16:00:56 <vikramdham_> #startmeeting OVN4NFV weekly 16:00:56 <collabot> Meeting started Fri Sep 1 16:00:56 2017 UTC. The chair is vikramdham_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:56 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:56 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'ovn4nfv_weekly' 16:01:13 <vikramdham_> #chair vikramdham_ trinaths1 16:01:13 <collabot> Current chairs: trinaths1 vikramdham_ 16:01:54 <vikramdham_> #topic Review documentation 16:02:53 <vikramdham_> @trinaths1 https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/40567 looks good to me 16:02:53 <collabot> vikramdham_: Error: "trinaths1" is not a valid command. 16:03:05 <vikramdham_> trinaths1 https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/40567 looks good to me 16:03:07 <trinaths1> vikramdham_: https://git.opnfv.org/ovn4nfv/tree/docs 16:03:10 <trinaths1> ok 16:03:19 <vikramdham_> thanks for taking care of this 16:03:32 <trinaths1> Since its initial documentation, we may need to improve this furthere 16:03:47 <vikramdham_> yes we have time for final doc 16:03:50 <trinaths1> https://git.opnfv.org/ovn4nfv/tree/docs/development/openstack-networking-ovn.rst 16:04:03 <trinaths1> I have taken AS IS from networking-ovn 16:04:22 <trinaths1> https://git.opnfv.org/ovn4nfv/tree/docs/development/ovn-for-nfv.rst 16:04:28 <trinaths1> This file needs some improvement 16:04:49 <trinaths1> also, I have described the scenarios which we are testing in the documents 16:05:13 <trinaths1> https://git.opnfv.org/ovn4nfv/tree/docs/testing/testing-notes.rst 16:05:28 <trinaths1> this doc is from my experiences while testing ovn with devstack 16:05:38 <vikramdham_> ok that is fine 16:05:46 <trinaths1> https://git.opnfv.org/ovn4nfv/tree/docs/release/configuration-guide.rst 16:06:02 <vikramdham_> for more info specific installers will provide more info 16:06:05 <trinaths1> also we need to fill this https://git.opnfv.org/ovn4nfv/tree/docs/release/release-notes.rst 16:06:11 <trinaths1> vikramdham_: okay. 16:06:43 <vikramdham_> for installer support, I can ask Apex and Joid to fill their relevant info 16:07:06 <trinaths1> vikramdham_: ok. then we have testing.rst updated. 16:07:25 <trinaths1> #topic Test case coverage for E release. 16:08:04 <trinaths1> as said in the email, for E release, we are going for neutron based tests, I guess there are no specific additional tests required. 16:08:06 <vikramdham_> ok in this release we are mostly relying on neutron specific tests 16:08:30 <trinaths1> any one attending, http://www.opendevconf.com/ 16:08:32 <vikramdham_> no but we need to connect with Jose/Morgan to ensure neutron tests are being called 16:09:07 <trinaths1> #action Contact jose/morgan to identify whethere neutron tests are being called for testing OVN. 16:09:33 <trinaths1> I have opendevconf is relevant for ovn. 16:09:39 <vikramdham_> i am tentatively scheduled to be there 16:09:52 <trinaths1> any guys from huawei attending that summit. 16:10:35 <vikramdham_> yes couple of my colleagues 16:10:48 <trinaths1> vikramdham_: you may want to take a look at this, for info. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13K4Xpdu1IbRJDj5JTepDI4nwUkCDCu7IOnYwHkZtcMA/edit 16:11:27 <vikramdham_> i remember reading this few months back 16:11:58 <trinaths1> vikramdham_: and this, http://events.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/slides/HS-OSSjapan-final.pdf 16:12:01 <trinaths1> okay. 16:12:23 <trinaths1> vikramdham_: I have got them while going through some tech stuff in internet. 16:12:39 <vikramdham_> yes this looks good 16:13:09 <trinaths1> vikramdham_: May be we too need a PTG for this project before start of F release. 16:13:33 <trinaths1> comments? 16:14:02 <vikramdham_> yes - likely at a plugfest? 16:14:19 <rprakash> #info rprakash 16:14:30 <rprakash> #link GTM? 16:14:43 <vikramdham_> irc only 16:14:43 <trinaths1> vikramdham_: nice idea. but can be a vPTG 16:14:52 <trinaths1> Welcome rprakash 16:15:04 <vikramdham_> vPTG + 1 16:15:22 <trinaths1> I feel ot all guys at personally attend plugfest. 16:15:37 <trinaths1> you are attending OSS sydney ? 16:16:51 <vikramdham_> no cofirmation yet 16:17:00 <trinaths1> ok. 16:17:06 <trinaths1> #topic What's new in your project for Euphrates? 16:17:14 <trinaths1> #link https://lists.linux-foundation.org/pipermail/opnfv-tech-discuss/2017-August/017698.html 16:17:33 <trinaths1> I think we may need to reply-all or just reply this email. 16:17:59 <rprakash> At this time we are in early stage toconfirm anything 16:18:00 <vikramdham_> yes 16:18:22 <trinaths1> okay. 16:18:42 <trinaths1> thats all from my end. 16:19:16 <rprakash> yes I spoke to Amar yesterday at Meetup and breifed on work on OVN4NFV and asked him to include Trinath to disucssions if he needs mor tech details 16:19:19 <vikramdham_> 1. This is first release,, OPNFV installers will provide OVN as an option for networking 16:20:05 <trinaths1> agree. 16:20:28 <rprakash> Go ahed sounds good and Ray Pike called it revival of ovn as he sees rather than saying first rlease 16:20:37 <trinaths1> rprakash: is your testcase issue resolved. 16:21:20 <trinaths1> I have registered for this ETSI NFV event, https://nfvwiki.etsi.org/index.php?title=ETSI_NFV_Tutorial 16:21:47 <vikramdham_> 2. OVN provides abstractions on top of OVS to ease development and provide features such as DVR, container support out of the box 16:22:22 <trinaths1> ok 16:23:17 <vikramdham_> 3. We can provide to exsiting slides, not sure we have time to create new deck at this time. 16:23:34 <rprakash> Can you explain what we mean by DVR and container support ot-of-box? 16:23:47 <vikramdham_> distributed virtual router 16:24:06 <rprakash> is that out of BOX or we need to configure? 16:24:42 <rprakash> So may be remove and for senetence and split in to two parts 16:24:42 <vikramdham_> container support - ovn allows to have containers and vms network with each other without the need of nested overlays 16:24:48 <trinaths1> vikramdham_: give the info, I can prepare the slides. I can do the slide deck and you can review 16:25:20 <vikramdham_> great, thanks trinaths1 16:25:32 <vikramdham_> i have provided 3 points above 16:25:39 <trinaths1> yes. 16:25:48 <rprakash> so make it 4 points (split DVR in one line and container nextwork out of box in another line) 16:26:23 <rprakash> Slides for Trinath and rveiwed by ovn team as 4th. 16:26:26 <vikramdham_> plus will add ovn being so lightweight is gathering attention and interest due to edge computing requirments 16:26:49 <rprakash> Sure let that be 4th and slide as 5th 16:27:18 <rprakash> SO more than 5 will be too much. 16:27:19 <vikramdham_> can you see my messages 16:28:00 <trinaths1> yes 16:28:05 <trinaths1> so there are titles 16:28:07 <vikramdham_> trinaths1 - i promised Amar response by eod today 16:28:07 <trinaths1> how we grOo 16:28:14 <trinaths1> m the content 16:28:22 <trinaths1> how we groom the content? 16:29:37 <vikramdham_> by when do you think you can have draft of slides 16:30:27 <trinaths1> 1. OVN4NFV Release - 1. OPNFV Installers to provide OVN as an option of Networking 16:30:49 <trinaths1> 2. OVN Provides abstractions on top of OVS to ease development 16:31:22 <trinaths1> 3. Distributed Virtual Routing with OVN. 16:31:59 <trinaths1> 4. OVN - a lightweight soultion for Edge Computing requirements 16:32:21 <trinaths1> 5. OVN - Container networking support out-of-box. 16:32:27 <rprakash> +1 16:32:29 <trinaths1> these are 5 slides. 16:32:40 <trinaths1> now how we groom the content. 16:32:41 <trinaths1> ? 16:33:03 <vikramdham_> for 5 we can say container as well CMS (container management software) support 16:33:20 <trinaths1> COE ? 16:33:43 <vikramdham_> alongwith dvr, we can mention support for advanced security features suck as ACLs 16:34:17 <trinaths1> ok 16:34:33 <rprakash> Too many things will loose attnetion just keep it simple for now, as anyway the MKtg, folks will change it as they project 16:35:09 <rprakash> Too much over sell will hurt us, please avoid that as we need more stuff for F 16:35:17 <vikramdham_> ok 16:35:58 <rprakash> just go with simple 5 Vikram , you need more for F 16:36:11 <trinaths1> wherewe need to present these slides 16:36:31 <vikramdham_> ok rprakash 16:36:38 <trinaths1> then move Continer out 16:36:46 <trinaths1> ? 16:36:49 <vikramdham_> leave cms 16:36:51 <vikramdham_> ? 16:37:01 <rprakash> Vikram & Trinath note that still Apex folks would like to see Apex added o 1, so be prepared for that 16:37:02 <vikramdham_> i mean keep cms 16:38:06 <vikramdham_> rprakash what is o 1 16:38:08 <rprakash> on 4 you can say OVN lightweight solution for Conatiner Management System and for Edge Cloud a stretch for now in E 16:38:10 <trinaths1> ok 16:38:20 <rprakash> I mean line item 1 16:38:43 <trinaths1> we have a job in apex right 16:38:50 <trinaths1> what may be the issue 16:39:12 <trinaths1> we have joid supprt too 16:39:23 <rprakash> No problems we give and let them taylor, that's marketings job 16:39:24 <trinaths1> we miss compass4nfv support 16:39:47 <trinaths1> curious to know: what is the use of this slide deck. is there any presentation for this ? 16:39:49 <rprakash> isntallers covers broadly evrything 16:40:36 <vikramdham_> we can provide this as info in email 16:40:37 <rprakash> Slide 1 slide withese 4 for E and what's coming in F roamap a second slide should suffice 16:40:53 <vikramdham_> i dont see need to create another deck now 16:41:03 <vikramdham_> even time is less 16:41:29 <vikramdham_> what are your thoughts 16:41:42 <rprakash> OK then just use the 4 or 5 listed item and send it to Amar and let them do slides we focus on tech stuff 16:41:56 <vikramdham_> i think so 16:42:02 <vikramdham_> lets not get too distracted 16:42:10 <trinaths1> ok 16:42:36 <vikramdham_> i will draft email and reply to him from above points 16:43:01 <trinaths1> #action: wikram to draft "whats new in E release" 16:43:21 <rprakash> #vikram 16:43:44 <rprakash> # i will leave now but catch up by email later 16:43:50 <vikramdham_> rprakash did you get ny feedback from test working group regarding calls to neutron tests for ovn 16:45:00 <vikramdham_> trinaths1 looks like rprakash has left 16:45:14 <trinaths1> yes. 16:45:21 <vikramdham_> do we have to catch on any other item or else we can connect next week 16:45:33 <trinaths1> ok 16:45:41 <trinaths1> #endmeeting