13:00:19 <bh526r> #startmeeting Weekly Technical Discussion 154 13:00:19 <collabot> Meeting started Mon Oct 14 13:00:19 2019 UTC. The chair is bh526r. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:19 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:19 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_technical_discussion_154' 13:00:28 <bh526r> #topic Roll Call 13:00:48 <bh526r> #info Liang Chen 13:01:25 <bh526r> #info Qiao Fu 13:01:34 <bh526r> #info Hongli Zhang 13:01:40 <bh526r> #info Bin Hu 13:02:08 <bh526r> #info Denver Williams 13:02:16 <bh526r> #info Jack Morgan 13:02:56 <bh526r> #info Cedric Ollivier 13:07:01 <bh526r> #info Watson W 13:07:08 <bh526r> #info Trevor Cooper 13:07:16 <bh526r> #info Trevor Bramwell 13:07:21 <ollivier> #info Cédric Ollivier 13:07:50 <bh526r> #topic Role, Responsibility and Expectation of LFN Infra Support for Issues in Community Labs by Trevor Cooper 13:08:34 <bh526r> #info Trevor Cooper described the issue that was discussed in TSC meeting on 10/08. 13:09:34 <bh526r> #info e.g. when there was an issue in community lab (e.g. Intel lab), there wasn't a forum to discuss how to resolve the issue. 13:11:18 <bh526r> #info This was because the lab admin usually doesn't participate in community, and they usually just are responsible for hardware configuration. When an issue becomes more complex, there isn't a place to discussion and resolve related issues. 13:12:34 <bh526r> #info So we need a consolidated forum, e.g. Pharos + Infra Forum, to help resolve the issues 13:13:52 <bh526r> #info Cedric Ollivier indicated that even if he has the skillset to help, e.g. set up Jenkins slave, he doesn't have access permission to do it. 13:15:18 <bh526r> #info Jack Morgan summarized (1) Lab support issue (who will do what) (2) Current community lab status (3) Lab assignment (e.g. when CNTT joins us) (4) open credentials (e.g. Jenkins slave) to community 13:17:06 <bh526r> #undo 13:17:06 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x212dfd0> 13:18:45 <bh526r> #info Jack Morgan summarized (1) Lab support issue (who will do what) (2) Current community lab status (3) Feature of Community Labs (e.g. Infra evolution, other features change to the lab when CNTT joins us, etc.) (4) open credentials (e.g. Jenkins slave) to community 13:19:08 <bh526r> #undo 13:19:08 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x22c6290> 13:19:29 <bh526r> #info Jack Morgan summarized (1) Lab support issue (who will do what) (2) Current community lab status (3) Future of Community Labs (e.g. Infra evolution, other features change to the lab when CNTT joins us, etc.) (4) open credentials (e.g. Jenkins slave) to community 13:20:00 <bh526r> #info Discussing (1) Lab support issue (who will do what) 13:20:42 <trevor_intel> #info Support process to be clarified 13:21:43 <bh526r> #info Ticket support through Jira service desk 13:22:10 <bh526r> #link https://support.linuxfoundation.org 13:23:02 <bh526r> #info Al Morton 13:24:18 <bh526r> #info Cedric indicated that although there is a resource pool for every project, but 2 resources are budgeted and dedicated to OPNFV, so we should get quicker support 13:25:49 <bh526r> #info Trevor Bramwell indicated that if support is needed from LF staff, it should go to https://support.linuxfoundation.org 13:26:24 <bh526r> #info Exception is that if there is issue related to OPNFV Community Lab, it should go to OPNFV Jira: https://jira.opnfv.org 13:26:40 <bramwelt> #link https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/servicedesk/customer/portal/2 13:26:44 <bramwelt> #link support.linuxfoundation.org 13:27:36 <acmacm> #info Al Morton 13:28:14 <bh526r> #info e.g. if issue related to Jenkins master or connection to Jenkins slave, it should go to LF support: support.linuxfoundation.org 13:28:52 <bh526r> #info Trevor Bramwell will organize a training session to community 13:29:15 <bh526r> #action Trevor Bramwell will organize a training session for community 13:33:00 <bh526r> #info Mark Shostak 13:35:34 <bh526r> #info Trevor Cooper gave an example: a VM wasn't working on a pod, and lab admin had no clue why we need the VM, and why it stopped working 13:36:12 <bh526r> #info Jack Morgan indicated the gap of Lab admin wasn't aware anything of OPNFV. 13:38:50 <bh526r> #info Infra WG needs to document those, i.e. gaps and proposed process of where to escalate, and who will do what 13:40:07 <bh526r> #action Jack Morgan and Trevor Bramwell to revive Infra WG meeting to take care of above task 13:40:47 <jentoio> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/pharos/Community+Labs 13:41:18 <bh526r> #info Infra WG will also take the task of assessing current lab status so that above information will be up to date 13:41:43 <bh526r> #undo 13:41:43 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x22fdcd0> 13:42:00 <bh526r> #info Pharos Project will also take the task of assessing current lab status so that above information will be up to date 13:47:17 <bh526r> #info (3) Future Lab 13:49:13 <bh526r> #info e.g infra evolution, TAC Infra WG etc. 13:49:51 <bh526r> #info Trevor Bramwell have been representing OPNFV in TAC Infra WG 13:54:33 <bh526r> #info Both Jack Morgan and Trevor Bramwell will represent OPNFV in Infra WG of TAC. They will bring back the guidelines from TAC, clarity of decisions that OPNFV TSC needs to make in terms of CI evolution, cloud-based CI/CD etc. 13:55:14 <bh526r> #info Cedric indicated that FuncTest has successfully experimented Traverse CI etc. 13:55:44 <bh526r> #info Nothing has been decided in TSC level 13:55:44 <ollivier> travis-ci 13:58:23 <bh526r> #info We need to experiment, get lessons and experience, and bring the topic to TSC regarding what recommendation and decision TSC needs to make. 13:58:35 <bh526r> #info (4) Open credentials to community 13:59:43 <bh526r> #info Cedric raised the topic in TSC last week, and email to mailing list, and waiting for feedback/response 14:00:12 <bh526r> #action Trevor Bramwell set up meeting of Infra WG 14:04:46 <bh526r> #info Jack Morgan and Trevor Bramwell will bring the topic of "open credential to community" in TAC Infra WG meeting on Friday, because it involves other communities such as ODL and ONAP 14:06:45 <bh526r> #info All 4 issues will be taken care of in details in OPNFV Infra WG (issue 1), Pharos Project (issue 2), and TAC Infra WG represented by Jack and Trevor on behalf of OPNFV (issue 3 and 4). 14:07:37 <bh526r> #info We will see how it goes, and if still gaps (possible) and how to solve it in future meetings 14:07:53 <bh526r> #topic AOB 14:07:59 <bh526r> #info Meeting adjourned 14:08:03 <bh526r> #endmeeting