14:30:29 <debrascott> #startmeeting Brahmaputra Daily Standup 14:30:29 <collabot`> Meeting started Wed Jan 6 14:30:29 2016 UTC. The chair is debrascott. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:30:29 <collabot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:30:29 <collabot`> The meeting name has been set to 'brahmaputra_daily_standup' 14:31:15 <bin_> Hi guys 14:31:20 <debrascott> #topic build agenda for daily meetups- what do we need to touch base about on a daily basis? 14:31:42 <debrascott> Hi all 14:31:46 <anac1> hi 14:31:49 <morgan_orange> hi 14:32:09 <fdegir> hi 14:32:15 <anac1> lab status? 14:32:25 <fdegir> we can perhaps have a short summary of outstanding issues at the beginning 14:32:31 <fdegir> as anac1 suggests 14:32:37 <morgan_orange> +1 14:32:45 <bin_> +1 14:32:49 <debrascott> good +1 14:32:55 <fdegir> and then go through different type of activities such as installers, ci, test projects and have summary for them 14:33:11 <debrascott> in round table format? 14:33:22 <fdegir> I think so 14:33:41 <bin_> and also deployment scenarios, and status 14:33:43 <fdegir> since we all depend on installers, it is better they start and then the rest follows 14:33:49 <frankbrockners> could we also get a readout on milestone e reporting? 14:34:05 <anac1> what about outstanding issues at the beginning, then we decide what is the most urgent of the day? 14:34:08 <debrascott> outstanding issues should be prioritized too. for example any that are blocking should be discussed first 14:34:14 <frankbrockners> maybe start with that - i.e. who has frozen code, who is pending etc. 14:34:46 <debrascott> :) sounds like we are on the same page 14:35:10 <debrascott> So what about today- what are blocking/urgent issues? 14:35:11 <frankbrockners> debrascott - do you have a milestone e report posted somewhere? 14:35:50 <debrascott> frankbrockners: not yet. In meetings since 6:30am so haven’t reviewed latest inputs 14:36:00 <anac1> lab status 14:36:03 <fdegir> the outstanding issues list could be: milestone e (overall status, code freeze, branch off), hardware resources, scenario availability 14:36:23 <anac1> +1 14:36:48 <debrascott> fdegir +1 14:36:56 <debrascott> Will have overall status by tomorrow 14:37:20 <fdegir> we can switch to installer status from the scenario subject and move on 14:37:22 <debrascott> Let’s start with lab status…any updates? 14:37:40 <fdegir> should we type in the agenda first? 14:37:46 <trevor_intel> yes 14:37:46 <fdegir> people might want to take a look at minutes 14:37:53 <anac1> yes 14:37:58 <debrascott> sure 14:38:17 <fdegir> and it is important we keep minutes well and any decisions we might make 14:38:42 <fdegir> and attendance as well 14:40:40 <debrascott> agenda: roll call, outstanding issues by priority highest to lowest, milestone status, code freeze status, branch status, hardware status, scenario availabilty?? 14:40:51 <debrascott> like that? 14:40:51 <morgan_orange> as far as I can see on the mails (probably missing some projects): E report done by Pharos, Joid, Onosfw, vsperf, ipvsix, releng, functest, octopus, compass, armband, bottleneck, yardstick (12 projects versus 39 declard projects for Brahmaputra) 14:41:16 <fdegir> rollcall 14:41:28 <fdegir> outstanding issues (the list you put there) 14:41:48 <fdegir> something like project status (installers, infra, test projects) 14:42:05 <fdegir> any new blockers/new issues should be reported 14:42:59 <debrascott> OK let’s give that a try for today. We can adjust if it needs improvement 14:44:49 <debrascott> #info Agenda roll call, outstanding issues by priority highest to lowest, project status (installers, infra, test), new blockers/issues, items for next day agenda 14:45:01 <debrascott> #topic roll call 14:45:09 <debrascott> #info Debra 14:45:12 <anac1> #info Ana Cunha 14:45:19 <bin_> #info Bin Hu 14:45:21 <fdegir> #info Fatih Degirmenci 14:45:22 <trevor_intel> #info Trevor 14:45:31 <frankbrockners> #info Frank Brockners 14:45:36 <morgan_orange> #info Morgan Richomme 14:46:08 <radez> #info Dan Radez (stand in for Tim Rozet) 14:46:31 <debrascott> #topic oustanding issues- blocking urgent 14:46:51 <debrascott> #info lab availability 14:47:04 <debrascott> what is the latest? 14:47:06 <fdegir> have some good news, typing in 14:47:25 <fdegir> #info Jumphosts for Intel POD5 and POD6 became available as of last night 14:47:49 <debrascott> awesome! 14:47:57 <fdegir> #info Joid team (Narinder) is working on changing the deployment configuration to have 3 controllers + 2 computes 14:48:00 <trevor_intel> #info and jumphost for POD 8 will be reconnected today 14:48:12 <anac1> fdegir: can we start with pod5 yardstick? 14:48:15 <debrascott> So those pods are up and running? 14:48:26 <fdegir> anac1: we need to wait Narinder to finish his work 14:48:33 <anac1> ok 14:48:33 <fdegir> anac1: will let you know once I hear from him 14:48:38 <anac1> ok 14:48:41 <anac1> thanks 14:49:01 <anac1> lf pod1? 14:49:03 <fdegir> #info The work with LF POD1 is still ongoing - need to check with Peter Bandzi 14:49:09 <anac1> ok 14:49:14 <fdegir> typing latest status for all PODs now 14:49:20 <fdegir> #info Status for all PODs 14:49:23 <trevor_intel> Fatih: Did you hear drom Peter Bandzi yesterday (LF POD 1)? 14:49:31 <fdegir> trevor_intel: nope 14:49:43 <fdegir> when I talked to him in the morning, he said he'll work on it 14:49:48 <fdegir> will check after the meeting 14:49:55 <trevor_intel> Fatih: ok 14:50:08 <debrascott> what can get kicked off in tests with the pods available? 14:50:19 <fdegir> #info Operational PODs: Intel POD2 (Apex), LF POD2 (Fuel), Huawei POD (Compass) 14:50:45 <fdegir> #info PODs under verification: Ericsson POD2 (Fuel), Intel POD5 (Joid), Intel POD6 (Joid) 14:51:17 <fdegir> #info PODs waiting to be configured: LF POD1 (rebuilding of the POD) , Intel POD8 (attaching jumphost) 14:52:06 <fdegir> I think hw status improved a lot comparing to what we had yesterday 14:52:07 <debrascott> how long does verification take if no issues found? 14:52:20 <debrascott> fdegir: agreed 14:52:55 <fdegir> for Ericsson POD2, deployment works fine but functest and yardstick are red 14:53:11 <fdegir> need to talk to anac1 and morgan_orange to see if the failures are pod related or not 14:53:21 <morgan_orange> yes we should have (modulo Narinder check) all the minimum PODs for the release (1 per installer) 14:53:23 <fdegir> if they're usual test failures, that POD is fine 14:53:23 <anac1> i know, have a hw fault on blade7 14:53:39 <fdegir> anac1: that's POD1 which is not in the list 14:53:44 <anac1> ok 14:53:49 <anac1> right 14:53:55 <fdegir> for Intel POD5 and POD6, we need to talk to Narinder 14:54:33 <morgan_orange> fdegir: for functest / intel POD 2 it is a known network issue, route to be added to speak to fuel management network I think 14:54:33 <frankbrockners> minor note on Peter Bandzi: Today is public holiday in Slovakia - he'll work on POD1 reconfig tomorrow 14:54:34 <fdegir> anac1: morgan_orange: please take a look at https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/fuel/job/fuel-nosdn-ericsson-pod2-daily-master/ 14:54:43 <morgan_orange> from the jumphost 14:55:08 <fdegir> morgan_orange: Intel POD2 is apex POD 14:55:24 <morgan_orange> oup Ericsson POD2 14:55:32 <morgan_orange> not Intel 14:55:38 <fdegir> morgan_orange: so this is not a POD issue then 14:55:41 <morgan_orange> https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/functest/job/functest-fuel-ericsson-pod2-daily-master/lastFailedBuild/console 14:56:12 <trevor_intel> #info POD allocation can be found here: https://wiki.opnfv.org/pharos_rls_b_labs 14:56:13 <morgan_orange> yes and no there is a route to add from the jumphost, see prerequisites on https://wiki.opnfv.org/functest_docker?s[]=docker 14:56:20 <morgan_orange> it looks like the issue to management network 14:56:23 <anac1> fdegir: is it fuel 8? 14:56:28 <fdegir> anac1: nope 14:57:11 <morgan_orange> I do not know when Jose is back, the person to contact is Daniel? 14:57:23 <anac1> daniel is on vacation 14:57:25 <fdegir> morgan_orange: Daniel is going for vacation 14:57:43 <fdegir> we can talk offline about the pod issues I think 14:57:49 <morgan_orange> yep 14:57:59 <anac1> fdegir: we'll check tomorrow morning 14:58:05 <fdegir> thx anac1 14:58:08 <morgan_orange> but great job, we will finally have almost our 8 PODs as expected (compared to the 3 yesterday..) 14:58:24 <debrascott> +1 14:58:25 <fdegir> thanks to trevor_intel 14:58:29 <morgan_orange> no excuse with the hardware... :) 14:58:40 <fdegir> but we have full of excuses 14:58:44 <morgan_orange> fortunately there are other issues... 14:58:48 <fdegir> the next excuse is the scenario availability 14:58:58 <anac1> ok, 2 minutes left 14:59:01 <fdegir> #info Scenario Availability 14:59:13 <debrascott> #topic Scenario Availability 14:59:45 <debrascott> What’s the latest on this? 14:59:54 <fdegir> #info As agreed, we will start with Arno scenario: OS + ODL 15:00:07 <morgan_orange> my understanding today , we have for bare metal fuel/nosdn, compas/odl, joid/odl, apex/odl 15:00:19 <morgan_orange> plus virtual compas/onos 15:00:38 <fdegir> infoing them 15:00:51 <fdegir> #info Currently running 15:00:56 <debrascott> fuel currently having bare metal issues right? or was it JOID? 15:01:03 <fdegir> #info Fuel: nosdn, baremetal 15:01:09 <bin_> #info Scenario A3 and A4 is needed for IPv6 because of the bug in ODL Lithium 15:01:36 <fdegir> #info Joid: odl, baremetal (1 compute host missing) 15:01:40 <bin_> #ODL Lithium doesn't support IPv6 L3 routing, so we still need Neutron L3 routing instead 15:01:46 <fdegir> morgan_orange: can you put compass 15:01:51 <fdegir> is it baremetal? 15:02:02 <bin_> #info ODL Lithium doesn't support IPv6 L3 routing, so we still need Neutron L3 routing instead 15:02:23 <anac1> IPv6 will ony be tested in Huawei POD, right? 15:02:25 <morgan_orange> fdegir: I think so, last test showed some test successful on odl suite 15:02:40 <fdegir> but I think it was manually executed, right? 15:02:46 <bin_> Ana: yes, it is only tested in Huawei's POD 15:02:58 <debrascott> what about arm? 15:02:59 <fdegir> #info Compass: odl, baremetal (testing manually executed) 15:03:01 <frankbrockners> also note that not all installers support v6 15:03:05 <bin_> Fatih: yes, manual testing 15:03:14 <anac1> bin_ thanks 15:03:20 <fdegir> radez: is apex odl virtual? 15:03:43 <radez> we can go virt or bm 15:03:45 <bin_> Ana and Fatih: Kubi from Huawei is developing code for automated testing in Yardstick 15:03:56 <radez> we're wiating on the lab reconfigure to get bm on the LF hardware 15:03:58 <fdegir> radez: yes, was asking what we have now 15:03:58 <radez> but we're ready for it 15:04:05 <fdegir> so currently virtual 15:04:09 <radez> so virt now and pending bm 15:04:24 <fdegir> #info Apex: odl, virtual (baremetal will be enabled once LF POD1 is ready) 15:04:32 <morgan_orange> fdegir: I have to cross check for compass, in the last run, there odl tests passed but all those related to neuton none on odl... 15:05:03 <fdegir> morgan_orange: ok 15:05:34 <morgan_orange> so according to our table we have A.2, J.1, C.1? 15:05:38 <fdegir> it seems, almost all installers will have arno scenario 15:05:44 <morgan_orange> the config nosdn is not mentione din the scenario 15:05:48 <anac1> radez: will bm be available in Intel POD2 ? 15:06:03 <fdegir> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/brahmaputra_testing_page#test_scenarios_for_brahmaputra 15:06:23 <radez> anac1: I thing it was virtual only? 15:06:33 <anac1> ok 15:06:34 <radez> *think 15:06:41 <radez> I'm not sure there's hardware there to do bm 15:06:50 <fdegir> #info Based on the table: A.2, J.1, C.1 seem to be there 15:06:58 <fdegir> #info F1 will be available soon 15:07:07 <fdegir> radez: intel pod2 is full POD 15:07:16 <fdegir> radez: so bm can be run on it 15:07:35 <fdegir> radez: just to remind that Intel POD2 will run against master branch for apex 15:07:42 <radez> oh cool I don't think I realized that 15:07:47 <fdegir> radez: and LF POD1 will run against stable/brahmaputra for apex 15:08:07 <fdegir> as listed in the page trevor_intel put above 15:08:47 <fdegir> should we move on? 15:08:57 <debrascott> ARM isn’t listed in test scenarios. They are doing their own testing right? Are they using same test criteria and should I invite someone from that team here? 15:09:00 <radez> fdegir: I just asked tim about it, he said we've had trouble with the networking being unstable in there so we may need to visit it for stablilty to do bm 15:09:20 <fdegir> radez: can you contact trevor_intel and jack regarding Intel POD2? 15:09:36 <radez> fdegir: yea we'll do that 15:10:21 <bin_> Debra: ARM is planning to use the same test scenario 15:10:27 <morgan_orange> for me (I may be wrong) ARM can be considered as a feature project. the team project manage it and tries to run the test on it but It is not critical for the release (unlike the stable run on the 4 installers mentioned in trevor's page) 15:10:55 <fdegir> morgan_orange: +1 15:11:01 <bin_> Debra: basically, ARM will deploy the same scenario, run the same test, but on ARM environment 15:11:07 <fdegir> the last I heard is that they were working on porting fuel to arm 15:11:20 <fdegir> opnfv fuel I mean 15:11:26 <debrascott> fdegir: that’s what I thought too 15:11:51 <bin_> Yes, porting OPNFV Fuel on ARM 15:12:16 <debrascott> I think I should have someone from that team here too because I need to know if/when they are ready. Don’t want to dismiss them from release decisions 15:12:26 <bin_> Debra: you can invite Joe Kidder and/or Bob Monkman, but Joe will be better 15:12:43 <debrascott> bin_: thanks will do 15:13:16 <debrascott> we are past the hour. should I make this a longer meeting in the future? 15:13:56 <debrascott> or do you all think this is a one-off because of starting up? 15:14:05 <morgan_orange> if it is everyday I would suggest no...it was the first one (so we spent some time on the format, should be quicker next time)..but if we want to work on the project we should limit the duration of the synchro meeting 15:14:17 <anac1> starting up, 30 min everyday is enough 15:14:29 <bin_> +1 15:14:30 <debrascott> OK good. will leave it as is. 15:14:57 <debrascott> Let’s close and we will talk again tomorrow 15:15:09 <debrascott> #endmeeting