15:58:28 <moizer> #startmeeting clustering_hackers
15:58:28 <odl_meetbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 24 15:58:28 2015 UTC.  The chair is moizer. Information about MeetBot at http://ci.openstack.org/meetbot.html.
15:58:28 <odl_meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:58:28 <odl_meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'clustering_hackers'
16:00:49 <moizer> join here https://cisco.webex.com/cisco/e.php?MTID=mde353b902dff47fa53db1b989597942b
16:46:43 <moizer> #info Make CDS the default datastore
16:47:02 <moizer> #topic Make CDS the default datastore
16:47:34 <moizer> #info Need to get an answer on the following
16:48:00 <moizer> #info 1. How can we make a single node secure (bug 2736)
16:48:51 <moizer> #info 2. Why are some csit tests faiing (bug 2737)
16:49:18 <moizer> #info 3. Performance has to be on-par with IMDS. Jan and Mark to test performance again.
16:49:56 <moizer> #info Some other concerns
16:50:39 <moizer> #info rovarga - are we ready for the huge influx of issues when we made CDS default as happened with IMDS in Hydrogen/Helium?
16:51:04 <moizer> #info moizer - can IMDS be used in production?
16:51:58 <moizer> #info rovarga - IMDS should be used for operational, CDS for config. This kind of hybrid deployment will be possible with the new DOM API.
16:52:51 <moizer> #info jmedved - since the new DOM API will be ready for use only post Lithium our only choice for now is CDS.
16:53:45 <moizer> #info tpantelis - once CDS is enabled in production we need to have a way to backup the data.
16:54:46 <moizer> #info - We need to think through the design - created bug 2752 for tracking
16:55:45 <moizer> #info ttkacik says we are at feature freeze so this cannot go into Lithium
16:56:11 <moizer> #topic bug review
16:57:28 <moizer> #info most major items taken care of - the most important bugs now for Lithium are now the ones gating enabling CDS for single node deployment by default
16:58:09 <moizer> #info moved one bug about network segmentation to Beryllium
16:58:40 <moizer> #endmeeting