetings 06:16:55 <dmcbride> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/meetings 06:18:01 <bramwelt> #info Several tools for meetings: IRC, GoToMeeting, Mailman, Etherpad 06:18:17 <bramwelt> #topic Community Events 06:18:32 <dmcbride> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/EVNT 06:19:00 <bramwelt> #info twice a year plugfest where the community works on interoperability 06:19:10 <bramwelt> #info hackfest co-located with plugfests 06:19:33 <bramwelt> #info both hackfest and plugfest are free 06:20:21 <bramwelt> #topic Community Dashboard 06:20:33 <bramwelt> #link https://opnfv.biterg.io/ 06:20:58 <bramwelt> #info provides visibility into community contributions 06:22:38 <bramwelt> #info Contributions aren't restricted to code. Dashboard shows IRC, mailinglist, wiki, etc. 06:22:48 <bramwelt> #topic Internship Program 06:23:49 <bramwelt> #info Lot of interesting internship projects happening in OPNFV 06:25:53 <rpaik> #topic OPNFV release process 06:28:18 <rpaik> #info dmcbride notes that in addition to major release (every 6 month) we have two minor/maintenance releases 06:32:12 <rpaik> #info OPNFV scenarios compose of installers, set of components, and a configuration 06:33:04 <rpaik> #info dmcbride walks through milestones for OPNFV release 06:34:20 <rpaik> #chair bramwelt 06:34:20 <collabot> Current chairs: bramwelt dmcbride rpaik 06:38:45 <bramwelt> #topic Release Process Milestones 06:39:57 <bramwelt> #info Milestone 3 splitting into 3 phases 06:41:54 <bramwelt> #info Mileston 4 redefined around test frameworks being ready to support feature development 06:42:05 <bramwelt> #undo 06:42:05 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x20e8a10> 06:42:22 <bramwelt> #info Milestone 4 redefined around test frameworks being ready to support feature development 06:42:58 <bramwelt> #info Milestone 5 feature projects completed scenarios integations 06:44:45 <bramwelt> #info dmcbride walks through milestones 6-11, where 11 being the release 06:46:51 <rpaik> #info there's also a new milestone exception process starting with Euphrates 06:50:12 <bramwelt> #topic OPNFV Marketing and PR Programs 06:52:56 <rpaik> #info Brandon Wick and Jill Lovato introduce themselves to the community 06:53:51 <bramwelt> #info Brandon gives an overview of the upcoming presentation 06:54:58 <bramwelt> #info They discuss the challenges of marketing/PR for an open source project 06:55:34 <rpaik> #info Developers are the key demographics for marketing in open source community 06:57:50 <bramwelt> #info Marking shouldn't be 'fluffy'. We should be telling the stories of OPNFV 07:00:28 <bramwelt> #info Role of marking is to rise above the noise (1MM+ github projects) and secure attention 07:09:49 <bramwelt> #info They explain the ways they do marketing/PR for OPNFV 07:15:12 <bramwelt> #info They explain ways the community can get involved: subscribe to marketing channels, getting involved, interfacing with ambassadors, joining meetups 07:16:32 <rpaik> #link https://www.opnfv.org/community/user-groups OPNFV meetup group page 07:23:26 <rpaik> #startvote should we take a 15-minute break? (+1, 0, -1) 07:23:26 <collabot> Begin voting on: should we take a 15-minute break? Valid vote options are , +1, 0, -1, . 07:23:26 <collabot> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 07:23:32 <bramwelt> #vote +1 07:23:35 <durschatz> #vote +1 07:23:36 <basic`> #vote +1 07:23:37 <donaldh> #vote +1 07:23:40 <rpaik> #vote +1 07:23:48 <rpaik> #endvote 07:23:48 <collabot> Voted on "should we take a 15-minute break?" Results are 07:23:48 <collabot> +1 (5): basic`, rpaik, donaldh, durschatz, bramwelt 07:23:56 <bramwelt> Did we have quarum? 07:36:44 <rpaik> #action Brandon/Jill to post the marketing slides on the orientation wiki page 07:47:21 <rpaik> #topic Developer tools in OPNFV 07:48:19 <rpaik> #info bramwelt walks through developers tools in OPNFV (e.g. git/gerritt/Jenkins/Jira/etc.) 08:01:49 <rpaik> #info hands-on/demonstration of tools such as Etherpad, wiki, etc. 08:03:34 <rpaik> #link https://lists.opnfv.org/mailman/listinfo list of OPNFV mailing lists 08:19:41 <rpaik> #action to add info/instructions on LFID in the OPNFV wiki home page 08:19:45 <rpaik> #undo 08:19:45 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Action object at 0x250ab10> 08:20:00 <rpaik> #action bramwelt to add info/instructions on LFID in the OPNFV wiki home page 08:35:39 <basic`> https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/demo for those following along 08:50:56 <rpaik> #endmeeting