08:00:34 <morgan_orange> #startmeeting functest weekly meeting December 8th 08:00:34 <collabot> Meeting started Tue Dec 8 08:00:34 2015 UTC. The chair is morgan_orange. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:34 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 08:00:34 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'functest_weekly_meeting_december_8th' 08:00:47 <morgan_orange> good morning / evening / night everybody 08:00:59 <morgan_orange> #info Morgan Richomme 08:01:05 <lixiaoguang> good afternoon 08:01:08 <lixiaoguang> ~~~ 08:01:09 <viktor_nokia> #info Viktor Tikkanen 08:01:09 <pbandzi> #info Peter Bandzi 08:01:13 <juhak> #info Juha Kosonen 08:01:31 <amaged__> #info Ahmed Maged 08:01:32 <lixiaoguang> #info Xiaoguang 08:01:35 <morgan_orange> #topic agenda bashing 08:01:42 <morgan_orange> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/functest_meeting 08:01:51 <morgan_orange> let's review action poitns of last week 08:02:10 <morgan_orange> #info all the feature projects have been contacted 08:02:23 <morgan_orange> #info DB ok for milestone D => 16 projects declared for 89 testcases 08:02:38 <morgan_orange> #undo 08:02:38 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2fd6750> 08:02:54 <morgan_orange> #info DB of for milestone D => 17 projects / 89 testcases 08:02:58 <morgan_orange> #link 08:03:44 <morgan_orange> #info regarding functest: companion projects (tests we may run from Functest in CI) are: ovno (Opencontrail), Doctor, Promise, PolicyTest (GBP in ODL) and part of SDNVPn (ODL part) 08:03:53 <morgan_orange> #info and Copper 08:04:02 <morgan_orange> #info + of course our own testcase.. 08:04:36 <morgan_orange> #info second point OK May-meimei is with her, she will give an overview of Compass/Functest work 08:05:15 <morgan_orange> #info point 3: list of openstack services supported initied but not finished => once Functest will be connected in CI to all installers, the information will be automatically retrieved 08:05:47 <morgan_orange> #info point 4: creation of ONOS testcase => done it is in the DB as 2 functest testcases onos and onos-ovsdb 08:06:01 <morgan_orange> so that is ok for the action points...or almost 08:06:19 <morgan_orange> #topic B Release Sprint 3 status 08:06:50 <morgan_orange> #info several actions in //: deployment of Functest on target labs, dev of testcases, integration of feature projects, docs.... 08:06:59 <raghavendrachari> Hi all good day .. !!! 08:07:06 <morgan_orange> hi raghavendrachari 08:07:19 <morgan_orange> #info deployment of Functest in Lab 08:07:32 <morgan_orange> May-meimei: could you share the status of functet work in Huawei lab 08:07:48 <raghavendrachari> Hi morgan 08:08:13 <May-meimei> morgan_orange: we are integrating the test-suites now 08:08:21 <May-meimei> and we should also run yardstick 08:08:22 <May-meimei> those all test-suites will be completed before Jan 08:08:31 <May-meimei> I am not familiar with vims, we should deploy vIMS and test it? 08:08:45 <morgan_orange> #info Functest integration started on Compass => target Jan 08:09:20 <morgan_orange> theoretically....vims you just run and it should work..it is part of the tests to show the ability to deploy a compelte VNF (~ 10 VMs) 08:09:40 <morgan_orange> on which lab do you do that, could you put the jenkins link? 08:10:37 <morgan_orange> I added recently the Huawei US as a possible target as I saw this lab connected to CI. But as far as I understand you are performing the tests on the Huawei lab in Changai? 08:10:38 <May-meimei> jenkins link? 08:10:41 <jose_lausuch> hi 08:10:45 <jose_lausuch> sorry for the late 08:10:48 <jose_lausuch> #info Jose Lausuch 08:10:55 <jose_lausuch> my usual irc client doesn't work 08:11:40 <morgan_orange> the functest jenkins jobs are declared here: https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/functest/ 08:11:57 <morgan_orange> I created one for compass based on the deploy jobs I saw https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/functest/job/functest-compass-master/ 08:12:00 <May-meimei> I submit this patch: 08:12:00 <May-meimei> https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/3453/ 08:12:34 <May-meimei> I think I should re-submit now 08:12:57 <morgan_orange> ok we may have some conflicts, but it shouyld be solvable :) 08:12:58 <morgan_orange> https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/releng/tree/jjb/functest/functest.yml 08:13:17 <May-meimei> ok! 08:13:17 <morgan_orange> I added the lab on my side https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/releng/tree/jjb/functest/functest.yml 08:13:26 <morgan_orange> but fortunately it is the same... 08:13:26 <May-meimei> I will work on it these days 08:13:29 <jose_lausuch> May-meimei: I think it looks better now 08:13:47 <jose_lausuch> before we were duplicating a lot of code 08:13:49 <morgan_orange> OK do not hesitate to add us (for review) if it helps 08:14:05 <May-meimei> jose_lausuch: thanks for your review 08:14:14 <jose_lausuch> no prob 08:14:14 <May-meimei> lots of suggestions 08:14:19 <jose_lausuch> :) 08:14:23 <morgan_orange> #info patch submitted for integration of the Compass ref lab into Jenkins https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/3453/ 08:14:58 <jose_lausuch> there is one last comment 08:15:04 <jose_lausuch> adding compass in the "installer" area 08:15:13 <jose_lausuch> then I think we are fine with it 08:15:24 <morgan_orange> so we may say that Compass is on track, if help needed for any testcases, let us now. Some refactoring is planned soon on odl, and light refactoring also on Rally and Tempest but is shall be OK 08:15:46 <May-meimei> yes 08:15:46 <morgan_orange> #info Compass is on track: goal run functest from Jenkins asap 08:15:49 <jose_lausuch> May-meimei: which controllers are supported? 08:15:55 <morgan_orange> odl and onos 08:15:58 <jose_lausuch> ok 08:16:11 <May-meimei> both 08:16:16 <morgan_orange> but I do not know if there is a deployment strategy for that? 08:16:31 <morgan_orange> I saw that both jenkins jobs were available 08:16:33 <jose_lausuch> deployment strategy? 08:16:39 <morgan_orange> #info onos and odl supported by compass 08:16:52 <morgan_orange> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/brahmaputra_testing_page 08:17:11 <morgan_orange> jose_lausuch: do they plan to alternate installation with odl/onos 08:17:24 <morgan_orange> what kind of fresh install could we expect 08:18:00 <jose_lausuch> you mean compass? 08:18:04 <morgan_orange> yes 08:18:10 <jose_lausuch> dont ask me:D 08:18:22 <morgan_orange> yes it is a question for MatthewLi or fdegir 08:18:25 <May-meimei> what about other installers? 08:18:28 <jose_lausuch> I think it would be ideal 08:18:37 <jose_lausuch> to have alternate controllers every deployment 08:18:47 <morgan_orange> but it will be probably the first example on which we can work to run functest with different config 08:18:51 <jose_lausuch> I will ask for Fuel what the plan is 08:19:00 <jose_lausuch> yes 08:19:24 <morgan_orange> #info once we will get the lab ready, discuss the deployment strategy regarding the controllers and/or options (specific OVS, kvm, QEMU,...) 08:20:04 <morgan_orange> Ok so I think it is OK for compass, congratulations for the great work, with 4 existing jenkins jobs covering virtual/bare metal and 2 controlelrs onos/odl you are not late... 08:20:17 <morgan_orange> jose_lausuch: status for apex and fuel? 08:20:37 <jose_lausuch> we tried to fix the docker stuff for apex 08:20:53 <jose_lausuch> #info apex almost ready to run functest 08:21:02 <jose_lausuch> just some networking issues in the jumphost 08:21:05 <jose_lausuch> iptables rules 08:21:07 * fdegir working on creating different daily jobs that run deployments with different controllers 08:21:12 <morgan_orange> #info for the moemtn 1 combination apex/odl 08:21:17 <jose_lausuch> we couldnt ping the installer vm from the container 08:21:28 <jose_lausuch> fdegir: ok 08:21:37 <fdegir> if you can review this https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/4003/ 08:21:56 <fdegir> then I know I'm going to the right direction 08:22:12 <jose_lausuch> #info for fuel, there are problems with ODL tests due to the default port for the rest api (we have to change it) 08:22:13 <morgan_orange> #action all review patch for deployment strategy https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/4003/ 08:22:39 <morgan_orange> #info for joid, tests done from CI on orange pod (not the target pod, wait for connection of INTEL POD 5 to CI) 08:22:57 <morgan_orange> #info joid => able to run docker from CI, able to run vPing and tempest 08:23:31 <morgan_orange> #info joid => upgrade planned on orange pod 2 today (to move to Liberty and add Ceph, heat, ceilometer) to be closed to target release... 08:23:47 <morgan_orange> so juhak and viktor_nokia the lab may not be accessible during the upgrade 08:23:58 <morgan_orange> David_Orange: you have some details and the timing? 08:24:15 <jose_lausuch> morgan_orange: is joid already supporting liberty? 08:24:25 <morgan_orange> yes 08:24:28 <David_Orange> yes 08:24:29 <jose_lausuch> great 08:24:38 <David_Orange> i plan to install it this afternoon 08:24:45 <morgan_orange> it will save de facto dependency issues for some projects 08:25:21 <morgan_orange> #info upgrade joid orange-pod2 planned this afternoon (not available for testing) => move to liberty + heat/ceilometer/ceph 08:25:31 <morgan_orange> OK I think that is ok for the view of the deployment 08:26:01 <morgan_orange> raghavendrachari: I will create an access to Orange Pod so we could work together on the platform 08:26:08 <viktor_nokia> cinder was missing as well? 08:26:48 <raghavendrachari> ok sure , i'll 08:27:04 <morgan_orange> yes, it was really an alpha version, next one would be close to target 08:27:10 <morgan_orange> #topic ODL 08:27:37 <morgan_orange> important internal use case, all the more as, feature projects "just" want to import upstream ODL Robot suite related to their feature 08:28:02 <morgan_orange> pbandzi: any update to share 08:28:06 <pbandzi> #info so far it looks like we can add tests from suite: https://github.com/opendaylight/integration/tree/master/test/csit/suites/ovsdb 08:28:31 <pbandzi> #info jira for those suit to be created today 08:29:04 <pbandzi> #info looks however bigger task that expoected :) 08:29:27 <morgan_orange> shall we put a warning on this for the release meeting? 08:30:07 <morgan_orange> you think it is possible to include the upstream suite for PolicyTest and SDNVPN? 08:30:20 <pbandzi> not need yet. we ';; try to make ti work this week 08:30:24 <jose_lausuch> sdnvpn will be added by Tim 08:30:36 <jose_lausuch> with some modifications 08:31:13 <pbandzi> i'll look for policy test also not yet checked 08:31:14 <morgan_orange> added in upstream or in functest, my assumption is that refactoring is neede to run the robot suites 08:31:19 <jose_lausuch> pbandzi: what about including mininet? https://github.com/opendaylight/integration/blob/732659be50eedc962e9cf09b09ac15e459523c7a/test/csit/libraries/MininetTopo/create_fullymesh.py 08:31:29 <jose_lausuch> is it worth it? 08:31:45 <pbandzi> i thnk for ovsdb it will not be needed 08:31:55 <jose_lausuch> ok 08:32:10 <pbandzi> if I found some test which are worth to add we can add mininet also , but so far we don't need it 08:32:20 <morgan_orange> pbandzi: you may ask for support from amaged__ (but I know that you are connected) or raghavendrachari (who knows also ODL) 08:32:36 <morgan_orange> do not hesitate to delegate 08:32:37 <morgan_orange> :) 08:32:38 <pbandzi> we are working together on it with amaged__ 08:33:06 <morgan_orange> ok so let's see the progress this week 08:33:10 <amaged__> Deja :) 08:33:24 <morgan_orange> #topic Management of constraints in CI 08:33:53 <morgan_orange> so knwo we know what we have to test, we know where (at least for first steps) 08:34:15 <morgan_orange> we should put in place a mechanism to run the tests in CI accordingly to the fresh install we have in front of our tests 08:34:25 <morgan_orange> fdegir: initiates work on Ci regarding this 08:34:57 <morgan_orange> #info question on constarint management in Functest on CI 08:35:03 <morgan_orange> #info work in progress in releng 08:35:06 <morgan_orange> #link https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/4003/ 08:35:28 <morgan_orange> the CI will provide as inputs information on the controller, options 08:35:44 <morgan_orange> then when running functest we will check that the testcase is just runnable 08:35:58 <jose_lausuch> yes 08:35:59 <morgan_orange> e.g. no need to try to run odl with a fresh install with onos... 08:36:21 <morgan_orange> or no need to run SDVPN if OVS is not > 2.4 (as far as i remember) because feature needed will not be available 08:36:33 <morgan_orange> My view was to create a file listing these dependencies 08:36:35 <raghavendrachari> yes , i worked on odl related stuff , i can do up to my level 08:36:39 <jose_lausuch> did you info your patch? 08:36:59 <morgan_orange> #info work on file listing dependencies prior to test 08:37:05 <jose_lausuch> #info test.yaml to list the config for each test project 08:37:05 <jose_lausuch> https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/4021/ 08:37:08 <jose_lausuch> #info https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/4021/ 08:37:08 <morgan_orange> #link https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/4021/ 08:37:12 <jose_lausuch> sorry... 08:37:41 <morgan_orange> instead of running in the docker ./runtest -t rally, tempest,vping 08:37:43 <pbandzi> #info corection to ODL... we will also include mininet... 08:37:58 <jose_lausuch> oh! 08:37:59 <jose_lausuch> :) 08:38:08 <morgan_orange> we may reun something like ./run_test.sh -c opnfv-tests.yml 08:38:42 <morgan_orange> then we try by default to run all our testcases (internal + companion) but before we just check the jenkins inputs versus declared min config 08:38:50 <morgan_orange> does it make sense for everybody? 08:38:58 <jose_lausuch> +1 08:39:15 <morgan_orange> I had a discussion with fdegir this morning, anac1 do you agree 08:39:35 <morgan_orange> basically for the moment only 2 test projects have companion projects (where we need to get the info) 08:39:40 <morgan_orange> functest and yardstick... 08:40:01 <morgan_orange> the other test projects could directly deal with the inputs from jenkins as they just deal with their own testcases 08:40:10 <morgan_orange> so we coudl imagine to have separate files 08:40:15 <morgan_orange> but as we put everything in a DB 08:40:27 <morgan_orange> i think it is usefull to have only 1 config file 08:40:31 <morgan_orange> to be consistent... 08:40:34 <morgan_orange> what do you think? 08:40:45 <jose_lausuch> I agree in having 1 config file for all 08:41:13 <morgan_orange> #action jose_lausuch morgan_orange create function to deal with opnfv-test file and add support for -c in run_test 08:41:23 <morgan_orange> ok I will ask anac1 offline 08:41:40 <jose_lausuch> to be put in releng repo of course 08:41:44 <morgan_orange> yes 08:41:53 <morgan_orange> #topic start speaking of documentation.... 08:41:58 <jose_lausuch> fdegir: the opnfv directory is getting full of things :) 08:42:11 <morgan_orange> #info ryota sent a mail expalining some changes in doc management 08:42:18 <morgan_orange> I will try to initiate something 08:42:30 <morgan_orange> for functest we need a user guide, an installation guide 08:42:34 <jose_lausuch> We need a lot of updates in our docs 08:42:48 <morgan_orange> is it an update or a new one... 08:42:51 <jose_lausuch> fortunatelly, it will be similar to what we have in the docker wiki 08:43:00 <jose_lausuch> maybe a new one? reusing some stuff? 08:43:06 <morgan_orange> yes but we need the description of the testcases 08:43:11 <jose_lausuch> sure 08:43:12 <morgan_orange> as we are moving to sphinx 08:43:20 <morgan_orange> I think we can say it will be a new one... 08:43:31 <morgan_orange> #action morgan_orange initiate functest doc 08:43:43 <morgan_orange> we will have also to produce a high level testcase view based on the DB 08:44:12 <morgan_orange> that is an activity post xmas break, but i will try to initiate something anyway 08:44:17 <morgan_orange> #topic AoB 08:44:27 <jose_lausuch> I would say, we do DOC stuff after the code freeze 08:44:27 <morgan_orange> maybe speak of Rally refactoring 08:44:37 <morgan_orange> #undo 08:44:37 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Topic object at 0x322a590> 08:44:52 <morgan_orange> #info Doc after E milestone (beginning of january) 08:44:56 <morgan_orange> #topic AoB 08:45:12 <morgan_orange> juhak: maybe share info on the last Jira with the team 08:46:02 <juhak> I split the refactoring ticket into two new ones 08:46:30 <juhak> and start working with parameterizing Rally scenarios at first 08:46:52 <morgan_orange> #info Rally refactoring in progress => split into 2 JIRAs 08:46:55 <morgan_orange> #link https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/FUNCTEST-109 08:47:04 <morgan_orange> #link https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/FUNCTEST-110 08:47:09 <juhak> was there something related to Rally and vPing too? 08:47:31 <morgan_orange> only Rally 08:47:37 <juhak> ok 08:47:55 <morgan_orange> I suspend my work on rally 2 dashboard 08:48:04 <morgan_orange> as the results may changes in the DB after the refactoring 08:48:33 <jose_lausuch> juhak: is there a automatic way to detect a proper way of defining the (e.g.) number of iterations and concurrency? 08:48:35 <morgan_orange> wait what kind of artifact we will produce and push into the DB before writing any post processing 08:48:54 <jose_lausuch> or the users has to modify these values depending on the amount of HW they have 08:49:02 <juhak> need to study that 08:49:16 <jose_lausuch> I would like to imagine something like this: 08:49:40 <jose_lausuch> I am a user X and have a POD with 6 servers to install OPNFV --> recommended config A 08:49:51 <jose_lausuch> I am a user Y and have a POD with 20 servers to install OPNFV --> recommended config B 08:49:53 <jose_lausuch> and so on 08:49:58 <jose_lausuch> if that was automatic would be awesome 08:50:21 <juhak> yes it would 08:50:21 <jose_lausuch> because the user doesnt have a clue how many VMs to create with Rally concurrently 08:50:33 <morgan_orange> theoretically the Pharos target shall be almost the same...but for tests on Labs with additional capabilities it will be real audit tool 08:50:37 <jose_lausuch> maybe if Rally doesnt provide that yet, we can have some recommendations 08:50:53 <morgan_orange> BTW https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/FUNCTEST-71 closed 08:50:54 <jose_lausuch> or different config files 08:50:58 <jose_lausuch> like 08:51:05 <jose_lausuch> rally-3servers.yaml 08:51:17 <jose_lausuch> rally-6servers.yaml 08:51:22 <jose_lausuch> rally-20servers.yaml 08:51:23 <jose_lausuch> and so on 08:51:28 <jose_lausuch> like defaults 08:51:39 <morgan_orange> #info suggestion jose_lausuch find an automatic way to detect a proper way of defining the (e.g.) number of iterations and concurrency => propose some default configuration depending on the pod config 08:52:05 <morgan_orange> we may imagine a rally-pharos sticking to pharos definition (3 control nodes + 2 compute nodes) 08:52:18 <jose_lausuch> yes, I would say that is the default config 08:52:30 <jose_lausuch> and then , have other different templates for different number of servers 08:52:33 <jose_lausuch> (for example) 08:53:11 <morgan_orange> ok let's juhak set the scenario in place and let's discuss it next week 08:53:30 <juhak> sounds good to me 08:53:33 <morgan_orange> #info Tempest will be also a little bit refactored with the creation of our own suite (no more smoke) 08:54:03 <morgan_orange> hope the interruption on orange pod will not be too long :) 08:54:40 <morgan_orange> #info demo Juniper this week (postponed from last week), you can join 08:55:13 <morgan_orange> ovno team already shows some code...need an OPNFV labs running with Opencontrail to start testing it 08:56:14 <morgan_orange> for the Release meeting this afternoon, I think we shall be able to run Functest towards 3 or 4 installers before the end of the week (in their current config) 08:56:20 <morgan_orange> so this status is green 08:56:58 <morgan_orange> for the testcases, it is still green, we will see next week regarding odl if the work is not much bigger than expect but work is in progress 08:57:38 <morgan_orange> for the integration of feature tests, it is Orange as it is still difficult to have the visibility but all the projects are working hard.. 08:58:01 <jose_lausuch> what do you mean? 08:58:05 <jose_lausuch> dont get that 08:58:41 <morgan_orange> regarding the timing, I am not able to say when we will be able to test ovno but I know that ovno already has some code written for their tests 08:58:48 <morgan_orange> and the same for other companion projects 08:58:54 <jose_lausuch> ok 08:59:44 <morgan_orange> #info For release meeting: 1) we shall be able to run Functest towards 3 or 4 installers before the end of the week 09:00:03 <morgan_orange> #info For release meeting: 2) testcases, it is still green, we will see next week regarding odl if the work is not much bigger than expect but work is in progress 09:00:22 <jose_lausuch> for 1) from the CI 09:00:33 <morgan_orange> #undo 09:00:33 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x322ad10> 09:00:38 <morgan_orange> #info for CI.... 09:00:53 <morgan_orange> #info For release meeting: 2) testcases, it is still green, we will see next week regarding odl if the work is not much bigger than expect but work is in progress 09:00:54 <morgan_orange> #info for Release meeting 3) feature projects started showing code, but not full visibility on when we could be able to test 09:01:27 <morgan_orange> #action morgan_orange contact anac1 regarding the test config file in releng 09:01:34 <morgan_orange> any other stuff to share? 09:01:45 <jose_lausuch> no 09:01:49 <jose_lausuch> but something will come up :) 09:01:53 <morgan_orange> heavy week... 09:01:59 <morgan_orange> for everybody 09:02:09 <jose_lausuch> cheer up everyone, lets make this work! 09:02:18 <morgan_orange> I will not available last week but jose_lausuch will chair... 09:02:23 <morgan_orange> oups 09:02:25 <morgan_orange> already tired 09:02:27 <morgan_orange> next week 09:02:35 <jose_lausuch> ok 09:03:18 <morgan_orange> I may try (stupid team building meeting...at 9 we usually have not started) 09:03:24 <morgan_orange> ok enjoy your week 09:03:41 <jose_lausuch> thanks morgan_orange 09:03:43 <morgan_orange> #endmeeting