15:30:15 <trinaths> #startmeeting ovn4nfv Weekly meeting 15:30:15 <collabot`> Meeting started Tue Nov 27 15:30:15 2018 UTC. The chair is trinaths. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:30:15 <collabot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:30:15 <collabot`> The meeting name has been set to 'ovn4nfv_weekly_meeting' 15:30:25 <trinaths> #chair trinaths 15:30:25 <collabot`> Current chairs: trinaths 15:30:32 <trinaths> #link Agenda https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/OV/Meeting+Agenda 15:30:35 <trinaths> hi electrocucaracha 15:31:00 <trinaths> #note Amir will be attending todays meeting. Attending exams. 15:31:11 <electrocucaracha> hey trinaths 15:31:51 <electrocucaracha> ok, so many it's going to be a quick meeting? 15:32:23 <trinaths> electrocucaracha: hey. its a very quick meeting. Amir is attending his exams. So will not be available for today meeting. 15:32:49 <trinaths> electrocucaracha: he mailed the ovn-k8s ansible playbook issue. please help him resolve the issue. 15:33:05 <trinaths> electrocucaracha: #link https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/64833/ 15:33:06 <electrocucaracha> sure, I'm going to take a look 15:33:53 <electrocucaracha> and also, next week I'm going to do a presentation in the ONAP multicloud meeting about Virtlet 15:34:05 <electrocucaracha> it's going to be at 1 PM PST :S 15:34:16 <trinaths> ok 15:34:20 <trinaths> Tuesday ? 15:34:54 <trinaths> electrocucaracha: can we attend that meeting in ONAP ? 15:35:00 <electrocucaracha> yes, I'm going to send the invite in this week 15:35:10 <electrocucaracha> sure, it's a community meeting 15:36:00 <trinaths> electrocucaracha: sounds good. 15:36:19 <trinaths> electrocucaracha: the patch got a +1 from jenkins, 15:36:35 <electrocucaracha> yes, I fixed the hashes of the go.sum 15:37:00 <trinaths> electrocucaracha: but there are no tests. since its init repo ? 15:37:14 <electrocucaracha> so can you take a look for your vote 15:37:26 <trinaths> #link https://build.opnfv.org/ci/job/ovn4nfv-k8s-plugin-verify-master/4/console 15:37:26 <electrocucaracha> it has 15:37:55 <electrocucaracha> check the line === RUN TestAddMultipleInterfaces 15:38:26 <electrocucaracha> it doesn't have too much UTs 15:38:28 <trinaths> then this line, ? ovn4nfv-k8s-plugin/cmd/ovn4nfvk8s [no test files] 15:38:44 <electrocucaracha> but I think that Ritu it's going to include them later 15:38:57 <trinaths> PASS ok ovn4nfv-k8s-plugin/cmd/ovn4nfvk8s-cni 0.026s ? ovn4nfv-k8s-plugin/cmd/ovn4nfvk8s-cni/app [no test files] ? ovn4nfv-k8s-plugin/internal/pkg/config [no test files] 15:39:10 <trinaths> only one test case 15:39:18 <electrocucaracha> basically this is the only UT that it has https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/64833/5/internal/pkg/factory/factory_test.go 15:39:19 <trinaths> and no tests for app and config ? 15:40:02 <trinaths> ok. 15:40:37 <trinaths> +2 15:40:43 <electrocucaracha> thanks 15:40:52 <trinaths> do you think any changes are required for this patch ? 15:40:59 <trinaths> can we merge this ? 15:41:27 <electrocucaracha> I'd like to have time to add more UTs but I need to complete other things 15:41:52 <trinaths> ok. 15:42:11 <trinaths> +A 15:42:20 <trinaths> the init repo is merged. 15:42:29 <trinaths> thanks for the initial commit. 15:42:40 <electrocucaracha> np 15:43:04 <trinaths> so what's next ? 15:43:08 <electrocucaracha> btw, the github mirror repo doesn't have the same name 15:43:40 <electrocucaracha> https://github.com/opnfv/ovn4nfv-k8s-plugins 15:44:03 <trinaths> "same name" ? 15:44:20 <electrocucaracha> it has a "s" a the end 15:44:41 <electrocucaracha> https://git.opnfv.org/ovn4nfv-k8s-plugin/ 15:44:51 <trinaths> we need to update trevor or Aric on this 15:45:25 <electrocucaracha> I'm not sure if that's the reason to don't replicate changes 15:46:07 <trinaths> might be 15:46:41 <trinaths> due the name changes, I think the repo name in git.opnfv.org is not replicated as is in github/opnfv 15:46:59 <trinaths> they are manually created and then, are synced in intervals. 15:48:10 <trinaths> can you raise a LF HelpDesk ticket on this ? 15:48:21 <electrocucaracha> sure, I can do 15:48:46 <electrocucaracha> It's not critical but it needs to be fixed 15:49:21 <trinaths> electrocucaracha: yes. Agree. 15:50:10 <electrocucaracha> regarding what's next, I have plans to integrate the code with the onap Multicloud/k8s project 15:50:32 <electrocucaracha> https://git.onap.org/multicloud/k8s/tree/vagrant/playbooks 15:50:32 <trinaths> ok. 15:50:52 <electrocucaracha> I usually do the functional tests there 15:51:08 <trinaths> electrocucaracha: what are the usecases for this plugin. 15:51:37 <trinaths> electrocucaracha: for OPNFV, to go for an acceptance release, it must be tested with a installer (Apex/Compass/Fuel). 15:52:00 <trinaths> can we deploy a scenario with this plugin in any of these installers ? 15:52:09 <electrocucaracha> there is a ONAP use case which creates a hybrid VNF (VM and containers) 15:52:55 <trinaths> electrocucaracha: can we have that scenario with any of OPNFV installers for this Hunter release ? 15:53:21 <electrocucaracha> are any of those installers installing K8s? 15:53:38 <electrocucaracha> my understanding is that they only install Openstack 15:54:59 <trinaths> Compass does 15:55:00 <trinaths> https://github.com/opnfv/compass4nfv/blob/master/docs/release/installation/k8s-deploy.rst 15:55:05 <trinaths> Apex too 15:55:53 <electrocucaracha> nice 15:56:09 <electrocucaracha> so maybe we can add something 15:56:58 <trinaths> electrocucaracha: yes. Since this is a requirement for OPNFV for projects participating in the release. 15:57:35 <trinaths> electrocucaracha: next week can we have some discussion on Compass integration. 15:58:07 <electrocucaracha> +1 15:58:22 <trinaths> :) 15:58:28 <trinaths> ok. 15:58:50 <trinaths> do you have something to discuss ? else, we can conclude this meeting. 15:59:28 <electrocucaracha> nope, that's pretty much 16:00:03 <trinaths> electrocucaracha: ok. thank you. let meet next week. Please help Amir to resolve the issue. 16:00:06 <trinaths> bye. 16:00:17 <trinaths> #endmeeting