08:01:23 <morgan_orange> #startmeeting Functest weekly meeting May 31th 08:01:23 <collabot`> Meeting started Tue May 31 08:01:23 2016 UTC. The chair is morgan_orange. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:01:23 <collabot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 08:01:23 <collabot`> The meeting name has been set to 'functest_weekly_meeting_may_31th' 08:01:33 <morgan_orange> JuhaHaapa: need more coffee 08:01:40 <morgan_orange> #topic call roll 08:01:40 <lhinds> #info lhinds 08:01:44 <morgan_orange> #info Morgan Richomme 08:01:48 <JuhaHaapa> #info Juha Haapavirta 08:01:49 <juhak> #info Juha Kosonen 08:01:52 <viktor_nokia> #info Viktor Tikkanen 08:01:52 <morgan_orange> #info agenda: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/functest/Functest+Meeting 08:01:57 <jose_lausuch> #info Jose Lausuch 08:01:57 <morgan_orange> #topic action points follow-up 08:02:01 <morgan_orange> #link http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/opnfv-testperf/2016/opnfv-testperf.2016-05-24-08.00.html 08:02:04 <JuhaHaapa> morgan_orange: :):) 08:02:18 <morgan_orange> #info AP1: refactoring Testcase.yaml done 08:02:33 <morgan_orange> #info AP2: group Rally full and Tempest full in 1 Tier done 08:02:40 <jose_lausuch> yes 08:02:46 <morgan_orange> we may have a discussions on Tier / yardstick and common definition 08:03:01 <morgan_orange> #info AP3 integration of success criteria directly in testcases.yaml 08:03:18 <morgan_orange> #info rather than hardcoded in the code of the test cases 08:03:27 <morgan_orange> I think we need also to discuss this a little bit 08:03:45 <jose_lausuch> this is not done yet :) 08:03:47 <morgan_orange> as success criteria (condition to set the criteria to passed or failed in the DB) 08:03:58 <morgan_orange> corresdpond to variables 08:04:07 <morgan_orange> so if we put a condition in the yaml file 08:04:14 <morgan_orange> the var shall correspond... 08:04:21 <morgan_orange> e.g. duration < 1800 08:04:33 <morgan_orange> we supposed that we use duration as a variable name 08:04:53 <morgan_orange> I imagine we need to list all the var we use in order to set up the criteria 08:05:02 <morgan_orange> and try to be consistant 08:05:33 <morgan_orange> #info AP4 add security_scan in DB and in testcase.yaml done 08:05:52 <morgan_orange> we will see later, the CI pipeline integration has to be done, but almost everything should be in place 08:06:10 <jose_lausuch> I can do a proposal in the yaml 08:06:35 <morgan_orange> #info AP5 add start/stop fields in API: done on refactored API (not in testresults.opnfv.org yet) but hopefully before the ned of the week (Serena did a great job) 08:06:39 <morgan_orange> jose_lausuch: ok 08:07:00 <morgan_orange> #info AP6 add filter param for API: not done yet 08:07:17 <morgan_orange> #info AP7: add type, also ready for next version of the API 08:07:27 <morgan_orange> and that is all for the APs 08:07:42 <morgan_orange> #topic Sprint #8 follow-up 08:07:53 <morgan_orange> before diving into JIRAs 08:08:03 <morgan_orange> #info First run on Master for Apex 08:08:27 <morgan_orange> #info Functest jenkins dashboard refactored (thanks to May-meimei) 08:08:36 <morgan_orange> #link https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/functest/ 08:09:10 <jose_lausuch> and we have job mismatching 08:09:13 <morgan_orange> apex is not in this page ... 08:09:16 <jose_lausuch> its apex build daily 08:09:32 <May-meimei> morgan_orange: you are welcome 08:09:47 <May-meimei> yes,we may miss some jobs 08:10:45 <morgan_orange> last apex success https://build.opnfv.org/ci/job/functest-apex-apex-daily-master-daily-master/ 08:11:12 * fdegir will hopefully send patches to align apex jobs 08:11:15 <jose_lausuch> we still have the problem of duplicated output, even with CI_DEBUG=false 08:11:16 <jose_lausuch> so bad... 08:11:25 <jose_lausuch> it's cinder python module's fault... 08:11:28 <morgan_orange> probably some troubleshooting ahead (ODL, tempest,...) 08:11:33 <jose_lausuch> fdegir: thanks 08:11:57 <morgan_orange> fdegir: thanks, if you succeeded in aligning Apex CI you definitively deserved the yearly award... :) 08:12:18 <fdegir> morgan_orange: we'll see 08:12:31 <morgan_orange> #action morgan_orange jose_lausuch viktor_nokia juhak have a look at first Apex Master logs 08:12:59 <jose_lausuch> 2016-05-30 17:21:54,189 - healtcheck - INFO - Health check passed 08:13:12 <morgan_orange> #info fist compass/ocl also integrated 08:13:13 <jose_lausuch> 2016-05-30 17:22:54,970 - vping_ssh - INFO - vPing detected! 08:13:23 <jose_lausuch> 2016-05-30 17:23:40,317 - vping_userdata - INFO - vPing OK 08:13:42 <jose_lausuch> 2016-05-30 17:35:06,471 - run_tempest - INFO - Results: {'timestart': '2016-05-3017:24:07.434810', 'duration': 654, 'tests': 169, 'errors': '{0} 08:13:55 <viktor_nokia> vPing duration:'25.6' s ! 08:14:01 <jose_lausuch> what???? 08:14:04 <jose_lausuch> ah vping 08:14:06 <jose_lausuch> :) 08:14:18 <jose_lausuch> tempest took 11 min 08:14:30 <jose_lausuch> and 169 tests... I thought smoke had less 08:14:32 <jose_lausuch> around 100 or so 08:14:44 <morgan_orange> functesting overall last 40 minutes 08:14:45 <jose_lausuch> but 169 tests in 11 minutes in serial is a record! 08:14:57 <morgan_orange> which is what we announced... 08:15:06 <morgan_orange> we can go to vacations :) 08:15:22 <morgan_orange> or strike (French habit at the moment) 08:15:24 <jose_lausuch> 95% rally 08:15:27 <jose_lausuch> haha 08:15:52 <jose_lausuch> odl tests failed... 08:16:20 <viktor_nokia> is it baremetal or virtual deployment? 08:16:25 <morgan_orange> baremetal 08:16:32 <morgan_orange> lf pod1 (you have access now...) 08:16:45 <morgan_orange> doctor is ok 08:17:11 <morgan_orange> security_scan also :) but we did not do anything but from CI, we are ready 08:17:39 <morgan_orange> and that is all as vIMS, full Tempest full Rally are on weekly loop 08:17:45 <morgan_orange> so good results 08:18:06 <morgan_orange> #action ollivier look at ODL results on Apex/Master scenario 08:18:23 <morgan_orange> #action juhak see the reasons of the 95% on rally 08:18:30 <juhak> about failed rally cases, 08:18:37 <juhak> heat: https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/APEX-161 08:18:44 <juhak> nova: https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/APEX-147 08:18:47 <jose_lausuch> wow 08:18:48 <jose_lausuch> :) 08:18:56 <jose_lausuch> the AP is already done 08:18:57 <morgan_orange> ok you AP is already closed then 08:19:04 <jose_lausuch> juhak: that's efficiency! :D 08:19:10 <juhak> :) 08:20:00 <morgan_orange> ok anyway good results for a first try 08:20:33 <morgan_orange> there was a discussion on the timeout, the apex tests include the timeout for the openflow creation rules? 08:21:10 <jose_lausuch> in the healthcheck? I think so 08:21:14 <jose_lausuch> its for every installer 08:21:28 <viktor_nokia> I'm trying to reproduce the issue in our lab with the latest Apex but deployment fails... 08:21:40 <morgan_orange> sometimes it happens... 08:22:14 <viktor_nokia> anyway, it is in https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/APEX-149 08:22:15 <morgan_orange> the timeout was needed mainly for Apex, right? 08:22:28 <viktor_nokia> not 100% 08:22:28 <jose_lausuch> yes 08:22:31 <morgan_orange> #info Rally errors analyzed, 2 jora created 08:22:43 <jose_lausuch> but maybe a sleep 10 is enough, but to be safe we added ssleep 60 08:22:51 <morgan_orange> #link https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/APEX-161 08:22:58 <viktor_nokia> because e.g. vPing duration is quite high also on some other installers 08:22:58 <morgan_orange> #link https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/APEX-147 08:23:05 <jose_lausuch> vping doesn't use sleeps, just the time it needs to process the code and spawn the vms 08:23:11 <jose_lausuch> since healthcheck is bash, it might be faster 08:23:15 <viktor_nokia> only Compass (and now Apex) are OK 08:24:00 <morgan_orange> for joid we have this run https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/functest/job/functest-joid-baremetal-daily-master/lastSuccessfulBuild/consoleText 08:24:23 <morgan_orange> vPing SSH KO 08:24:35 <morgan_orange> vPing userdata OK 08:24:52 <morgan_orange> Tempest Results: {'timestart': '2016-05-2611:28:40.882648', 'duration': 2710, 'tests': 169, 'failures': 18} 08:25:06 <viktor_nokia> vping_ssh duration should be max 30-40 sec (response to the first DHCP request) 08:25:19 <morgan_orange> Rally 100% 08:25:42 <morgan_orange> Promie 29/33 08:26:07 <morgan_orange> it seems that we have some open issue to push results to artifacts 08:26:44 <morgan_orange> on Intel POD6 gsutil not installed 08:27:00 <morgan_orange> #action May-meimei have a look why gsutils not installed on CI POD Intel POD6 08:27:26 <morgan_orange> we have also tests with fuel, but as far as I know Master = Brahmaputra for the moment 08:27:29 <jose_lausuch> its just on that pod 08:27:30 <jose_lausuch> ? 08:27:33 <morgan_orange> I have also some doubt on joid 08:27:50 <morgan_orange> jose_lausuch: uploading on lf-pod1 seems OK 08:28:40 <May-meimei> morgan_orange: sorry, I can't access to intel lab 08:29:06 <morgan_orange> May-meimei: OK can you see with jmorgan1? 08:29:18 <morgan_orange> Back on Sprint 8 08:29:25 <morgan_orange> #link https://jira.opnfv.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=59&view=planning.nodetail 08:29:52 <morgan_orange> any concerns? as you probably know "feature" freeze is now planned for beginning of July 08:30:00 <morgan_orange> it includes our internal features 08:30:08 <morgan_orange> for integration we will have more time 08:30:15 <jose_lausuch> jmorgan1 is the lab owner for intel, he should be able to fix it 08:30:42 <morgan_orange> BTW OVNO test suites will be rewritten (src Stuart Mackie) so I comment OVNO script 08:31:10 <morgan_orange> we also initiate a discussion with Yardstick on where feature shall be tested 08:31:40 <morgan_orange> it seems that some feature projects created functional tests but their project is asosciated with Yardstick 08:31:57 <morgan_orange> If we consider that both projects are umbrella projects (for Functionnal and Performance testinĂ 08:32:11 <morgan_orange> it coudl make sense to re import some test cases in Functest to be more consistant 08:32:24 <morgan_orange> discussion initiated yesterday, wait for kubi feedback 08:32:34 <morgan_orange> the idea is not to do everything in Functest... 08:32:47 <morgan_orange> just to be clear for the feature projects and the end users 08:33:29 <morgan_orange> and regarding the JIRA 08:33:37 <morgan_orange> everybody is comfortable with the timing? 08:33:43 <morgan_orange> no help needed? 08:33:46 <viktor_nokia> any progress with "offline functest"? do we have any images (e.g. cirros) included into functest container? 08:33:50 <jose_lausuch> I might have a concern 08:34:10 <morgan_orange> viktor_nokia: the main issue will be probably vIMS 08:34:26 <morgan_orange> valentin is coming back next week, but there may be some issues with this testcase 08:34:34 <jose_lausuch> I dont have time for this https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/FUNCTEST-157 08:34:41 <jose_lausuch> that's a uge change 08:34:46 <jose_lausuch> maybe for D-river 08:35:17 <jose_lausuch> viktor_nokia: we do have a cirros in the container 08:35:19 <morgan_orange> jose_lausuch: yep it seems more reasonable (you already made a first big refactoring) 08:36:10 <viktor_nokia> jose_lausuch: OK, then I can probably proceed with https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/FUNCTEST-202 08:36:10 <morgan_orange> any objection to move this JIRA from C to D 08:36:26 <jose_lausuch> I hope not :) 08:36:46 <jose_lausuch> viktor_nokia: ok, I think the main reason for having internet is because of some rally stuff 08:36:56 <jose_lausuch> ah 08:36:59 <jose_lausuch> and for vIMS! 08:37:12 <jose_lausuch> but maybe since vIMS is not running daily... 08:37:16 <morgan_orange> but vIMS is now in VNF Tier... 08:37:27 <morgan_orange> it is a nice to have :) 08:37:28 <juhak> I'll change those rally cases that currently requires internet 08:37:35 <viktor_nokia> shoul we re-decide then if "offline" functionality is needed? 08:37:37 <jose_lausuch> difficult to test offline functest on ci pods where internet is available :) 08:37:46 <jose_lausuch> I would say is needed 08:37:50 <jose_lausuch> at least for the basic tests 08:37:53 <morgan_orange> people from cloudify and metaswitch will be in berlin, as well as Valentin, we may imagine some progress there 08:38:09 <jose_lausuch> juhak: what test cases ? 08:38:37 <juhak> two cases on 'requests' set 08:38:40 <jose_lausuch> can you write the needed changes in the jira issue as comments? 08:38:41 <jose_lausuch> ok 08:39:01 <juhak> ok, I'll update jira 08:39:25 <JuhaHaapa> for me working behind the proxy is a killer. Colum and me are working our way through that jungle, and hopefully making some more notes in the config guide 08:39:32 <viktor_nokia> we need to disable internet (globally) for a couple of hours to test the feature :) 08:40:15 <morgan_orange> ok so JIRA seems under control 08:40:17 <jose_lausuch> JuhaHaapa: ok.. I don't undestand how companies are trying to become open source without giving the employees the proper tools.... :) 08:40:22 <morgan_orange> probably doc still a bit understimated 08:40:38 <morgan_orange> even if with CLI, almost no need is needed now :) 08:41:03 <morgan_orange> #topic Berlin Summit 08:41:09 <jose_lausuch> morgan_orange: for the user guide, we can skip the scripts call, just using the cli should be enough for the user 08:41:18 <morgan_orange> jose_lausuch: +1000 08:41:28 <jose_lausuch> the user doesnt need to understand what scripts do what, that's why we have CLI 08:41:29 <JuhaHaapa> jose_lausuch: Yes exactly :) 08:41:31 <morgan_orange> and we should also convince to stop doing rst for tests, noone reads that 08:41:37 <jose_lausuch> JuhaHaapa: so, less work :) 08:41:38 <morgan_orange> for test results 08:41:59 <jose_lausuch> yes, we have your automatic reporting tool which is 1000 times better 08:42:11 <morgan_orange> for Berlin, I shared a presentation, just wait for Sofia feedback (opfnvdocs next meeting is planned for the 8th of June) 08:42:34 <jose_lausuch> I still need to prepare the presentation 08:42:41 <morgan_orange> so until I merge you cannot contribute...even if there are some parts where mmost of you could contribute 08:43:06 <morgan_orange> #info pres Berlin under review, contributions welcome 08:43:16 <morgan_orange> #info we will probably needs several breakout sessions 08:43:23 <jose_lausuch> you got a +2 , you can merge :) 08:43:24 <morgan_orange> #info one on D river already.... 08:43:48 <morgan_orange> #info one for integration, several feature projects will be there, the design summit would be convenient to work on integration 08:44:23 <morgan_orange> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/EVNT/Berlin+Design+Summit+Planning 08:44:37 <morgan_orange> programm of the design summit should be available soon 08:44:55 <morgan_orange> several Functest contributors proposed things (security, test APi, vIMS, ...) 08:45:24 <jose_lausuch> that's good 08:45:36 <jose_lausuch> lot of contributions from functest 08:45:39 <morgan_orange> after Functest slot (on Monday) there is also a session "Conversations with the oPNFV Test community" 08:45:43 <jose_lausuch> I dont think all of them will make it 08:45:51 <jose_lausuch> but at least we'll have some representation :) 08:46:05 <morgan_orange> the idea is to introduce all the test projects and try to give our vizion as a test community 08:46:15 <morgan_orange> work in progress during the Thursday weekly meeting 08:46:25 <morgan_orange> if you have any commentsinputs feel free 08:46:48 <morgan_orange> #topic Test conditions definition in testcase.yaml 08:46:51 <JuhaHaapa> my travel plan seems to get approval at the end of August :) 08:46:54 <morgan_orange> #info already mentioned in the introduction 08:47:25 <morgan_orange> #topic Functest test coverage Map 08:47:41 <morgan_orange> one of the discussion with the other test projects is the notion of test coverage 08:47:54 <jose_lausuch> kubi replied 08:48:06 <morgan_orange> for D river we shall be able to initiate something (more automated) on this topic 08:48:22 <morgan_orange> the idea is to identify the uncovered or poorly covered areas (and there are some...) 08:48:22 <jose_lausuch> we can bring this to the community,in the mailing list and we can say something on thursday (test WG) 08:48:36 <morgan_orange> jose_lausuch: OK cool 08:48:56 <morgan_orange> I will plan a slot for this then 08:49:05 <jose_lausuch> ok 08:49:22 <morgan_orange> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/functest/Testing+Coverage 08:49:46 <morgan_orange> #info for testing coverage a long long time ago we suggested 3 representations Domain/Component/ETSI 08:50:19 <morgan_orange> #action all contribute to domain page 08:50:27 <morgan_orange> do not hesitate to suggest another model 08:50:53 <morgan_orange> #topic Functest / ETSI TST group 08:51:23 <morgan_orange> connected to previous topic and raised during the Plugfest: shall we try to formalize Functest and discuss this with ETSI 08:51:48 <morgan_orange> yardstick is implementing ETSI Testcase definition 08:51:58 <jose_lausuch> that's a high level administration task :) 08:52:12 <jose_lausuch> who else is in contact with ETSI besides you? 08:52:25 <morgan_orange> shall we propose Functest as a methodology/framework to validate a Telco Cloud... 08:52:27 <jose_lausuch> I think it's a good idea 08:52:36 <jose_lausuch> yes 08:52:40 <morgan_orange> not a bad idea but lots of admin work...as you said... 08:52:49 <jose_lausuch> When we get more mature, it could be an idea 08:52:58 <morgan_orange> I think we all have an ETSI correspondent... 08:53:06 <jose_lausuch> we need a sales man ! 08:53:07 <morgan_orange> If you could send some unformal probes 08:53:13 <morgan_orange> to get feedback 08:53:57 <morgan_orange> I think we need probably more maturity but if we consider the plugfest, the discussion on certification...we have already something (better than nothing isn't it...) 08:54:16 <jose_lausuch> for sure 08:54:20 <morgan_orange> #action all contact ETSI colleague to get feedback on the opportunity to formalize Functest for ETSI /TST 08:54:37 <jose_lausuch> however I dont think this is very urgent 08:54:45 <jose_lausuch> but if we have time to start discussions... 08:55:05 <morgan_orange> now and I am not sure there will be lots of volunteer to reverse engineered our work into standards... 08:55:30 <morgan_orange> anyway, let's ask the question 08:55:35 <morgan_orange> #topic AoB 08:56:17 <morgan_orange> #info thanks to SerenaFeng, the API is almost fully (and nicely) refactored => need to share it with the community in Berlin 08:56:37 <morgan_orange> #info target put it in testresults.opnfv.org before the end of the week 08:56:55 <lhinds> quick one from me, I will likely need some hand holding for when security_tests are merged and active in CI 08:57:24 <lhinds> mainly around how things work in jenkins, just until I get up to speed 08:57:31 <morgan_orange> lhinds: I will be there 08:57:40 <lhinds> thanks morgan_orange ! 08:57:41 <morgan_orange> as you can see in last Apex logs 08:57:43 <JuhaHaapa> jose_lausuch: should we pass our Config-Guide notes to you (once finished) or directly through gerrit? 08:57:57 <morgan_orange> we are already trying to trigger security_scan from jenkins 08:58:03 <jose_lausuch> lhinds: you got my +2 already 08:58:14 <lhinds> thx jose_lausuch I saw that 08:58:16 <morgan_orange> the thing is that today in exec we have just a comment line 08:58:23 <jose_lausuch> JuhaHaapa: I think gerrit is fine, you can always amend the changes :) 08:58:25 <morgan_orange> commented line 08:58:26 <lhinds> I am on irc all day, so hit me up if anything fails 08:58:34 <lhinds> I can even jump on a call if need be 08:58:40 <morgan_orange> we also try so do not hesitate to ping us 08:58:41 <jose_lausuch> lhinds: have you tried that code already? 08:58:45 <jose_lausuch> because there were some bugs 08:59:06 <lhinds> jose_lausuch: I have been running it from the jumpbox, same place as where the container runs from. 08:59:16 <jose_lausuch> some of them were detectable thorugh flake8, like oscap and the self.home 08:59:38 <lhinds> yep, well spotted, and thanks for refact'ing that for me 08:59:42 <jose_lausuch> lhinds: can you also update the line in the exec script? 08:59:45 <jose_lausuch> if needed? 08:59:48 <lhinds> that is a lesser used case, so I never saw it 08:59:49 <jose_lausuch> morgan_orange: is that what you mean? 08:59:54 <morgan_orange> yep 09:00:07 <lhinds> jose_lausuch: of course 09:00:30 <morgan_orange> I would suggest 09:00:45 <morgan_orange> 1) on Intel POD7, from the Functest Master docker file, run manually secrutiy_scan 09:00:47 <morgan_orange> when ok 09:00:50 <morgan_orange> 2) complete https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/functest/tree/ci/exec_test.sh 09:01:11 <morgan_orange> Line 137 09:01:24 <jose_lausuch> +1 09:01:28 <lhinds> morgan_orange: sounds good to me. 09:01:30 <morgan_orange> if you have problem to connect to Functest docker file, let us know 09:01:39 <morgan_orange> ok we are already a bit overtime 09:01:45 <morgan_orange> any other topic you would like to share? 09:01:48 <SerenaFeng> sorry 09:01:49 <SerenaFeng> we want to add our pod zte-pod1 in kibana dashboard, I send email to juraj last week, but for now no response yet 09:02:10 <SerenaFeng> Someone else can touch him for me? 09:02:23 <morgan_orange> #info question on Kibana dashboard update (no feedback from juraj) 09:02:43 <SerenaFeng> and I don't have Kibana dashboard access 09:02:55 <morgan_orange> SerenaFeng: I think we may have a problem we already faced...Juraj is probably very busy with vpp integration 09:03:08 <morgan_orange> he planned a session during the summit but may have not time to do it 09:03:15 <morgan_orange> the code has been put on releng 09:03:23 <SerenaFeng> where? 09:03:41 <SerenaFeng> maybe we can try to fix it by ourself 09:03:45 <morgan_orange> #link https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/releng/tree/utils/test/scripts 09:03:56 <morgan_orange> create_kibana_dashboards.py 09:04:00 <SerenaFeng> and where can I get access to Kibana dashboard? 09:04:22 <morgan_orange> you mean the one on testresults.opnfv.org? 09:04:37 <SerenaFeng> yes 09:04:54 <SerenaFeng> no sign up button 09:04:57 <morgan_orange> Maybe I can create an account for you on this machine 09:05:13 <morgan_orange> so you will have access to the test API and to Kibana backend 09:05:33 <SerenaFeng> ok, thank you 09:05:33 <morgan_orange> #action morgan_orange grant access to testresults.opnfv.org to SerenaFeng 09:05:43 <morgan_orange> ok 09:05:53 <morgan_orange> so let's finish now, have a good week 09:05:56 <morgan_orange> #endmeeting