14:00:38 <rpaik> #startmeeting OPNFV TSC meeting 14:00:38 <collabot> Meeting started Tue Nov 7 14:00:38 2017 UTC. The chair is rpaik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:38 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:38 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'opnfv_tsc_meeting' 14:00:47 <rpaik> #rollcall 14:01:00 <frankbrockners> #info Frank Brockners 14:01:06 <juhak> #info Juha Kosonen (proxy for Tapio Tallgren) 14:01:11 <Wenjing> #info Wenjing Chu 14:01:15 <bjskerry> #info Brian Skerry 14:01:15 <David_Orange> #info David Blaisonneau for Fatih Degirmenci 14:01:17 <rossella_s> #info Rossella Sblendido 14:01:31 <Julien-zte> #info Julien 14:01:44 <timirnich> #info Tim Irnich 14:01:49 <bryan_att> #info Bryan Sullivan 14:02:15 <rpaik> we now have a quorum 14:02:32 <rpaik> #topic approval of previous minutes 14:02:41 <rpaik> #info no comments thus minutes are approved 14:03:00 <mtahhan_> #info Maryam tahhan 14:03:01 <rpaik> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/meetings/TSC#TSC-November7,2017 today's agenda 14:03:18 <bryan_att> can someone post details for the webinar 14:03:38 <rpaik> #info no other topics 14:03:57 <rpaik> #topic LF Netwroking webinar 14:04:31 <rpaik> #link https://lists.opnfv.org/pipermail/opnfv-tech-discuss/2017-November/018825.html email from Phil on the webinar 14:04:51 <dneary> #info Dave Neary 14:05:17 <jose_lausuch> #info Jose Lausuch 14:05:53 <rpaik> #info encourage everyone to attend the webinar as there will be impact on the OPNFV community 14:07:46 <rpaik> #info discussion on what the community want to look out for are rolls of the Technical Advisory Group and TSC, funding, charter updates 14:07:59 <gabriel_yuyang> #info gabriel_yuyang proxy kubi 14:08:25 <rpaik> #info there will also be a recording of the webinar 14:08:36 <timirnich> #info Bryan suggests to pay special attention to the relation between TSC and TAC 14:09:08 <rpaik> #info another topic is what happens to infra and funding for infra 14:09:55 <rpaik> #info suggestion to have a follow-on discussion next week at the TSC call 14:10:59 <rpaik> #action timirnich to come with a proposal on how to structure the discussion next week 14:12:19 <rpaik> #topic Release Update 14:14:40 <rpaik> #info dmcbride discusses MS1 for Fraser, which was last week and 38 projects expressed intent to participate 14:14:52 <dmcbride> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/SWREL/Projects+Intending+to+Participate+in+the+Fraser+Release 14:17:39 <rpaik> #info number of projects such as VES, Models, etc. are going to be part of the release again, however a few others such as Promise & NetReady will not be part of the Fraser release 14:20:15 <dmcbride> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/SWREL/Milestone+Compliance+for+Fraser 14:20:46 <rpaik> #info dmcbride notes that a few projects are missing Fraser release plans (highlighted in red in the above link) 14:21:37 <rpaik> #info MS2 (test plans) is coming up on November 17th 14:22:20 <dmcbride> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6825128 14:26:41 <rpaik> #info timirnich asks when would be a good time to get an early preview of what's new in Fraser 14:27:58 <rpaik> #info some of the possible themes are ONAP integration, OPNFV's roll in VNF certification 14:28:48 <rpaik> #undo 14:28:48 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2e302d0> 14:28:51 <rpaik> #info some of the possible themes are ONAP integration, OPNFV's role in VNF certification 14:30:39 <dmcbride> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/SWREL/Suggested+Release+Plan+Template 14:34:05 <rpaik> #action timirnich/dmcbride to start scrubbing the release plan data 14:37:28 <rpaik> #info reminder to also update the scenario status page as part of the release plan activities 14:37:44 <dmcbride> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/SWREL/Fraser+Scenario+Status 14:38:39 <dmcbride> #info Euphrates 5.1 on Dec 15 14:38:41 <rpaik> #info there's also Euphrates 1.0 scheduled for December 15th 14:41:21 <rpaik> #link https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/euphrates_retrospective Euphrates Retrospective page 14:41:31 <dmcbride> #link https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/euphrates_retrospective 14:41:56 <rpaik> #info encourage community members to start adding feedback on the page 14:43:53 <rpaik> #topic plugfest update 14:48:21 <rpaik> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/EVNT/Plugfest+Planning+Page 14:53:21 <rpaik> #info suggestion was made to accommodate remote participation 14:53:39 <rpaik> #info encourage people to add additional topics by November 17th 14:54:27 <rpaik> #info timirnich is recommending more community focused sessions at the Plugfest such as TSC composition, new use cases, etc. 14:56:11 <rpaik> #topic LF IT/infra update 14:56:49 <rpaik> #info expect Jenkins upgrade plan next week, but no other maintenance 14:57:40 <rpaik> #endmeeting